Chapter 138 It's Valentines Week!

This time, Jun made the morning breakfast since Ai prepared dinner last night. He already took his shower in her small bathroom and immediately headed to the kitchen. He thought he would have to wear the same clothes as last night but surprisingly, Ai had provided him with a fresh set of shirts and pants.

His countenance turned sour and ugly. He coldly asked, "How do you have men's clothes with you?"

His mind formed a number of scenarios, all leading up to Yating somehow, which only boiled his blood in anger.

How dare that fucker-

Ai answered with a straight face. "These are my father's clothes."


The furious balloon that was puffing up until now deflated instantly.


"Sometimes, Dad comes to visit me and stays here for a few days. So, I always have his set of clothes ready. I have some extra stuff for Mom too."

The menace from his eyes disappeared as well.

"I see," his mood turned better. "That's good."

Ai furrowed her brows. "What were you thinking?"

"Nothing," he refused to answer her question. few minutes later, she stepped out all showered and dressed up and joined in to help Jun.

"Just sit. I am already done."

Ai pointed out. "You didn't have to do it. I would have made the breakfast-"

"Where is the tape here?"


"Yes, so that I can stick your lips shut. You talk too much," he sneered.


As they ate their meal, Jun glanced up and narrowed his eyes. "You are coming to the library today, right?" It was more of getting confirmation rather than asking.

She paused. She hadn't visited the library since she left Jun's house, unsure of how to face him.

Even now, she couldn't gauge the distance she could keep from him. She felt she was closer to him but on the other hand, there was also a restriction that didn't allow to go any further than this.

Especially after last night…

Ai decided and faced him. "For the Summit, I have to prepare for my story-"

"Prepare all you want in the library," He growled in a gruff voice. With Ai's absence for all these days, he was on the verge of going berserk. Who knew what would happen if she continued to avoid him?

Not seeing Ai on her regular seat made him fidgety and annoyed.

Ai lowered her gaze and looked away. "I think it's better I stay at home and focus on my writing."

"You can focus in the library too."


Jun cut her off before she could speak further. "If you stop coming to the library, then forget about me leaving your apartment," he sneered.


"This is childish," Ai remarked.

"Heh. What will you do? Childish? So be it. Aren't you being childish too by not coming to the library?"

She maintained her poise. "I wasn't childish. I just…"

She wondered how to explain herself.

Jun scowled. "I don't care. We are heading straight to the library after breakfast."

She probed. "You don't want to head to your house first?"

He narrowed his eyes and gave a scornful smile. "So that you run away while you have the chance? No, thanks. Library is our next destination, or I am staying right here."

He wanted Ai to be within his sight as much as possible. He still couldn't shake off the frustration of seeing Yating walk out of her house last night.

I will see how that bastard hovers around Ai!

Jun hadn't admitted his emotions for Ai, yet he didn't want to bear another man even thinking of claiming Ai as his.

He gritted his teeth.

It's not because I think of her…of her anything more! She is an idiot! She doesn't realize how fucked up the world is!

He clenched his fist.

"We are going to the library, that's it!"

In the end, as they walked out of the apartment, Ai met one of her neighbors along the way. The neighbor rapidly blinked her eyes seeing Jun and Ai together. She clearly saw Jun stepping out of her house.

"Ai…Good morning."

She suspiciously studied them, especially Jun from head to toe. She then suddenly felt a shiver, feeling Jun's sharp gaze at her.

She gulped and met his eyes which seemed to say, 'Yeah, I came out of her apartment. So, what? That's none of your judgmental business.'

Even without moving his lips, she clearly got his message.

Ai politely greeted her. "Good morning, Mrs. Hao."

"G-Good morning, Ai," she wiped her forehead. "It's such a lovely day. H-hope you enjoy it with your boyfriend."

Ai froze.


Terrified of Jun glowering at her, Mrs. Hao quickly rushed away. "I-I will be on my way."

Ai parted her lips, wanting to clarify. "Um, Mrs. Hao-"

Jun grabbed her wrist. "We are getting late. I don't like to be late. Don't bother with nosy neighbors."

"...She was misunderstanding something."

"Let her misunderstand," his deep gaze was fixed at her.

Her breath stopped in her throat.

He pressed his palm against hers and pulled her away.

Reaching the library, Mrs. Quan Su beamed upon seeing Ai. "Ai, you are back! Aiya, I missed you so much," she sobbed. "Especially when Jun was getting angrier day by day!"

He glared at her. "When was I angry?"

"Don't lie! Ever since Ai stopped coming to the library, you frequently used to gaze at the spot where she would sit to read books. You treated the patrons extra coldly all these days. I got numerous complaints regarding the assistant librarian!"

Ai's heart raced in her chest.

Frequently used to gaze at my seat…

Jun's expression was frighteningly cold. "I never did that!"

"You think an old woman like me would lie?" She sniffled.

He clenched his jaw. "Go get your eyes checked! I was behaving as usual. And what the fuck is wrong with this library? Why is it decorated with red balloons?"

She gasped. "Because it's Valentine's week! How can you forget? Today is chocolate day!" She forgot all her anguish from a moment before and chirped like an excited child. "So, Ai. Have you made any chocolate for Jun?"

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