'What should I do?' Legolas at this moment was caught between a rock and a hard place.

'They may have only 2 Grade B Supers but that does not guarantee victory, this is not a planetary battle, this is a galactic battle situation'.

'They have 7 Light Frigates!'

'No matter how powerful and resilient of a Spaceship that Ella was able to build for me, and despite being a Heavy Cruiser, the Legolas Baron stands no chance, especially now that they already hijacked the civilian ships'.

'That makes it 10 against my lone Heavy Cruiser'.

'Taking them head-on will lead to us being wiped out, it's definitely not advisable but letting so many Naks die is also not advisable'.

He felt conflicted. 'This is no longer like my time before meeting the Naks, my relationship with Champion Onana is no longer like before'.

'Of course, I'm not obligated to put my life on the line for him but I'm now in his territory. Not just that, I have favors to ask of him and his master'.

'Will they still look favorably on me when I let so many of their people die without putting in any effort to help?' He looked back at the screen.


With one slam of his powerful club, the Grade B Plecostomus crushed another Nak civilian into a bloody paste in the footage as he grinned like a mad fish.

"This is the message of the Beast King!"

"This is the goodnews of the Beast King to all beasts!"

"Those who hear it must obey or will be faced with this same fate!"

"I will kill every single passenger in this transport group before ending with the captain right here". He patted his head.

"The world has to feel our pain to know to listen to our goodnews!"

Legolas looked around this chamber of the Legolas Baron. At this moment, all the most important individuals in this Heavy Cruiser were already gathered here. They looked at him, waiting for his decision.

"What is your decision?" Blade looked at his Master.

Legolas looked at Christensen. "You've gotten no signal from any of the warships of the Nak Navy that we are traveling with?"

"No". Christensen shook his head.

"They're advancing closer". Christensen suddenly warned.

Switching the footage, they could see that 4 of the Frigates of the Space Pirates already turned on them. At this range, from the fact that they were not attacking yet, they clearly just wanted to frighten them away.

Legolas silently looked at the footage. 'Leaving now without doing anything will destroy my relationship with the Naks'.

'Staying has no meaning, I can't fight my way through that'.

He hesitated for seconds as the Frigates came closer, he sighed. 'I can't take this risk, the threat of death is too high'.

He turned his head to look at Christensen. "We're escaping".

"Yes, Captain". Christensen nodded.

The next moment, the Legolas Baron seemed to respond to the threats of the 4 Frigates as it slowly started retreating backwards.

A few seconds into this, the warship received a new but familiar signal.

[Signal Detected!]

[Source- The Amplitude!]

Christensen's eyes lit up. "It's the Nak Destroyer".

"They're nearby, this is a veiled signal that can only be detected and recognized by allied parties, the pirates can't discover this".

'That means there's a great possibility that the others are not far'. Legolas instantly made this further conclusion in his mind.

He looked back at the footage; more than a thousand civilians were already killed by the Grade B Plecostomus as he claimed that his subordinates were across the civilian transport ship killing more civilians.

To him though, the important thing was that the captain was still alive.

He paid attention to another thing that he refused to give attention to before because of his leaning intention towards escaping.


[You have received new Grade B Mission: Rescue Mission!]

[Mission Details: You have encountered a Civilian Transport Group belonging to the Nak State that is under pirate attack. The pirates are adamant on killing every single civilian in all 3 Spaceships to send a message to the Nak State.]

[Mission 1: Save the Civilian Transport Group!]

[Mission Reward: 140,000,000 Experience Points and +200 Favorability with the Nak State!]

[Mission 2: Save the Nak Captain!]

[Mission Reward: 100,000,000 Experience Points, +1000 Favorability with Taman, the Nak Captain, and +800 Favorability with the Nak State!]


Legolas' eyes honed on a certain reward. Not the experience points, they were too small to lure him into danger, rather it was the favorability points.

'Damn, rescuing just one man gives 4 times more favorability points than rescuing thousands of Nak civilians it seems'.

'It seems somethings just don't change even in different worlds'.

Legolas narrowed his eyes. 'I am now in Nak space, they own this territory, they are the true hegemons here'.

'If I am to truly get a foothold for myself and my allies, I need their approval'.

'Leaving these people to die would literally be shooting that on the foot'.

'By getting 800 favorability points with them though, I will be starting at a higher starting point than I ever expected'.

Legolas arrived at his decision.

He turned his head to look at Christensen. "Direct 40% of the power reactor's energy towards amplifying our signal projectors as much as possible".

"Project them as far as possible and find our allies".

He smirked as he looked at his student. "Captain, you're now the leader in my absence, you have to make sure that your master does not die".


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning

You have activated active ability: Beast Integration

You have fused with Bran!

[Base Control Level: 78%]

[+6% Base Control Level from hierarchy!]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[Overall Control Level: 99%]

You have triggered Passive Ability: Void Master

You have activated Special Ability: Eyes of Truth

You have activated Special Ability: Metamorphosis- Reverse


Legolas commanded the A.I of the Heavy Cruiser before jumping.

A few months ago, after becoming a Grade B Void Raven, Bran unlocked another special ability that enabled him to metamorphosize, either to massively increase his size or to decrease his size immensely.

Legolas activated the reverse metamorphosis as he instantly shrank to the size of a mere pen in space, he fell as soon as the hatch opened.

The hatch opened and closed in an instant; Legolas was gone.




Everyone was stunned, Christensen stood up in shock.

He looked at the hatch of the Spaceship with shock on his face. "What?"

A certain lady chuckled. "Interesting…"

"Hahaha…, interesting…, I know I didn't meet this mad lad for nothing!"

"Hehe…, he's my spec!" Sonia had a wide grin on her face.

She materialized a laser pistol and licked its muzzle. "War!"

Christensen finally snapped to his senses. "You heard what the Army Commander said, direct 40% of the power reactor's energy to amplifying the strength of our signal projectors as much as possible".

"Do it!"

"Yes, Captain". Christensen was automatically the new Captain.

Instantly, the mode of the warship changed into that of wartime even as they continued playing the guise that they were retreating.

Their restless Army Commander already dragged them into another battle.

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