Ai looked at the hopping and floating before her, stunned and mesmerized. She raised her hand tapped on a small bubble which reflected rainbow lights across her face diagonally. The bubbled softly popped.

Soon, the entire room was filled with big and small bubbles floating all around her. The golden light that beamed upon them made them glimmer beautifully.

Jun stood behind her and snaked his arms along her waist. "How is it?" His soothing and husky voice teased her ear.

"It's beautiful…" Her breath stopped in her throat for several long moments. She couldn't tear her gaze off the adorable bubbles kissing her forehead and cheeks.

Jun chuckled and the sweet sound of his laughter made her tickle. "Now, you don't have to feel afraid of monsters under the bed."

Ai glanced at their bed and saw once again how the bubbles were entering the room from under the bed. With the warm glow of the light, her heart thudding in anxiety until a few moments ago felt at peace.

"Whenever you looked at the bed, you always got frightened that monsters would come grab you from under the bed, right? So I thought of eradicating the fear from your heart once and for all. I want you to think of bubbles next time, not monsters. There cannot be ugly monsters grabbing my girlfriend, only cute bubbles."

Ai was spellbound and at the same time at a loss for words. She had never imagined that Jun had planned something like this in his mind for her fear of monsters.

Jun pressed his lips on her cheek. "Isn't my girlfriend so cute? So she can only be surrounded by cute things."

Ai hugged him hard to his chest and whispered. "I am already surrounded by the cutest man in the whole world. Bubbles are only second to you."

His mouth twitched. "How many times should I tell you not to call me cute?

"I thought you had accepted your fate by now."

​ He threw her a nasty stare.

Ai laughed and kissed him back on his lips which managed to appease him a bit.

"Jun, this is the most beautiful surprise you have given me. And the most thoughtful too," her heart thanked all the stars in the world that led her to meet Jun in this life.

Ai happily jumped on the bed and danced with the bubbles. When she looked below, instead of the creepy and gloomy darkness that she always struggled to deal with, the bubbles made their way towards her.

She pulled Jun on the bed to jump with her too. Jun coughed and felt silly but seeing the bright smile on her lips made him join her too.

"My boyfriend is the best!" Her gaze was warm and loving.

Jun pinched her chin and shared a gentle but passionate kiss with her. "It's because my girlfriend is the best."

The next day at Sky was just as usual as Xing Bi continued with her work. From the corner of her eye, she saw Sun Bai coming in and she straightened up in her seat. "Good morning, Miss. Sun."

"Good morning, Xing Bi," she smiled and nodded. "How is work going?"

"It's good. How are you feeling now?"

"Me?" Sun Bai blinked.

"Yeah. You were on sick leave yesterday, right?"

That brought a change in her expression for just a moment. "Oh yes, yes. I am fine. It was just some fever and cold. I rested at home the whole day, so I feel better now."

Xing Bi stared at her.

The whole day? But she was outside with that man, right?

Why is…Miss. Sun lying?

First, she lied about her sickness and now that she had stayed at home for the entire day.

"That's great. But still. Please don't work too hard today."

"Of course."

Sun Bai left towards her office, bringing only more confusion in Xing Bi's mind.

"Ugh. I am tired of thinking now!"

"Then have some coffee and don't think about anything," Hou Lin said as he was passing by Xing Bi's desk.

She stiffened and coughed. "Hehe. Please i-ignore that. I tend to rant to myself at times."

"We all do," Hou Lin expressionlessly nodded. He then passed a file to her. "There are some new authors who have joined Sky, and I have distributed some of them under you. These are webnovel authors and I know you don't have experience with webnovels, but this will be a good opportunity to hone your editing skills for a different platform."

Xing Bi beamed. "Oh, that's great. It's certainly new to me, but I am up for it! I love stories, whether books or webnovels haha!"

"Yes. I will share the final list to Miss. Sun too."


Hou Lin noticed her odd expression. "You are thinking again?"


"N-nothing. I am just glad that Miss. Sun is back and all healthy again."


Xing Bi then thought of a question and asked, "By the way, how long have you known Miss. Sun for?"

"Pretty much from the beginning. We almost joined at the same time and climbed our way until here in our respective fields. She is very diligent and hardworking. Why do you ask?"

"Oh? No, no. It's nothing," she laughed it off. "Just curious."

"I see. I will leave now," Hou Lin nodded.


He is also very diligent and hardworking. Doesn't waste a single second outside his scope of work…

She drew a long sigh and collapsed her head on her desk.

I should really stop thinking about this so much or my hair will turn gray at this point. Let's just leave this topic for now.

Zhu villa.

Chyou whistled and was in a good mood as she climbed down the stairs. Her father, Xiaosi, noticed the joyful smile on her face and asked, "Somebody is very happy today."

She grinned. "Yes, I am. Yating will be getting a gift for me which he had lost in the fire that day. You know how much I love gifts hehe~"

Xiaosi blinked. He leaned in and curiously asked, "Gu Yating?"


"You are interested in him?"

"Yeah. Wait, what?"

"You know, as your potential date. Remember Gu Rong's proposal I told you about?"

She widened her eyes. "Oh no no no no no. It's not like that, Dad," she laughed and quickly dismissed it.

He narrowed his eyes. "...Really now?"

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