Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 51: Intercepting the Supplies

The war continues for the next few days. Sunagakure joined the war after the letter from Konohagakure. The war turns in Konoha's favor as Iwagakure is pushed back even further.

Konoha gains control over the majority of the Kusagakure. Only a final push is required to score the victory. However, things change with the interference of Kirigakure. Konoha is now flanked from three sides and one of the divisions from the Iwagakure battlefront is sent to the Kirigakure battlefront to intercept them.

Meanwhile, at Kumo Battlefront with both commanders sent out of the equation, the situation calmed down a little. The fervor of both sides cooled down a little.

I got the opportunity to battle again. With the use of Light Style Jutsu, I nearly become unstoppable. Apparently, Kumogakure prepared a separate Sensor Unit to track me and another Kekkai Genkai team to deal with them.

But I am too slippery to be caught by them. This Cat and mouse came with a great harvest for me. I successfully learned two more Kekkai Genkai Nature Transformations.

I got to learn Shock release and Swift Release Kekkai Genkais. They are two of the rarest Nature Transformations.

Shock Release is a combination of Lightning Release and Earth Release. It is a very powerful nature transformation as the user can create Shockwaves and tremors through the earth. The user can create Earthquakes and avalanches by utilizing more Lightning Chakra in the jutsu and electrocuting the ground and generate seismic waves. A very handy jutsu when fighting on the ground or against earth style users who like to hide underground.

Swift Release is more practical and is essentially the Nature Transformation I needed the most. It is a combination of Lightnings Release and Wind Release. By just coating my body in Swift Release Chakra, the speed of my body reaches beyond the speed any single element could produce on its own.

My body and senses are still not used to this speed. The very first time I used this Nature Transformation, I was overwhelmed by the speed and crashed into a boulder. Sharingan proves to be a huge boon here. I can keep track of my surroundings with it, but my reflexes can't keep up.

I need to train my body a bit more. I believe I will easily become one of the fastest Ninja alive after I gained a hundred percent proficiency in the Swift Release.

The third Ninja war isn't a war of Ninja Tactics or strategies. It is a war of Kekkai Genkais. Most of the ninja involved in the war has at least one Kekkai Genkai. This provides them a massive advantage against non-kekkai Genkai users.

It is part of the reason why many Kekkai Genkai clans and individuals were hunted by other Ninjas after the war ended in the original story. Kekkai Genkai users are feared by others and out of jealousy, they committed a large scale genocide after the war.

'Time to test these new Kekkai Genkais I obtained from the Kumogakure Ninjas. The battlefield is still the best training ground for me. After the continuous killing spree in the previous few days, the meaning of life has twisted in my mind.

I look at my blood-soaked hands and sigh as once these hands saved many lives in my previous world. I was a doctor there and now a killer here. What is the meaning of Life? What is the meaning of Death? Such questions start to pop out in my mind. I have lived once and even died once. Maybe after this war, I will able to figure out the true meaning of Life.'

I shake my hand to remove distracting thoughts as I focus on the enemy team. A squad of twenty Kumo ninjas is traveling through the forest as they carry supplies to the enemy camp. My task is to intercept them and steal their supplies, afterall both sides lack resources and any extra supply will greatly preserve the fighting prowess of our Village.


I activate my Sharingan and draw out my Chakra Blade.

'Light Release: Light Sabre'

My Chakra blade turns blue from the heat as it hums and produce high-intensity heat. I bend my body as I get ready to attack the Kumo group.

'Swift Release: God Speed'


I disappear from my place as my body becomes a blur and even my afterimages are blurred by my speed. This incredible speed paired with my perception turns me into an almost Invisible killer. There is only one downside of this jutsu, I can't turn around at such speed. Though there is no tunnel vision for me, still I have to improve my technique to the next level.


My Chakra blade sliced one enemy after another. By the time any of them could respond, I have already sent half of them to the afterlife. My momentum died after a while as I appeared in front of them.

"Swift Release, That's a swift Release user. Who is this guy? We have no intel on him." One of the enemy ninjas cries in exasperation.

"Wait, those eyes, Sharingan. He is an Uchiha clan member of Konoha. But there is no record of any Uchiha with Swift Release." Another ninja shouts incredulously.

"Wait, that's not important now. For now, we have to stop him from stealing our supplies." Another ninja reminds them.

While they were yelling their monologue. I have infused enough Chakra in my hands as I slam them on the ground.

'Shock Release: Ground splitter'

I slam my hand on the ground as the earth splits apart and engulf five more ninjas. The ground closely shortly leaving no sign of the buried ninja.

Using the Kekkai Genkai nature transformation is much efficient than Base Elemental attacks. The Chakra taxation is a little high, but nothing major I can't handle without triggering the sin seal.

Only five ninjas remained on the enemy side. At this point, they are terrified of him. I spot a girl among them which seems familiar to me.

'The girl has dark-skin and green eyes. She has light grey hair tied into a bun with two bangs that fall on either side of her face. She wore the standard Kunoichi outfit of Kumogakure with black sandals.

One of the remaining Ninja shouts to the girl,

"Mabui, use your technique to transfer the supply to the camp. We can't allow it to fall in enemies' hands."

"Yes, leader. I won't allow our enemies to benefit from our supplies."

Mabui makes a Ram hand seal as a blinding light engulfs the supplies and the supplies turn into a bolt of lightning as it travels through the sky.

'Heavenly Transfer Technique'

"No, you don't." Izuna shouts as he uses 'Swift Release' to appear before them.

Before he could strike them, the supplies vanish from the field as they shoot off towards Kumo camp. Mabui slumps on the ground as she ran out of Chakra.

The Kumo ninja cheers in elation as they successfully transferred the supplies. However, their elation soon turns in horror as they look at an angry Izuna.

Izuna has an angry expression as he looks at Kumo ninjas. He has failed his mission as the Kumo ninjas were successful in transporting the supplies.

Izuna points his blade at Kumo ninjas as his blade coats in lightning Chakra. A high concentration of lightning Chakra gathers on the Chakra blade as the sound of many chirping birds echoes in the air.

'I will be borrowing your technique for a while, Kakashi-senpai.'

'Lightning Release: Chidori Lightning Cutter'

'Gate of Opening open'…Izuna even opens the first gate to increase his speed. He is pretty pissed on the failure of his mission and needs to vent his anger and frustration. These Kumo shinobis happen to be his enemies.

Whizz… Swoosh…

Izuna disappears in Kumo shinobi's vision. He reappears before them for a brief second before he disappears again. One after another he kills the remaining four Kumo ninjas. His rage has calmed down a bit as he looks at Mabui who defenselessly laid on the ground.

"I will spare your life for now. Don't cross my path again in this war. Your Raikage spared my life once and I will return the favor. But if you thought of facing me again, then I won't be merciful next time." Izuna leaves Mabui as he flickers back to Konoha's camp.


Inside the Kumo camp,

One of the Jounin Commander shouts in anger as he complains,

"What happened to our supplies? Why are they so late? Mabui is supposed to arrive with them. She will use her transportation technique to send Raikage-sama back to Kumogakure to meet with elders…"

Before he could speak further, a bolt of lightning shots towards his camp as it smashes into his tent and destroys it.

"Enemy attack! Prepare for combat."

Nearby Kumo shinobi goes on alert as they warily look at their commander's camp.

"Calm down, everyone! It is just our supplies." The jounin commander walks out from the camp as he held onto their supplies.

"We have an emergency. Our Supply team is intercepted by enemies. Go and search for them." The jounin commander orders his subordinates as he looks towards the forest.

"I hope you are fine, my daughter."

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