After teleporting Onoki to Genbu Island, Minato swiftly returns to the Allied Shinobi headquarters, unaware of Onoki's plight.

"Lord Fourth, from the intel we got earlier; the enemy force is moving underground and is undetectable to the sensors; so how do you plan to confront them?" Sakumo asks Minato for advice.

"Sakumo-san, I already took that fact into consideration."

Minato points towards a strange metallic rod with multiple fuinjutsu inscriptions on it.

"This is an amplification device based on the CPS system. It not only amplifies the range and coverage area of the CPS system, but it also acts as a receiver and transmitter and detector for unusual chakra and life signature." Minato introduces the strange metallic pole to the rest of the Kage group.

"This was one of Izuna's ideas and is based on the radio transmitter we use for long-range communication. It took the researchers of Konoha seven years to develop a successful prototype." Tsunade shakes her head.

She always praised Izuna's knack for seemingly strange but extremely advanced ideas. If Izuna was here, he would be speechless at the minds of Konoha's researchers.

This was something he proposed on a whim in front of Tsunade while drawing the prototype for the CPS system. He didn't suspect she would be so impressed by the idea that she will gather researchers from all over the Land of Fire and ask them to develop a prototype.

Earlier, Minato talked about the function of these amplifier rods with Ao and dispatched every sensor unit with a set of these rods. With this, they would be able to cover the entire battlefield and relay any command or information almost instantaneously.

The Intelligence and Logistics unit is also aware of this and has already linked its sensor bubble with the CPS system.

Except for Minato, Tsunade, and Mei; the rest of the Kage and the commander leaves the headquarter for the battlefield.

Minato will monitor the situation from the base and will command the rest of the army. He will partake in the battle during the later phases of the war, where powerful shinobis from both sides are in a direct confrontation to decide the outcome of the war.

Suddenly, Kushina teleports into the room alongside Ayaka.

"Mei Nii-san!" Ayaka turn to Mei and waves.

"How are Tatsuya and Kanna doing?"

"Dad is fighting in the war, so I left them in the care of Mom. They are currently at Mom and Dad's house."

"That's good to hear!" Mei heaves a sigh of relief. Izuna's parent's house is one of the safest spots in Konoha, due to several barriers around it.

"So, why are you here? You know, you are too young to participate in the war, right?" Tsunade and Mei chide her.

"But… but… back then, my brother was eight-year-old when I fought in the third Shinobi war. So, compared to him; I am four years older." Ayaka puffs her cheeks.

"The situation back then was quite different. We had a lack of manpower at that time and your brother was already a chunnin at that time and you are still a genin. So, you aren't eligible to participate in the war." Tsunade and Mei shake their head.

"But… but… I got permission from the mom." Ayaka stares at them with her signature puppy eyes.

"No! No, means no!" But the rigid heart of Tsunade and Mei is unaffected by her performance. She has bamboozled them multiple times in the past with the signature move. Now, they have grown immune to it.

"Help me, Kushina Nee-san!" Ayaka begs Kushina for help.

"Pfft… haha…"

Kushina burst out in laughter.

"Alright! Alright! She won't participate in the war." Kushina holds her laughter while speaking.

"She is here to help me maintain the Fuinjutsu seals of the CPS system since she is also a Fuinjutsu Grandmaster."

Tsunade and Mei heave a sigh of relief at Kushina's words.

"Look… the first amplifier is up."

Kushina glances at the live map of the battlefield as a group of sensor shinobis from the Sensor unit plants a rod on the ground.

After planting the rod on the ground, it sinks into the ground and vanishes from sight. This is a defense mechanism designed by Kushina.

If left on the ground, it will stick out like a sore thumb. So, transplanting it on the earth will reduce the signal range but it will improve the survivability of the rods. Also, they have mass-produced more than enough rods to sustain in the war. There is also a proximity seal on the rod, which determines the proximity of the other rod within the area.

If the runes of the seal are green, then there are no other rods in the vicinity. If the runes are red, then there is another rod in the vicinity.

"WHOA! What was that?" A shinobi from the medic division asks in surprise.

"This is a sort of communication device from the headquarter. I am not sure of its function, but it apparently helps us communicate with the headquarters faster." The sensor shinobi, who implanted the rod, replies to his fellow medical compatriot. He turns towards a member of the communication division and nods his head.

The member of the communication division places makes a series of hand signs and places his right hand on his forehead.

"Reporting Yusuke Yamanaka from the Team 420!"

"Copy! We hear you loud and clear Yusuke!" Another member of the communication unit replies to him in the headquarter.

"Over and out!" Yusuke closes his communication with the headquarter.

"It's successful!" Yusuke nods at the Sensor shinobi who is also the leader of their support division.

"Good! Let's move out." The leader commands them to catch up with the main battle unit.

Soon, a series of beacons light up on the map in the alliance headquarters. To prevent the overload of information; Shikaku has split the entire map into hundred different sectors with a team of four members each monitoring the situation of each sector. These four people can contact the members of the communication unit in their sector to relay orders.

"Enemy contact!"

One of the shinobis in the headquarter notices multiple red beacons in his sector. He swiftly relays the news to the team on the battlefield.


The combat division gets ready to intercept the enemy.

Soon, a few figures appear in their vision.

"That's… that's the reanimation jutsu." The leader of the division recognizes the enemy.

Soon, multiple teams confront the reanimated shinobis at various battlefronts. The members of the logistics swiftly relay a battle plan and the shinobis from the sealing unit get ready to act at any moment.

"So, they are our enemy." One of the Edo Tensei glances at the members of the allied shinobi force.

"But why do I sense multiple chakra signatures from various nations? There is a chakra signature from Iwa, Suna, Kiri, Kumo, and Konoha mixed within this group of shinobis.

"Sensei?! Is that you, Homura sensei?" One of the shinobi recognizes the person in front of them.

"That voice!" The Edo Tensei frowns and glances in the direction of the voice to spot an adult man in his early thirties.

"Mizuno! Is that you, Mizuno?" He recognizes the middle-aged person in front of him.

"No… something is not right! The Mizuno I know is a young boy around fourteen years of age. Who are you?" Homura glares at Mizuno.

"Sensei, it's me! It has been almost twenty years since you died." Mizuno walks towards Homura.

"Oye, wait! He is an enemy." One of his teammates from another nation stops him.

"Twenty years?!" Homura tilts his head in confusion.

Suddenly, Homura draws his blade and slashes in their direction.

"Kenjutsu: Howling Wolf Crescent Slash,"

With a sudden flash of light, an unsuspecting shinobi is chopped into half. Thus, the first casualty of the war appeared.

"Everyone, quickly restrict his movements." The team leader gains his senses and commands his team to act.

"Homura Sensei is proficient in Kenjutsu. Don't engage him in close quarters." Mizuno warns his teammate as he draws his blade and walks towards the latter.

"Mizuno, I can't control my body. It's moving on its own."

Mizuno releases another crescent slash toward the combat unit, but the members of the barrier unit block the attack with a barrier.

Soon, more reanimated figures appear around them.

"Captain, I will handle the Homura sensei. The rest of you focus on others." Mizuno also draws his blade and performs the same technique as Homura.

"Kenjutsu: Howling Wolf Crescent Slash,"

However, his attack is much bigger and more powerful than Homura's.

"Can you handle it?" The team captain asks him.

"Yes, I can!" Mizuno nods in confidence.

"Then sealing unit members. Be ready to act anytime!"

Homura and Mizuno engage in a kenjutsu battle as Homura asks him.

"Mizuno, what's happening? I thought I had died in that battle. If I died, then why I am still fighting you? And why are there so many chakra signatures from other nations? Is this a war?"

Clang… clang…

Mizuno parries Kisuke's blade and slashes his body in half. But the regeneration from Edo Tensei restores his body.

"Yes, sensei! Twenty years ago, you sacrificed your life to buy us time to relay the intel to the village. We almost died during that encounter, if not for the timely reinforcement from the village." Mizuno nods at him with tears overflowing from his eyes as he fills him up on the situation.

Similar scenes appear at multiple battlefronts as the shinobis meet with their former friends, relatives, or enemies on the battlefield.


A/N:- My new Naruto fan-fic, 'The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World' is out.

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