[NEW! 1 Unread Message!]

[Sender: President Dunk]

[Army Commander Legolas, this is President Dunk. Your efforts during the first raid of the Beast Coalition and the subsequent attacks, especially on Planet Kronic Beam Ring has been recognized.]

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm [You have won my favor and the favor of the Nak State.]

[You will receive an honorary award at the Presidential Villa in 5 days.]

[Best regards.]

"…" Silence only reigned for about a minute after he read this message.

Legolas simply looked at it as a lot of thoughts went through his mind.

This was not a message from the Nak Navy, not from a Nak Admiral, rather, it was a message directly from the acting President of Nak State.

This sent a lot of hidden messages.

First, it was an acknowledgement of his incredible role in curbing the attacks of the Beast Coalition. It was also an acknowledgement that even if they couldn't verify how he did it, they now believed in his prophecies.

It was also an olive branch.

After 50 years of working under the jurisdiction of the Nak State, this State was finally ready to extend an olive branch to him and take him out of the approach range of the commoners.

They finally wanted to drag him in to become a close confidant.

Legolas took a deep breath; he looked across the recovering Planet Kronic Beam Ring. 'I did it!'

'It was all worth it!'

4 days later, Planet Nak, the Presidential Villa of Nak State…

Today, this Presidential Villa welcomed a guest.

As soon as the spaceship was docked, Legolas left his students and companions, going in alone into the military room where all the higher-ups of Nak State were already gathered and waiting for his arrival.

He entered the military room that seemed like a hall.

There was a gigantic round table in the middle and around this table were already seated different people, a familiar face was at the very front.

"Mr. President". Legolas greeted respectfully as he bowed.

Apart from the President, seated at this moment were 13 other people, these were all the Calamity Grades of Planet Nak after the death of Admiral Chin.

Legolas recognized some faces that Admiral Zhao already told him about, including the Chief Admiral, Admiral Greg.

Of these 13 Admirals, 5 of them were part of the Military Council responsible for all administrative and military activities in Nak State. Admiral Greg was above them all, he was like the supervisor who made sure that everything was in order.

As for the other Admirals, they simply have territories that they protected.

At this moment, all these Admirals had neutral expressions on their faces.

"Welcome to Planet Nak". President Dunk welcomed him with a smile while gesturing towards a seat that was closer to his own.

Before now, Admiral Zhao already gave him some pointers on how to behave himself, Legolas didn't act unnecessarily polite as he went closer to sit down.

"I believe you know why we summoned you here". President Dunk looked at Legolas who now sat close to him with a mildly serious look on his face.

"Yes". Legolas nodded.

Admiral Zhao already told him everything.

"Good". President Dunk nodded. "Tell us about your powers".

Legolas was cooperative. "As you may all already know, I am currently a Demi-god Summoner with 4 contracted beasts but I presume that is not what you want to hear".

He looked straight at the President and with a straight look on his face, he spoke. "Yes, I have prophetic powers".

"I unlocked and developed them years ago in my native planet".

"It works by sacrificing some of my life energy. Depending on how much life energy that I sacrifice, I am able to look into the future to see prophecies".

"I used it multiple times in my native planet to win wars".

"I won the war of the Clown Society with this". He used terms from his native planet only because he was sure that they already did their research.

"I stopped Champion Onana's invasion with this".

"I also won the war against the Bug Emperor despite the overwhelming odds with this, I think that should be a pretty enough take on it".

"Without my powers, Planet Darvis would have never prepared enough".

For a moment, silence reigned between both sides as President Dunk looked at this mercenary. All the Admirals seemed to be in deep thought, then one of them asked. "You sacrifice your life energy to activate your ability?"

"Yes". Legolas turned to look at her.

She had a face that made her seem like a beautiful young lady with red flowing hair, but Legolas was not deceived, he knew that she was an old monster.

She was one of the 5 members of the Council, Admiral Zoana and Admiral Zhao already warned him about her.

His endeavor this time was not going to be easy.

This Admiral furrowed her brows. "If you're right and you've used this your ability as many times as you claim, do you even have any life energy left in you?"

"More than enough to take care of the Beast Coalition". Legolas replied instantly in a sharp voice

"Big words". Her eyes narrowed. "Are you belittling the Nak State?"

"No ma'am, I'm just explaining my powers like requested".


The mood in this gathering changed.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Her eyes narrowed even further as Legolas felt a suffocating pressure gather on him, he was breathless but he did not panic, only looking back at her.

"Zoana, stand down". It was a deep voice; it was the Chief Admiral's voice and accompanying it was a gentle but dominant aura engulfing the surroundings.

With a snort, the red-haired lady retracted her energy.

Legolas looked at the President again. "Through my powers, by sacrificing more life energy, I was able to know about the attack plan on Planet Kronic Beam Ring and the other planets".

"To save Planet Kronic Beam Ring, I met Admiral Zhao".

"As we can see, I was right".

"How do we know that you are not affiliated with the Beast Coalition? Your predictions were too accurate, its simply not logically possible". Another Admiral interjected with a venomous tone.

"Mind your tongue, Gwen". Admiral Zhao's deep voice reverberated.

This instantly showed the paradigm among the Admirals, not all of them were easygoing and there were clearly rivalries among them.

The green-haired lady, the only 2nd lady Admiral in the Council looked at Admiral Zhao with narrowed eyes before snorting and ignoring him.

Throughout all this talk and bickering between his Admirals, President Dunk said no other word as Legolas simply focused on him.

He knew exactly why the Council seemed to be opposing Legolas, this was just a political game since any significant change which was exactly what was in his mind would affect their interests.

President Dunk ignored everyone and looked at Legolas. "How reliable are your prophecies?"

"Very reliable". He replied confidently.

Over 50 years, he already tried his future knowledge again and again and it was mostly right, this gave him the confidence that he now exuded.

President Dunk nodded. "What are the plans of the Beast Coalition?"

"Chaos". Legolas simply answered.

The aged eyes of one of the Admirals briefly focused on him.

"In their quest to establish their Beast Empire, they are ready to cause as much chaos as possible to get what they want and they will do it".

"While they intend to build their Empire, they want their rivals to fall".

Legolas looked at the President. "In the next few years, do not expect the Beast Coalition to subside, they will keep on attacking and causing chaos".

"Then my decision is made".

President Dunk looked round his cabinet of Admirals. "Legolas' status is now changed in the Nak State".

"He will be honored with an honorary title tomorrow".

"He will be our chief war advisor throughout the phase of the terrorist existence of the Beast Coalition".

"The Nightmare Mercenary Group will officially become the 3rd recognized off-shoot army of the Nak Navy".

"…" Shock rippled through this gathering before an Admiral stood up.

It was Admiral Gwen.

"This is impossible!" She almost shouted.

"The Nak State has only 3 spots for off-shoot armies and they are all already occupied by our most staunch allies, there is no place for a 4th!"

"That is why one of the previous ones is no more". President Dunk answered evenly as he looked into the eyes of this Admiral.

She was shocked, her eyes turned cold. "Impossible".

"Impossible?" President Dunk smirked. "Are you the leader or I am?"

"…" She kept quiet.

President Dunk did not look angry but he instinctively gave off a feeling of incredible pressure at this moment as he looked at his Admiral.

"I am the President and I make the decisions".

"All the off-shoot armies are allowed to become armies to support and aid the Nak Navy and Army, it was never a fixed inheritance".

"If another mercenary group is contributing more than they do, it is only natural for one of them, the least performing one to be dethroned".

"Nak State is not a family inheritance or heirloom; it is a State!" He emphasized. "And I will run it as one".

He looked at all the Admirals. "Nothing and no one is allowed to touch Legolas during this time, whether directly or indirectly".

"He is now an Army Commander of Nak State".

"Am I clear?"

"Yes, Mr. President".

Then, he looked at them, waiting for their verdict.

He was the President; he could simply impose his decision on them but they were his Admirals and were the strongest warriors in the Nak State.

To perfectly function as a President, he needed their support and this was why after his talk, he gave them the freedom of choice again.

"I concur". One of the Admirals said.

He had white beard and white hair; he looked the oldest in this gathering.

"I concur".

Once 70% of the Admirals already concurred, the others dared not oppose him, they all concurred to it and it became reality.

President Dunk turned to look at Legolas with a smile. "Do you want anything else?"

This was what Legolas had been waiting for!

He looked at the President. "Yes".

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