
[You have triggered the Main Storyline Grade A Mission: The Cataclysm; Rise of the Bug Emperor!]

[Mission Details:]

[The horrors of the old age of Space Travel in the Roronoa Star System have been awakened!]

[The scars of the past have been reopened!]

[The Space Bugs who were once Slaves of the ruling Empire of the Roronoa Star System have awakened from their slumber.]

[They are the only survivors of the Roronoa Star System, everyone else including the inhabitants of Planet Darvis are outsiders who invaded this Star System after its death due to the radioactive pulse.]

[After the awakening of their leader, an encounter with outsiders birthed the ambition hidden at the depths of the heart of the Alpha Space Bug!]

[He wants to crown himself as the Bug Emperor!]

[He wants to become the ruler of a new Roronoa Star System!]

[Beware! He is coming!]


[Main Mission: Contribute massively and kill the Bug Conqueror!]

[Mission Rewards: ???]

[Remark: Once a Slave, now an Emperor!]


'Holy Sh*t!' Legolas was pissing his pants.

'The Space Bug is coming for us all!'

Hearing this from Champion Onana already pulled at his heartstrings already, the only reason that kept his composure was his refusal to completely believe the words of a desperate prisoner.

It was after looking at his game interface notification that he was left completely shocked.

'Are you for real?!'

All his life including his previous life, Legolas had only ever seen a mission detail introduction turn into a horror poem in this fashion once.

It was during Version 4, the Psychic Revolution that swept across the whole universe that the game interface felt inclined to use such a tone of doom.

Feeling this similar tone again, Legolas felt his heart skip a beat.

'You gotta be kidding me man!'

Legolas' reaction did not escape the keen senses of both Supers that stood before him. While Enoch was shocked, Champion Onana felt more of confusion.

'Did his prophetic abilities trigger again?!' Enoch was freaking out.

'Is this powerful prisoner saying the truth?'

'Is another cataclysm really coming just after the first?!'

Enoch's emotions immediately became complicated. It wasn't yet confirmed but Legolas' reaction told a lot, he was already feeling scammed.

As for champion Onana, he felt something else. 'What the f*ck! Is this guy for real?'

'He believed so easily?'

'The legendary Sexy Chocolate is so easy to convince?'

'And I already prepared 50 other approaches to this that I intended to use to convince him about the truth, I never thought he'll believe so easily'.

'Besides, is this related to the ability that he's rumored to have'.

'Did me telling him trigger his prophetic abilities?'

This Mechanic's intelligent eyes flickered as a myriad thoughts went through his head. 'Perhaps, I can have him prophesy about the outcome of my next battle to the death against Delzebub'.

Legolas finally spoke. "Ahem…" He cleared his throat. "What you said, is it really true? If so, please tell me more".

"With pleasure". Champion Onana did not hesitate.

When the long tale finally came to an end, the eyes of both Grade C Superhumans shone in understanding as they finally understood a lot of things.

They finally understood why the Nak Navy took 5 freaking years before they commenced the Cataclysm despite being ready 5 years earlier.

They finally understood why Captain Chan left years ago.

Everything finally made sense.

The only truth that they didn't want to accept was that of Planet Titania and the army of Space Bugs that were at this moment currently sweeping through the whole Roronoa Star System, looking for prey to conquer and rule.

"I believe you". Legolas replied seriously as he looked at Champion Onana.

After his game interface's notification, he could no longer ignore the truth behind this warrior's words. His game interface changed everything.

In the blink of an eye, from war enemies, their vibes and reaction to the incoming threat already turned into comrades in distress.

To survive, fate was already hinting at a controversial topic, cooperation.

Enoch gritted his teeth. "They killed so many of us during the war, what if this is just a strategy on his path to carve his escape?"

"If this is really the truth, why didn't they try to convince us immediately about the external threat instead of trying to wipe all of us out".

"He is correct". Legolas turned to look at the Elementalist and said firmly.

"You would have never believed". Champion Onana added as he looked at the Elementalist. "We were already sworn enemies, you would have never believed if we told you then about the threat and that we should be allies".

"That is why I took the power approach, it was extreme but it was supposed to be the fastest".

His mouth twisted as he felt the irony. "I never expected to lose though".

Legolas did not reply to that as he looked straight at this Grade B Mechanic. "I believe you but as you can see, my comrades don't share the same sentiments".

"Do you have tangible evidence to make me believe?"

"Yes". Champion Onana smiled as his red and blue eyes gleamed in a creepy manner. "Check the containment chamber in the Roman Rider, my personal Frigate, you'll see satisfactory evidence there".

Legolas looked at the Mechanic one last time before turning to leave.


The gigantic door leading into the secret workshop hidden in the desert opened with a whooshing sound as multiple Grade C Superhumans entered inside.

Led by President Shanks, 6 Grade C Superhumans floated in.

Inside the workshop, apart from the new Heavy Cruiser that Ella and John were already adding the finishing touches to, and the 2 damaged Destroyers, all the captured Battleships of the Nak Navy were also kept here.

"That is the Roman Rider".

Legolas pointed at the smallest of all the Battleships, the Frigate.

Without hesitation, all 6 Grade C Superhumans walked in. A few minutes later, they stood before the door leading into the containment chamber.

"Open it".please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Yes, Mr. President".


Blade unsheathed his Lightsaber and took a step forward, then he pushed the door open, instantly he received an attack that also hit the others.



[You have been attacked by a Psychic Ability!]

[You have been attacked by a Cosmic Beast: Space Bug!]


Legolas' eyes widened in shock on seeing them.

Like the others, he also staggered back as blood flowed from his nose, psychic attacks were one type of attack that could bypass literally any defense.

As they looked at the 8 gigantic Bugs who glared at them angrily in shock, the next moment, all 8 Space Bugs started making a lot of noise.


The sound was so loud like millions of birds filled the skies, flying and screaming chaotically as they all felt a headache.

Without hesitation, the other Space Bugs attacked. While some unleashed magic attacks, others used mechanic abilities, while only one used psychic abilities.

All 8 of them were Special Space Bugs.

The worst discovery of all though was the fact that the attack power of all 8 of these Space Bugs was as powerful as a typical Grade C Superhuman.

At the top of the containment chamber, words were written in red.

>I call them the Special Space Bugs. They are 3rd, next to last in their ecosystem and food chain<

>There are 81 confirmed Special Space Bugs<

>Above them is the Unique Space Bugs. These monsters can merge more abilities in their evolved bodies, that means they can be mechanics, mages, summoners, and psychics all at the same time<

>As for the last of them, you know him, it's the Bug Emperor himself<

>By the way, he is a Grade A Cosmic Beast<




A week later, President Shanks was holding the 3rd consecutive gathering of all the higher-ups of Planet Darvis to discuss the new discoveries.

Again, the gathering was chaotic.

"We can't trust them!"

"They've been plotting on how to kill us and turn our survivors into slaves for centuries, there's no way I can see them as war comrades".

"But we'll die if we don't cooperate".

"I'd rather die than cooperate with a Nak warrior, we should kill them all!"

"Despite the threat of this new so-called Cataclysm, I don't endorse cooperating with the Naks, they're already our sworn enemies".

"I won't be a part of it!"

"We've survived the first Cataclysm; I believe we can survive the second".

Unable to come to a consensus, all eyes turned to the front of this meeting hall where President Shanks sat, they waited for the President to speak.

President Shanks closed his eyes and rubbed his head; he was clearly stressed. "I think I've heard the voice of the majority, I'll uphold to it".

"I also don't think we can ally with the Naks".

"I think we can fight the Cosmic Beasts alone…"


A palm slammed against a table, shattering it to dust as one of the Grade C Superhumans sprang to his feet, letting his energy erupt and rumble without restraints to every corner of this meeting hall.

The aggressiveness and power put tension and silence in the hall.

"Fight the Cosmic Beasts alone my ass!" Legolas did not hold back, he roared.

"Do you know what a Cosmic Beast is?"

"Have you ever been in Space?"

"Have you ever fought a Cosmic Beast?!"

"You all bicker so much I'm beginning to feel sick!"

His hands shook in anger as he spoke. "What would Jon Stones feel?"

"All those who sacrificed their lives fighting the Clown Society in the Battle of Hellfire Mountains…, WHAT WILL THEY FEEL?!" He exploded.

"You think they gave up their lives for something vain like pride?"

"I don't think so".

"You know what I think? I think they gave their life for us!"




"Seeing how vested you all are on pride and all that, I think Jon Stones' spirit will be crying from heaven. We've let their sacrifice down".

Legolas chuckled and it sounded like the chuckle of an evil villain.

"I won't let you all disgrace their sacrifice".

"They died so we can survive, making a stupid decision that will lead to our extinction is spitting at their graves and mocking their sacrifice".

"I don't know about you all but if what it takes for their sacrifice to not be in vain and for us to survive is to ally with the Naks, I am ready to do it".

Legolas eyes gleamed as he thought. 'I've not even grown powerful enough yet, I am even yet to know the secret behind reincarnation and you want me to die?'

'Hehehe…, try again'.

'Till I know the secret behind my reincarnation, I'll be Doomsday!'

ραпdα Йᴏνêl(сòm) He looked across the hall. "Who is with me?"

"We need to start preparation for the Cataclysm now".


Silence descended in this hall.

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