Chapter 723: New Pair of Eyes?

“Amazing… this hole is much bigger than I thought… I wonder who made it and how did they make it?!” Karin exclaimed in surprise and curiosity as she approached the large hole in the training room.

Gaara helplessly followed Karin and explained, “I heard Kasa-Sensei say that the hole was accidentally created by someone from the organization when they were training here… Anyway, Karin-chan, you shouldn’t approach the hole so carelessly, Kasa-Sensei said that it is very dangerous up there… come back quickly!”

“But, I haven’t clearly seen how the sky looks like from such height… I want to get a better look!” said Karin with a pout, then she suddenly had an idea and quickly explained to Gaara, “Gaara-kun, I have an idea, you lift me up with sand… that way I will be able to look outside without worrying about falling.”

“But…” Gaara wanted to deny Karin’s request… however, before he could say anything, he saw Karin’s puppy dog expression; seeing that expression he couldn’t do anything but nod, “O-okay… but, only till the hole, not outside!”

Karin nodded with a beaming smile, “Got it… now hurry up Gaara-Kun!”

With that Gaara lifted both of his hands and created a Sand Carpet that carried Karin and lifted her into the air as it approached the giant hole in the dome.

Just as the Sand carpet had approached the giant hole, suddenly a cold voice came from behind, “Who allowed the two of you to come here?”

Gaara hadn’t sensed anyone approaching, so the moment the voice sounded from behind, he was taken aback, as a result, his hands trembled slightly causing the sand carpet to lose its strength.

“Huh?!” As the Sand loosened, Karin who was standing on the carpet and trying to look outside the hole suddenly lost her footing and screamed as she fell, “Aaaahhh!”

“Damn!” Hearing Karin’s scream, Gaara panicked and quickly controlled the sand to catch her before she could fall out of the fortress, however, his sand wasn’t fast enough.

Fortunately, the person behind Gaara reacted in time; as soon as he saw Karin falling, he reacted quickly and brought her back inside the fortress by using Bansho Ten’in on her.

Seeing Karin safe, Gaare breathed a sigh of relief; then he quickly apologized, “I am sorry Karin-chan.” Then looked at the person beside Karin and bowed to him, “Kuroto-sama.”

Obviously, it was none other than Kuroto whose voice shocked Gaara that led to all these things.

After making sure that Karin wasn’t injured, Kuroto looked at the two kids and said, “Did I not mention that the two of you are not to come here until the repairs are done? What if either one of you were to fall down?!”

Gaara lowered his head in guilt, he didn’t dare to look at Kuroto.

Of course, Karin wasn’t the same, she quickly covered Gaara as she apologized to Kuroto, “Kuroto-sama, it wasn’t Gaara-kun’s fault, I was curious and brought him here so that he can help me… in fact, Gaara even tried to stop me, however, I didn’t listen!”

Seeing Karin taking all the blame on herself, Gaara quickly looked up and interrupted, “No… no… Kuroto-sama… that’s not true… I came here because I wanted to see what’s outside… it’s not Karin-chan’s fault…” Gaara was worried that Karin would be punished, so he tried to take the blame on himself because he didn’t want Karin to be punished.

Karin was taken aback by Gaara’s sudden reaction, and scolded him, “Don’t lie Gaara-kun… obviously, it was my fault.”

“No… no… you are the one lying Karin-chan.” Gaara shook his head.

Kuroto interrupted their arguing, “All right… I get it so stop arguing. Both of you are at fault.” Then said, “It appears that both of you have gotten too comfortable with your training schedule and have too much energy to dawdle… maybe we have to update your training schedule.”

Hearing Kuroto’s words, both Gaara and Karin felt bad and looked at each other with miserable expressions.

Kuroto completely disregarded their misery and said coldly, “Starting today, both of your training will be double… I will make sure that Kasa-Sensei oversees your training… either of you won’t be allowed to sleep unless both of you complete your training!”

“No…!” Both Karin and Gaara exclaimed with teary faces.

However, Kuroto completely ignored their tears and snorted coldly, “Humph… This is your punishment!”

In fact, even the current training schedule that the two kids undergo is not simple. If Kuroto were to compare, then only the likes of most elite shinobi undergo such rigorous training. The problem is, both of their talents are far better than even the most elite shinobis of a shinobi village, hence they are able to quickly adapt to such a training schedule as such they have a lot of time and energy to dawdle around.

But that would no longer be the case, now that their training is doubled, the difficulty and degree of their training have increased, now it can be compared to the likes of Itachi, and Might Guy… Kuroto believes that now they won’t have any time to dawdle around.

Of course, Kuroto isn’t planning to injure their potential with too much pressure, it will all be planned by taking rest and recreation into account.

To be honest, Kuroto isn’t really angry at the two of them for coming to this part of the Ancor Vantian and almost falling out of the fortress. He wasn’t worried about Karin falling out, the barrier around Ancor Vantian would have prevented that from happening, besides, he knows that the two kids are at the age when they are extremely curious about everything, and he doesn’t want to suppress their curiosity, he just wants to teach them a lesson that breaking rules and orders have a cost that they must bear and by the way, double their training intensity.

Development of the foundation is almost complete for the two kids, now the next phase of their training must commence, and to meet his expectation they will have to undergo hellish training, this is just the start.

Anyway, after taking care of this entire matter, Kuroto called out to Karin, “Karin… come with me.” As he walked back to his laboratory.

After giving a nod to Gaara, Karin trotted to catch up with Kuroto and asked curiously, “Kuroto-sama… where are we going?”

Kuroto patted Karin’s head and while looking at her spectacles, he asked, “Karin… are these glasses better than the previous ones?”

Karin nodded, “Yes, with these glasses, I can see much better, now there is no problem in identifying the symbols while I study the Fuinjutsu scrolls.”

Kuroto nodded, “I see.”

Karin is impeccable in every aspect, if there is a shortcoming, then it has to be the vision defect that she suffers from. The reason why Karin suffers from vision defect is because of malnutrition at an early age which affected the development of nerves in her eyes and the weakening of the ciliary muscles causing her to suffer from Presbyopia.

The two walked in silence for a while before Kuroto asked, “Say, Karin, I have a pair of very good eyes, do you want them?”

Karin asked in confusion, “What for? Don’t I already have eyes?”

Kuroto smiled and explained, “Let me rephrase my words, do you want to change eyes? I can transplant the eyes I mentioned into your eye sockets… after that, you won’t suffer from Presbyopia and it will also have some other benefits.”

Karin asked excitedly, “Really? I will no longer suffer from a Vision defect?”

Kuroto nodded, “Yes.”

Karin smiled, and quickly asked, “Then what kind of eyes are you going to transplant into me?”

Kuroto didn’t answer this question and directly took Karin to the laboratory and handed her the capsule that contained the pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, “I am talking about these eyes.”

Looking at the pair of eyes inside the capsule, Karin asked, “Kuroto-sama… these eyes are a bit strange… these seem to exude something… something…” She didn’t know how to word it exactly, but still tried, “Something ominous.”

Kuroto nodded lightly and explained, “Yes, that’s because these eyes originally belonged to someone who wasn’t a good person… but, you won’t have to worry about it.” Then added after a pause, “In reality, these eyes are very precious and extremely rare. Currently, there are only two such pairs in the entire World, and this is one of those pairs.”

Karin was surprised, “These eyes are so rare?”

Kuroto nodded, “Yes, they are… In fact, now only rare, these eyes are also very special as not just anyone can use them. Currently, there are very few people alive in this Shinobi World who can use and control these eyes… I believe that you are one of those very few people because you are a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan.”

Karin nodded, “I see.”

Kuroto pointed at the capsule and said, “Of course, the final decision is yours… would you like to use these eyes?”

Kuroto had planned to leave the final decision up to Karin.

Kuroto knows that if he orders Karin to transplant these eyes, she will not resist and comply with his order, but doing that is risky considering the future plans he has for her. Therefore, Kuroto wants Karin to voluntarily do everything he wants her to do, at least he wants her to perceive that she is doing everything voluntarily.

After all, he will give her a pair of Rinnegan in the future and she will be his last card in case things turn south. In that situation, if Karin doesn’t do everything voluntarily then that will be big trouble for him.

He doesn’t want to be in the same situation as Uchiha Madara where both his backhands turned against him and at the end of the day he barely managed to come back to life. If not for Black Zetsu, Madara’s entire plan would have become a joke.

Therefore, he doesn’t want to ‘force’ Karin to do anything she doesn’t want to do.

“All right, then.”

Although Kuroto wanted Karin to ‘decide’, however, contrary to his expectations Karin immediately agreed without thinking making Kuroto frown, “Won’t you even think about it?”

Karin answered with a smile, “Since you brought me here, you must have hoped that I transplant these eyes… since that’s the case, there is no need to think about it. I will do what you want me to do Kuroto-sama.”

Hearing Karin’s response, Kuroto deeply looked at Karin, and thought, ‘This girl can now even understand my thoughts, huh? Although this is not a bad thing.’ Then without wasting any time, he started the eye transplant operation.

For today’s Kuroto, transplanting just a pair of eyes is as easy as breathing, so within fifteen minutes he successfully completed the operation, and asked Karin, “How do you feel?”

After she got used to the new eyes, Karin exclaimed in surprise, “Wow… I can see everything clearly!”

Kuroto smiled after hearing Karin, and threw her spectacles into the trash can as he said, “It seems you won’t be needing these glasses anymore.”

Seeing Kuroto do that, Karin hurriedly retrieved her glasses from the trash can and carefully wiped off all the dirt from it.

Kuroto was confused because of Karin’s actions, and asked doubtfully, “Is there still some problem with your vision?”

Karin shook her head, “No, I can see everything clearly.”

“If that’s the case, then why take back the glasses? You won’t be needing them anymore.” Asked Kuroto, not understanding her actions.

Hearing Kuroto’s question, Karin smiled brightly and answered, “These glasses were given to me by you, they are extremely precious to me, even if I don’t need them anymore, I still want to keep them with me.”

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