Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 525 Old Man Gu, The Seer Rabbit

A week ago…

Inside the relaxation garden of the old Nak Commander.

"You again?"

Legolas laughed. "Your senses are indeed as sharp as a beast".

The old Commander snorted. "You don't flatter for nothing, tell me what you want".

"I have a question".

"Another one?"


"Ugh…" He groaned. "I hope it better be worth my time".

"I hope so too". Legolas came closer and sat beside him before looking at his face. "Do you know of any person called Old Man Gu?"

The old Commander's face twitched.

Legolas took that hint. "You know him!"

The old Commander groaned. "That f*cking old scammer Rabbit!"

Legolas was surprised. "A Rabbit?"

"Of course, he's a rabbit, a Seer Rabbit who sullies the reputation of all Seers in the universe".

Legolas raised his brows in curiosity.

The old Commander seemed to have gotten something to motivate him into finally talking. "Old Man Gu is the worst, a Seer who totally lost his way as a Seer".

"He scams people without remorse".

"He's a sly old Rabbit". He gritted his teeth.

"He steals people's f*cking wives!" He spat out with hatred as he stood up and clenched his fist like he was about to punch an invisible Old Man Gu.

"Umm…" At this point, Legolas was already regretting asking the question.

The old Commander easily noticed his reaction, he snorted in annoyance. "I hate talking to you sometimes, you know how to rile me up so easily".

He sat back down. "Yeah yeah, I'll tell you, when I was still a young, ambitious, and fiery Nak warrior aspiring to become a future Commander, there was this Silver Crest girl that I met".

"It's forbidden for Champions to marry outside but you know…"

Legolas was shocked. "You were a Champion?!"

"Allow me talk!" The old Commander roared at him.


He continued like nothing happened. "You know, the vigor and rebellious phase of youth made me go after her despite all the red flags".

"In the end, I was able to charm her, she loved me back".

"Until that old scam came along". His face twisted in hatred.

"He scammed the love of my life and stole her away, THAT F*CKER!"

Legolas shifted a bit in his chair to escape the wrath. "Umm, why do I feel that there's a backstory that you didn't tell me?"

"No backstory!"

"I once heard Champions are not allowed to marry outside and the penalty for breaking that will not be suffered by the Champion but by the lady".

"Yes, they sometimes execute girls who are bold enough to marry Champions, that scam stole her heart by telling her he was saving her from sure-death, the nerve of that old Rabbit!"


"Um, what?"

"Nothing, haha…" Legolas chuckled. "He's a really big scam and fool!"

"You think so right?"


"Get lost". The old Commander pushed Legolas away.

He chuckled. "You know, you're the worst at licking boots, sometimes you even seem too lazy to care about it and it sets you apart from the others".

He looked at Legolas. "By the way, how did you know Old Man Gu?"

"That old f*cker is not fond of giving his real name around".

"I can't say". Legolas replied seriously. "Anyways, I need your help, do you know where Old Man Gu is? I want to meet him".

"I don't keep tabs on that fool but I think I once signed a document last week of his trade group requesting that they will come to trade soon".

"Ahh, what time?"

The old Commander checked. "In 8 days".

"Thank you old man, I really appreciate".

"Who are we going to meet?" Christensen asked.

"We're going to meet a Rabbit". Legolas looked into the distance as a lot of things went through his mind, he felt tense.

'Old Man Gu, what is his relation with Maximus?'

'Does he know of earth?'

'What if this Old Man Gu is not the one I'm looking for? What if he is different and I end up revealing my identity before this one?'

'I can't do that'. His eyes narrowed. 'I need to plan appropriately'.

The shuttle moved swiftly and in no time, they arrived above a boisterous market. This was where Old Man Gu set up his trade fare.

Looking down at the market, Legolas could see a huge canopy stall that was shaped like a Turtle. On top of it was written familiar words.

>Old Man Gu's Hut<

>The trade fare that people love<

Legolas' eyes narrowed. 'Sounds like the Old Man Gu that the old Commander spoke of, but does it sound like the one Maximus spoke of?'

'I don't know'.

He sighed before entering inside with his student.

Inside this trade fare was boisterous, everything was literally present inside. From weapons to perishable commodities, the hut had it all.

It was a multi-star cluster trade fare that traded goods internationally.

Walking around with his student, Legolas saw a lot of things that caught his eye but he was not in the mood to pay attention to them. All his mind was on one name and one person, Old Man Gu.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Throughout the first day of the trade fare, Old Man Gu did not make an appearance, it was not until the 7th and last day that he finally came out.

He took a podium and was about to give a speech.

Legolas observed the Rabbit.

Old Man Gu was a brown Rabbit, some of his hairs were already turning white from old age. He didn't look like a Seer to him but there was an air of wisdom radiating from him as he climbed the stage.

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm 'Perhaps he is the one'.

'But I don't even know what I should tell him?'

'Should I just call him aside and tell him the truth? No, that's too risky'.

'I'll need to test him first to confirm some things'.

The Rabbit gave a short but captivating speech about the importance of the most anticipated phase of his trade fare, the green world auction.

This was where the most important goods in the trade fare would be.

Legolas' eyes narrowed. 'A green world auction…, is that a hint?'

As soon as Old Man Gu climbed down the podium, Legolas told Christensen to stay while he went after the old Rabbit backstage.

Grade B Supers were the strongest in attendance today and they were only 3, being one of the strongest Supers here, Legolas easily snuck after the Rabbit.

Just before he could enter his room to prepare for the auction, Legolas intercepted and grabbed the rabbit by the arm.

He had a wide smile on his face.

"Maximus". He said casually.

The Rabbit had a bright smile on his face like when he climbed the podium to address his customers. "Who's that dear sir? I don't know him, it seems you have lost your way, that's the way to pay for the auction". He pointed at the opposite direction.

"You just need 10 million credits to be a part of the auction".

"I'm sure that you will see a treasure that will please you".

With a polite smile, he pushed his hand away and entered his room.

Returning to meet his student, Legolas had even more thoughts in his mind. 'His reaction was completely normal, did I misjudge?'

'Is this not the Old Man Gu that Maximus spoke of?'

'But he told me to attend the auction? Is that a test on his part?'

'I don't understand, everything is just based on speculation'. He felt a headache coming as he rubbed his head in frustration.

'Do I need to spend 10 million credits just to confirm this?'

"Announcement to all VIP customers, please make your way to your rooms to be summoned to the green world, the auction will start in 5 minutes".

A loud voice announced from the hidden speakers.

Legolas gritted his teeth. "Christensen, come on, let's go".

Going to their rooms, Legolas paid 10 million to access the green world.

Throughout, Christensen never said a word. Knowing his master thoroughly, he could already tell that something was wrong, he only observed.

Once they were seated in their room, they wore the VR helmets that they were given after paying then the next moment they appeared in another world.


It was a world filled with green mist.

About a hundred customers were seated in a round formation.

Legolas' eyes narrowed even more. 'Green mist…'

The auction finally started.

"300,000,000 Credits bid for the Jade Dragon's tooth!"

"300 million going once!"

"300 million going twice!"



A lot of different expensive goods were placed on display as the wealthy customers in attendance splurged money, purchasing different things.

Among the 150 goods in the auction, like 20 captured Legolas' attention but he was unable to place his total attention on them, his mind was disorganized.

"Auction good #89".

"This is an extremely rare ancient book that our leader, the Rabbit Seer himself unearthed during one of his famous journeys round the universe".

"It is rumored to be a relic of an ancient civilization".

"It is called the Book".

"Starting bid for the Book is 5 million credits".

"6 million credits for the Book".

"7 million credits for the Book".

Legolas remained distracted but the unusual bidding attracted his attention. In almost all the others, powerful bidders instantly skyrocketed the price but for this item, they didn't seem as interested and it attracted his attention.

He looked at it and his eyes widened in shock.

The title of this book was written in English!

>Nursery Rhymes for Kids<

'F*ck! I almost missed it!'

"20 million credits for the Book!" He roared; Christensen looked at him in shock but said nothing.

"22 million credits for the Book!" Another voice said.

"30 million credits for the Book!" Legolas roared again.

No other voice competed with him. In their opinion, it was not worth it, this book may as well turn out to be just a piece of useless shit after buying it.

They prepared their money for other goods so they no longer bid.

"30 million going once!"

"30 million going twice!"



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