Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 617 The Golden Clock Shows The Past (1)

Jun narrowed his eyes. Even in the face of being Zhan Yahui's target, he remained calm and unfazed. But not the others.

"Lower that gun, Zhan Yahui," Ai was badly shaken to see Jun in her line of fire, but she tried to maintain her poise.

Xuan Hui was rattled as well, but he couldn't move an inch with Zhan Yahui aiming that gun on Jun. "Drop the gun, Zhan Yahui! I won't spare your life if anything happens to the young master!"

Needless to say, the ones absolutely triggered in the worst way possible were Nian and Jin. His fury topped off all the charts and his threatening demeanor leaked out. "Just like your shitty father. Aren't you such an obedient daughter following in his footsteps? First, it was Ouyang Haitao who pointed a gun at my brother and now it's you. I will kill you if you dare twitch that finger of yours."

"Don't be an idiot, Zhan Yahui!" Xing Bi had lost her patience with her as well.

I so want to slap her hard!

"Give up, Zhan Yahui!" Jin trembled with fear and rage. "Nothing will come out of this madness. You won't be alive if you dare hurt my brother!"

Jun-cute and Ai-chan felt him shivering and saw his face turning pale and whiter. The gun pointed at Jun terrified Jin and tears began to pool in his eyes.

Zhan Yahui laughed with a dead look in her eyes. "I won't be alive either way. Does it make any difference? My actions are unforgivable to you. I will be dead by your hands anyway so why not I die after I quench my thirst of hatred?"

"Yahui…" Hou Lin didn't know why but he felt a nauseating sense of foreboding. "Please put that gun down. We will ask for their forgiveness. Y-you will only kill yourself if you do this."

"I don't care," she squeezed the gun tighter in her hands.

"You have to," he stared at her. "You are needlessly giving away your life which you can protect if you just surrender. Why can't you give up, Yahui?"

Her lips quivered. "Because there is nothing else left in my life."

Hou Lin could feel his breath stop.

'Guiying', who felt Guiying tremble and desperately wishing to do something to stop her, exclaimed amidst this breathlessness that gripped Hou Lin.

"Nothing else? Don't you have Hou Lin in your life? You might not care about anybody else but you at least care about your friend, right? Isn't he precious to you? Stop this madness for at least his sake, you fucking idiot!"

That momentarily broke her chain of violent thoughts.

"He stood with you through thick and thin and listened to everything you had to say all this time. Can't you listen to him just once this time!? Does your friendship go far only that much?"

Zhan Yahui said without any remorse. "That friendship ends now."

Hou Lin froze.

"It was nice knowing him until I wanted my revenge. But now that I have failed, there is no point in keeping this friendship anymore."

'Guiying's' expression twisted. "Oh please. Don't talk shit like you used him like you used the idiot inside me because you didn't."

She chuckled. "Doesn't matter if I used him or not. This is the end for everything. My revenge, my life and my friendship. So if everything is going to end tonight, I will end it on my terms. Somebody has to die and that somebody will be…"

Frightened, Ai instinctively pushed herself in front of Jun, but he was a step faster and pulled her away. "Ai! Don't be an idiot! You do this stupidity one more time and I won't forgive you!" Jun snarled.

She resisted his grasp and glared at him with misty eyes. "You don't tell me what to do!"

His face blackened. "If it's about you taking a bullet for me then hell yes!"

She gritted her teeth, whispering to him. "I won't let you die a second time."

"I think you are conveniently forgetting your own past life's demise."

"Ah how touching," Zhan Yahui laughed maniacally. "Your love and loyalty have indeed shook my heart. It was fun seeing you two alarmed. But…"

To everyone's shock, Zhan Yahui moved her arm and changed her aim. The gun now pointed at Nian. "It's a pity your twin isn't here, but I can at least kill one of you two who ordered the murder of my father."

Xing Bi felt like the earth just shattered beneath her feet and tears slid down seeing the gun aimed at Nian's chest. "N-Nian…"

'Guiying' gasped, feeling absolutely stunned. "You cannot be serious! Do you still think that man treated your mother and you as his family that you are fighting for his sake? There is a limit to being delusional!"

Zixin looked at the Liu family guards and signaled them with his eyes to use any opening they could to subdue Zhan Yahui. But the situation currently wasn't in their favor. She had already maintained some sufficient distance from them. If she as such saw even a tiny movement from their side, she wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

Xing Bi gnashed her jaw. "Enough is enough Zhan Yahui!"

I won't let anything happen to Nian…I won't let anything hurt Nian, she chanted endlessly in her mind.

Nian, who was enraged until a few minutes ago, strangely turned calm. "It's cool as long as you don't point that gun at my brother. Go ahead if you want to shoot me."


"Liu Nian!" Xing Bi exclaimed. "Stop saying idiotic things or I will be the one to kill you instead!"

Zhan Yahui smiled as she started to press the trigger. "You won't, Xing Bi. He will die by my hands."


Jun felt suffocated.

Not Bro…

He remembered the painful memories of Jin and Nana dying in his past life. In this life, he didn't want to lose anybody precious to him. He didn't want anybody's life to end in a tragedy like the past.

Bro cannot die…This cannot happen…

At the same time, Jin felt as if everything was going in slow motion. He didn't want to suffer despair anymore. He didn't want this second life to be filled with mourning for his brother's death.

Bro cannot die. Bro cannot die…

Zhan Yahui smiled. "Farewell, Liu Nian. My father will at least be in some peace now."

Jin inhaled a deep breath and shouted, "Bro, you cannot die!!!"


The two cats meowed at once. All of a sudden, Zhan Yahui froze at her place and with it came a massive headache and a golden light as bright as the sun, blinding her eyes with its sharp radiance.

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