Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 447 The Cosmic Cataclysm! [3]


Despite the lack of sound, the firelights of the explosions were crazy.

Grade B warriors and monsters were existences that were already close to the peak of power across the cosmos. They could not obliterate planets yet, but their immense power could surely leave different areas in planets ragged.

They were existences that could already be seen as one-man armies.

The Space Bug army having 3 existences of this level meant they were always a menace.

When the 3 Unique Space Bugs made their debut, taking advantage of his superior spec mechanic suit, Champion Onana briefly held them back but this was never a reliable plan, he alone could not fight against all 3 of them.

They knew this and was why they planned contingencies for this, the contingency plan was the involvement of the allied war fleet.

The power of the allied war fleet was truly put to use at this moment.


With the Golden Cicada taking the lead, weapons boomed with power.

Battleships were weapons that were built purely for war, preferably space battles and this was one. In this battlefield, the Battleships thrived.

Positron charges were unleashed towards the 3 Unique Space Bugs, the shockwaves from them wiped hordes of common Space Bugs in the way.

Antimatter energy was discharged to devastating effect at intervals.

Concentrated laser energy were rapidly unleashed at a crazy frequency, burning holes through the hides of any Space Bug unlucky to be in their path.

The Battleships didn't just shoot energy weapons, their mounted Artillery Guass Canons also joined the battlefield as the distance to the Unique Space Bugs closed down, propelling their gigantic projectiles at ridiculous speeds.

Their attacks were focused on the Unique Space Bugs but they wiped out hordes of common Space Bugs in the process from the shockwaves of their attacks.

Also, they were not alone.

The arrival of Champion Onana and the war fleet didn't exactly turn the battle on it's head, what it instead did was relieve a lot of pressure from Commander Timbowal who didn't hesitate to up his game with this relief.

Champion Onana's arrival wiped out all the immediate Space Bugs that were threatening to invade through the shield generators of the Giant Nak Fortress.

With the threat no longer as immediate, they could better focus on coordinating their offense and defense to make it more seamless and destructive.

Commander Timbowal was at the top of his game.

"Activate the dimensional stabilizers!"

"Make sure that no Unique Space Bug can directly teleport in here!"

"Then give them hell!"

"Overload our weapon systems, they can take it, the Giant Nak Fortress was built for rigorous wars like this, let's use it to its full potential".



Lightning-fast attacks were launched into space.

Even as more hordes of Common Space Bugs were being massacred, the main target was still the Unique Space Bugs. These guys may be unimaginably powerful, but a combination of certain factors could still inconvenience them.

At this moment, there were tens of thousands of different surface-to-space missiles and thousands of artillery turrets installed across the asteroid.

Activating all of this firepower potential could create something dangerous, something explosive and destructive.

Pairing them with the combined attacks from Champion Onana and the war fleet, the progress of the Space Bugs invading Planet Darvis stalled and as expected, the Unique Space Bugs were left livid from this outcome.

Before taking any drastic step, they warned.

"Surrender before the power of the new order!"

"Resistance is futile".

"No matter how much you resist, the Bug Conqueror is the Emperor and the Emperor is always the winner, submit to the inevitability of fate".

Champion Onana could recognize the Bug Conqueror speaking through them. 'Is this another cursed Psychic technique?' He attacked harder.

Seeing that the prospective servant races were not acknowledging their words of mercy, the Unique Space Bugs reacted angrily and became unbridled.

All 3 of them worked at the same time.

One of them focused on gathering Psychic energy, while the remaining 2 taking advantage of the huge amount of metal making up their body frames, pulled out different weapons from their metal bodies to attack.

It happened instantly and the effects showed even faster.


The Unique Space Bugs retaliated, tiny concentrated laser energy was shot out at such a rapid frequency as some of the shields of the Battleships was breached. Not just that, the Psychic attack was released.


There was no sound but the impact seemed like a clap of gods!

All of the Battleships were hit at the same time, their shield generators absolved the damage but it could not stop the mental aspect of this energy. Bypassing multiple defenses, the powerful psychic attack murdered in cold blood.

Entire crews manning the Battleships became braindead from the attack.

That was just the prelude, the Unique Space Bugs dug in deeper. Alternating between their different affinities and the uniqueness of their metal bodies, they unleashed unpredictable attacks that dealt a lot of damage.

Psychic blasts rocked the Battleships.

Mechanic attacks punched holes through their gigantic metal hulls.

Elementalist attacks slammed against them with power, further worsening the state of their metal hulls.

They also unleashed magic attacks as arcane power wreaked havoc.

Then, taking advantage of their Command and Summoner abilities, they finally called the bunch of chaotically fighting Special Space Bugs together.

Together, they pushed at the defense of the Giant Nak Fortress with gusto.


The humans and Nak warriors manning the first line of defense of Planet Darvis gave their all to defend the planet without a fear of death.

Faced against tens of millions of Cosmic Space Bugs that were out to harvest their lives, they did not let their basest instincts of fear take over them, instead they became overwhelmed by a sense of duty and protection to the vulnerable ones.

The first line of defense of the alliance strained to hold strong.

All the measures that were theorized and implemented for the past 6 months were put to use, yet they were unable to push the enemies back.

Even as the casualties increased among the Space Bugs, the casualty among the human force also started increasing at a worrying frequency.

Despite the deaths, they refused to yield.

General Aztog took helm as the pressure increased. "This is what we have been preparing and waiting for through months, we can't let up now".

"We are just starting!"

"Let's show them what we are made of!"

"Fight till you die! That's our motto here".

"Any Space Bug that goes through us represents more danger to the vulnerable ones behind us, we can't let them be plunged into this danger".

"Give it your all!"

They indeed gave it their all as the intensity of the space battle increased even more. At a certain point, they were able to minutely push the Unique Space Bugs and the incredible army back but it was still mostly a stalemate.

For 2 hours in Space, this battle raged non-stop.

Throughout this time interval, the Bug Conqueror perhaps feeling too big to interfere never moved as he lumbered at the back of the army of Space Bugs.

Seeing this gigantic beast always, Champion Onana slowly sank into despair.

While others saw a bit of hope in their situation, he saw none in it.

'After months of preparation, this is the best that we can do?'

He was horrified. 'The best we can do is stalling and fighting the army of the enemies to a stalemate when their leader is even feeling reluctant to join in the fun?' The more he thought of it, the colder his heart felt.

As the battle progressed, his fear grew. 'Legolas, where are you?'

'This is where we need you the most'.

A few minutes later, as the battle progressed, despair slowly started setting in. 'We really can't do more than this and the Emperor is yet to join'.

His face twisted in reluctance and disbelief.

He despaired. 'We are doomed'.

The Unique Space Bugs kept on pushing aggressively for another hour, but led by Champion Onana, the allied war fleet was able to hold its first line of defense.

By now, it was already 3 hours and a certain apex predator was finally annoyed, space itself seemed to move as the Bug Conqueror finally moved.

His gigantic eyes like continents focused on the tiny creatures resisting.

"INSOLENT SLAVES!" His voice boomed with power.



He didn't rush into the attack, he simply unleashed a long-ranged attack, an attack directly aimed at the Giant Nak Fortress.


There was no sound but there were visible cracks in space as the thin and extremely concentrated fire beam accelerated like a laser beam.

They tried to shoot it down but nothing could stop it.

It drilled effortlessly into the surface of the gigantic asteroid.

The asteroid jerked, then from inside, a red explosion surged out like an avalanche of molten magma, it was a bright work of destruction in space.

The very core of the Giant Nak Fortress was obliterated.

The fiery explosion destroyed a lot of the working defense measures and offensive measures, the Giant Nak Fortress was stripped naked of its armor.

Just one attack from the Bug Conqueror and this asteroid was vulnerable.

The Unique Space Bugs could be counted on, they did not hesitate.

Rushing in since the Giant Nak Fortress already lost its invincible status, and with their army of tens of millions of Common Space Bugs accompanying them, they were able to brute force their way through the first line of defense.

The Giant Nak Fortress survived only 3 hours; it was no more.

Planet Darvis became exposed.

Everything happened so fast, by the time that it happened, thousands of warriors of the allied forces already died, Champion Onana was shocked.

His eyes widened in horror; he looked around.

"Where is Legolas???"

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