Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 468 [Bonus Chapter]Denouement!

The universe seemed to pause so this moment could go on forever.

Nothing else in the world mattered anymore, just this moment.

It was the conclusion, it was the last stand, the end, the denouement!


You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Demonification!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Poison Teeth!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Echoes from Hell!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Shadow Dimension!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Dark Titration!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Void Compression!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Void Coagulation!

[WARNING! Your mana points have drained below 10%!]




You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Hell Hurricane!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Wind Treader!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Active Ability: Winds of Death!

You have activated Frankenstein Snake Ability: Blood Vampire!


Legolas screeched and hissed like a rabid Snake!

Even as Uranus battled the Bug Emperor to the death and as the Bug was bombarded by the effects of the Admiral's canon, Legolas dived in head-first like a brainless beast as he wreaked havoc across the Bug's body!


He was a snake with 4 legs.

His teeth, his breath, his legs, his claws, his energy, everything became his weapon at this moment as Legolas totally left defense behind to give his all into attacking the powerful Bug Emperor.

He was like a monster on steroids, he no longer thought rationally.

At this moment, he was a beast, a broken Frankenstein monster.

The others did not fare better than him. After giving up on his life to die like a hero, the Skyrim King already forgot the notion of safety.

"Special Psychic Ability: Thought Stealer!"

"Special Psychic Ability: Psychic Torrent!"

"Special Psychic Ability: Emotion Overload!"

"Special Psychic Ability: Tooth for Tooth!"

"Special Psychic Ability: Cutter of Fate!


"SCREEEEECH…!!!" The Bug Emperor's painful shrieks reverberated.

At this moment, this Cosmic Monster was in a state of total agony. The effects of the Admiral's canon kept on draining its energy and life. And while a berserk Legolas caused havoc, this Skyrim caused more trouble.

Not only did the Skyrim King throw himself at the Bug, blasting it with psychic currents, he also did the delicate work of a psychic, messing with the mind.

Stealing thoughts, planting emotions into an opponent especially one this powerful, these were all dangerous skills that damaged the soul of the user.

The Skyrim King no longer cared though as he simply attacked. Afterall, he was already burning his soul with no hopes of surviving anymore so where was the need in holding back due to fear of damage to his soul.

The more he attacked, the more his body started fragmenting even as all his life and soul energy gradually got burnt away.

He and Legolas may be taking the lead in the suicide ranking, but Champion Onana's fate was not kinder, this mechanic was also already in a berserk state.

To maximize the damage potential of his mechanic suit, Champion Onana already activated a self-developed technology that enabled him to merge his body with that of his mech, turning him into a literal machine.

Before, he was a cyborg, a hybrid but with this, he became a literal machine.

This was an irreversible technology that even if he survived, he would forever be a machine but in exchange, he gained the processing ability of Berserker's A.I and all the incredibly powerful weapons of his mechanic suit.

The main drawback this time though was, if Berserker dies, he dies.

All those errant thoughts were not in Champion Onana's mind though, all that was on his mind was what was before him, the Bug Emperor.


He kept on pulling the trigger as his energy reactor was pushed to his limits, turning his body akin to a furnace but he endured the pain.

All these sacrifices resulted in staggering damage to the Bug.

The others were all rabid, Blade was not left behind.

'Dying a hero's death is the fate of a Pugilist'.

'My mentor died heroically'.

'My death must be even more heroic!'

Taking a step with his Lightsaber in his grasp, he embodied the sword aura of a Sword God as he dashed in and slashed at the Bug with immense power.


Unlike the others, Blade didn't allow himself to become rabid. Drawing on his incredible knowledge pool of Pugilist techniques and abilities, he pushed himself to the limits, unleashing one skill after another in rapid succession.

Uranus was just right above him in the damage-dealing stats.

As a Quasi-Grade A Titan now, Uranus' power was immense. Every attack from this Titan dealt incredible damage, the flaming sword of his father became his heirloom now as he channeled it to incredible effect.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Each attack from him shook the core of the Bug Emperor.

The shrieks of the mighty Bug kept on reverberating at increasing intensity.

Together, they dealt incredible damage to this Cosmic Beast that would have killed 99% of Calamity Grade Supers and Beasts in this same state but this Bug Emperor despite the painful shrieks remained tenacious.

By now, the Bug Emperor's gigantic body already shrank to an all-time low. The only problem was that yet, this Bug refused to die.

About a minute later, the effects of Admiral Zhao's canon ended.

Like the first time, this hinted at the 2nd turning of the tides.

"YOU ALL SHALL DIE!!!" The Bug's voice was filled with hate and malice.

Despite the Bug's angry and desperate roar, Uranus and the others did not let up as they kept on spamming attacks, believing that at one point, he would die.

Yes, this time, the Bug Emperor came really close to death but…, they were not the only ones that felt the pressure and could be stimulated into performing inhuman feats that were not possible in normal times.

The Bug felt fear for the first time in a long time. 'How?'

'How is this possible?' He was in a state of shock.

'How did it get to this stage?' He was struggling to believe the reality.

'I don't want to die!'

'I cannot die!'

'I CANNOT DIE!' His emotions stirred.

The incredible pressure, fear, and pain stimulated the Bug Emperor past his limits. On this battlefield, when they least needed it, the Bug's energy grew!

It experienced a minor breakthrough!

"YOU ALL SHALL DIE!" It's voice was laced with hatred.

Converging it's energy in it's body, this gigantic Bug released it all at once as it blasted out with so much power that Planet Darvis visibly shrank!

For a moment, it was like Planet Darvis was pushed out of it's orbit!

The energy was calamitous!



Despite being a Psychic who was supposed to keep a distance, the Skyrim King was the closest to this desperate attack. He could not withstand it; his already fragmenting body was torn apart.

His soul was dissected into a million pieces.

This time, he saw his end.

The Skyrim King died!

He was not the only culprit, Champion Onana received the blast despite being partially shielded by Legolas who was already blasted to smithereens as his life hung on an edge. He survived the blast but not what came after.

The Bug's gigantic tail slammed down ruthlessly.


Champion Onana coughed blood, he died!



[Warning! Your Health Points have been wiped out!]

[You died!]

[Automatically triggering Character Summon Card: Supreme Talent- Reincarnation Cycle!]

[Reincarnation Cycle triggered…, please wait…]

[You have been revived!]

[You have 6 reincarnation cycles remaining!]


Legolas came back to life with horror and unwillingness in his place.

This time, he was alone, the blast didn't kill Uranus but it managed to cripple him like the others. As for Blade, he survived but the blast launched him far away from this battlefield, temporarily leaving Legolas alone.

This became Legolas' doom as the raging Bug Emperor turned his full focus to him to bring an end to his existence.

At his wit's end already, the Bug could not use most of his abilities anymore, he could only use his tail but that was more than enough.

"YOU ALL SHALL DIE!" The Bug Emperor was berserk!




[Warning! Your Health Points have been wiped out!]

[You died!]





[Warning! Your Health Points have been wiped out!]

[You died!]

[You died!]

[You died!]

[You died!]


At his last reincarnation cycle, Legolas looked at his surroundings, at Uranus who was crippled and Christensen, at Champion Onana and the others who were already dead, then he finally looked up at the eyes of the Bug Emperor.

"Hehe…, I gave my all".


Legolas died.

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