Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 579: Ten-tails Vs the Allied Force Part-2

"So, that's the legendary ten-tails!" Mito gasps in surprise.

Even Hashirama and Tobirama are shocked by the revelation. Only Hiruzen is clueless about the ten-tail's existence.

"I didn't expect the records about the ten-tails were real. Much like the rest of my clan, I thought the information about the ten-tails was exaggerated."

Hiruzen turns to the former Hokages and Mito.

"Sensei, you knew about the ten-tails?"

"There is a record of a tenth-tailed beast in the Senju and Uzumaki clan library. It extensively defines the power of the ten-tails as world-ending. It was part of the reason I suggested the elder brother to distribute the tailed beasts to other nations. Since there was always a possibility that the ten-tail might surface if we hold all the tailed beasts." Tobirama explains the true reason behind the distribution of the tailed beasts to the rest of the nations.

"Grandma… Grandma… Can you hear me, Grandma?!" Kushina's voice echoes in Mito's ears.

"This voice… K-Kushina! Is that you?" Mito asks in surprise.

"Yes, it's me, Grandma!" Kushina replies in a slightly cheerful tone.

"Grandma, I will explain everything to you all." Kushina narrates the entire incident to them.

She shares information about the Akatsuki's involvement, the Eye of the Moon Plan, Madara's Edo-Tensei resurrection, and the ten-tail's appearance.

"A lot has happened since then!" Mito remarks.

"I died when Konoha was amidst the Second Shinobi War. I didn't expect there to be a Third and even a Fourth Shinobi war after that. To think that Madara planned all of this." Mito shakes his head.

"Haha… I didn't expect my old friend to still stir so much trouble even after such a long time." Hashirama burst out in laughter.

"Shut up!" Tobirama interrupts him with a fierce glance.

"Back then, only if you listened to me and killed him before he could grow stronger then none of this would have happened!" Tobirama glares at his brother.

Being scolded harshly, Hashirama sits in a corner and draws circles on the ground.

"Alright! Alright! It's not the time for you two to fight among yourself." Mito clears her throat.

"We should help the Allied Shinobi force help deal with the ten-tail and Madara. Also, I can't wait to meet Kushina and Tsunade in person."


Whoosh… Whoosh…

The five Kages and the rest of the elite jounin charge towards the ten-tails.

"Hoh! A direct frontal charge?! These shinobi sure have suicidal tendencies."

Onoki stands on top of his rock golem and clasps his hand.

"Dust Release: Mass Extinction Ray,"

He makes a cone-shaped transparent white cube and aims it toward the ten-tail's eye.


A powerful beam of light travels towards the ten-tails at an extremely fast pace.


Madara jumps in front of the beam and absorbs it with his Rinnegan.

"Not good! We have to knock Madara away from the ten-tails for our jutsus to work on it." Onoki frowns.

"Leave it to me!"

Tsunade makes a series of hand signs.

"Wood Release: Great Deep Forest Emergence,"

After completing her hand signs, she claps her hands and a massive forest emerges beneath the ten-tails. Several vines, branches, and roots bind the ten-tails to a place.

Tsunade controls her massive golem and leaps up in the air. The golem clenches its fists and aims a punch at the ten-tail's head.

"Hmm… her wood release control is not bad. Though it's nowhere near Hashirama though."


Madara creates his Susanoo and anticipates Tsunade's punch. The palm of Susanoo grabs the massive wooden golem's fist and engages in a dead block. Two more arms with curved chakra swords appear on Susanoo's back. These blades aim for the golem's torso.


Tsunade clenches her fists and punches the incoming blades.


Her punch shatters the chakra blade and she lands on top of the ten-tails.

Tsunade in her Sage mode infuses more chakra into her foot and lifts it above her head.

"Sage Art: Heavenly Strike of Pain,"

Her foot stomps on top of the ten-tail's head, creating a massive depression.

The force behind her attack deforms ten-tails head. The ground beneath the ten-tail's crumble and it falls into a massive pit with several trees, roots, and vines.

Meanwhile, Madara is also ready with his jutsu. After completing the hand signs, he opens his mouth.

"Storm Release: Light Fang Bullet,"

Madara spews out a powerful beam of purple light from his mouth.

"Be careful, Tsunade Baa-san!" Naruto warns her.

However, the light beam is extremely fast.


It approaches Tsunade's body within a fraction of a second. When the beam is about to pierce her heart, a green light appears on her body and blocks the light beam.


The light beam makes a metal clashing noise and gets deflected from Tsunade's body.

"That's Touki!" Madara's eyes narrow.

"It's the same technique as Hashirama." He opens his mouth in surprise.

During the Warring States era, Hashirama was invincible on the battlefield for three reasons. The first was his massive chakra reserves that even surpass those of a tailed beast. With such large chakra reserves, Hashirama could fight for several days and could non-stop use his Wood Release techniques. The second reason was his Senjutsu Life force, Aura or Touki. Touki is the external manifestation of one's life force aura. When a person possesses overwhelming life force, then this vital aura will wrap around their body like a shield and protect them from most attacks. Not only will it heighten their defense, but it will also increase their offense, agility, and speed.

Touki was part of the reason Hashirama could fight on par with Madara, who had a tremendous advantage in terms of speed, perception, and reflexes with his Mangekyo Sharingan.

As for The third reason for Hashirama's overwhelming superiority, it was his high regeneration speed. Most attacks won't pierce through Hashirama's defenses and in some rare cases, if any attack manages to pierce through, then it will be healed within a matter of seconds to minutes, thus making Hashirama an invincible god of war.

In that case, Madara changes his hand signs within seconds. He completes the necessary hand seals when Tsunade's fist is about to make contact with his body.

"Fire Release: Majestic Destroyer Flames,"

Madara uses his signature fire releases technique on Tsunade at close range.

Tsunade's body is engulfed in extremely high-temperature flames.


Mei's lava golem slams his palm on the ground.

"Lava Release: Crimson Purgatory,"

A massive amount of lava gathers beneath the the-tails. The lava pool engulfs the wooden forest and uses it as fuel to expand. Ten-tail's body gradually sinks into the lava pool.


A also flickers in between the ten-tail's massive leg with his black lightning cloak.

"Hell Stab: One finger Nukite,"

He focuses the extreme sharpness of the lightning chakra on his single fingertip and jabs at the ten-tail's hind leg.

The powerful hell spear pierces through the leg of the ten-tail and slices it cleanly from its body.


The ten-tail's releases a deafening cry of pain. It slowly loses its balance after the loss of one of its legs. However, its cries of struggle are cut short by Onoki, who leaps from the top of his Golem.


The rock golem deals a heavy blow on the chest of the ten-tail's. The ten-tail loses its balance and falls into the lava pit.


Swish… swish…

Onoki also completes his hand signs.

"Earth Release: Mobile Earth Core,"

He shifts the ground beneath the ten-tail's body and submerges it completely within the lava pool. He seals the top of the pit with a massive layer of rocks.

Gaara and Raasa also complete their preparation.

"Grand Sand Funeral!"

A massive amount of sand flocks the battlefield. The sand buries the ten-tails and seals it within multiple layers of earth.

Mei also makes a series of hand signs.

"Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique,"

She uses her lava release technique to seal the cracks within the rock layers and create an unbreakable, highly dense layer of igneous rocks.

"Earth Release: Bedrock coffin,"

Onoki completes the finishing touch by sealing the ground with two massive layers of rock.

Obito also gets buried with the ten-tails, his fate unknown.

Madara, who has separated from the ten-tails and is engaged in a battle with Tsunade, glances at the scene.

"Unbelievable! Who would've thought that the shinobis from the Five Great Nations would work so cooperatively? At least, with this incomplete resurrection, I get to witness such a sight. However…"



A/N:- The fated battle between Izuna and Madara is here. Join my pat reon at:

to read it in advance.

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