
Satori fires a giant crimson orb of negative chakra toward Mui and Ryūzetsu.

"Looks like this is the end!"

Both Mui and Ryūzetsu accept their fate.

"Wind Release: Rasenshuriken,"

A loud, brash voice echoes in the air, followed by the sound of whirling blades.


A giant rasenshuriken intercepts the negative energy orb. Both attacks clash and explode in the air after a few seconds.


A gust of strong breeze blows in the surroundings.

"Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall,"

Yamato jumps in front of Mui and Ryūzetsu and creates a wooden dome to shield them from the attack.


Naruto jumps in front of Sasuke and blocks the aftermath of the explosion.


Sasuke calls his name.

"Don't worry, I am here!"

"Sasuke Nii-san!"

Ayaka also jumps beside Sasuke and glances at the curse mark on his body.

"This is a sealing curse mark!" She recognizes the pattern of the curse.

"I will dispel it!" She infuses some chakra in her finger and taps Sasuke's forehead and the curse nodes. The curse vanishes from Sasuke's body and the latter heaves a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for the help!"

"Wood Release: Spikes of Death,"

Yamato fires multiple wooden spikes toward Satori from his hands.

Swoosh… whoosh…

Satori easily dodges the spikes and flaps its wings to gain some height. It leans forwards and charges toward Naruto, Sasuke, and Ayaka.

"I will protect you!"

Naruto crosses his arm and creates a pair of giant Rasengan in each hand.

"Not so fast!"


Sakura leaps toward Satori with a spearhead kick.


Satori flaps its wings and stops in its track to avoid her attack.


Ino waves at Sasuke as she jumps from the top of a giant bird.


Sasuke turns towards them and notices the members of the Konoha 12 and some jounins from Kumogakure, Sunagakure, Kirigakure, and Iwagakure.

"Quick… There is a patient to treat here."

Yamato hurriedly calls for emergency aid.

Sakura and Ino rush toward Mui and use the Mystic Palm technique to heal the hole in his chest. A lump of negative chakra pulsates around his wound and barres any attempt at healing.


Both of them click their tongue as Mui's vitality drains rapidly.

"Eat this! Leaf hurricane!"

Lee jumps in the air and performs a spinning downward roundhouse kick with three gates open.

Whoosh… BANG…

Lee's kick creates a gigantic crater on the ground and shatters the pavement of the exercise ground. Satori flaps its wings and avoids the attack.

"Akamaru, Let's do it! Fang over Fang!"

Kiba and Akamaru fuse into a gigantic white wolf and rapidly spin in the air to perform a powerful drilling attack on Satori.

Tenten also jumps at Satori's blind spot and opens her ninja scroll to launch a barrage of hidden weapons and the like.

"Ninja Scroll: Death by Thousand Blades,"

"I won't be left behind!"

Choji eats a handful of chakra pills and rapidly expands into a giant.

"Human Boulder Tank,"

He curls his body into a ball and rapidly rolls towards Satori.

"Shadow possession jutsu,"

Shikamaru also sends his shadow to paralyze Satori's movements.

"Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm Barrage,"

The Hyuga sibling launches a barrage of vacuum palms toward the giant demonic monster.

"Secret Technique: Insect Hurricane,"

Shino opens his sleeves to launch a volley of thousand of insects toward Satori in a hurricane-shaped vortex.

The attacks of Konoha 12 members block all of Satori's path of escape.

Satori swiftly glances around and senses the hostility of every shinobi around him.

"I can sense it! The FEAR! MALICE! And the BLOODLUST!"


It flaps its wings and fires a volley of explosive feathers toward Tenten's weapons since they are the fastest among all. Satori flies in the air and avoids the barrage of vacuum palms from the Hyuga duo. It rapidly spins in the air and kicks the human boulder tank of Choji to redirect it towards the incoming combined assault of Kiba and Akamaru.

Satori flies over Shino's insect and hides above their shadows to prevent the shadow possession jutsu.


Shikamaru clicks his tongue and dispels his jutsu to free Shino's insects. The swarm of insects chases after Satori but the latter opens its mouth and spews out a crimson flame to burn the insects into cinders.

"It's futile! Your attacks won't reach me."

Satori flaps its wings and lands on the ground.

"Everyone… The only way to kill this monster is to either seal or destroy the box!" Sasuke recovers his chakra and informs them.

"Then I will give it a shot!"

Naruto and Sasuke make a series of hand signs. Both of them slam their palm on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Poof… Poof…

Naruto summons Gamabunta while Sasuke summons Aoda.



"Buy us time to destroy that box!"

Both of them issue an order to their respective summons.

"What… what's going on?" Gamabunta glances at Satori.

"Satori, the gluttony demon!" He recognizes Satori at a glance.

"Then does this mean…" Gamabunta looks around and spots the Box of Ultimate Bliss in the center of the exercise field.

"Naruto, what's the matter? Why are you fighting against Satori, the gluttony demon? Wasn't it sealed inside the Box of Ultimate Bliss?"

"Umm… chief, you know about this monster!"

"Of course! There are records of this monster's existence in Mount Myoboku. Satori is an existence that is bound to the Box of the Ultimate Bliss. That's its curse! The box gives rise to Satori, moves Satori, and ends with Satori. He captures his enemies and throws them in the box to satiate the never-ending hunger of the box. Not only that, Satori can read the hearts of all living beings. It can sense the negative emotions in their heart and predict their course of action from this. So it's almost impossible to fight against this demon."

Gamabunta draws his blade and enters a combat stance.

"What? Then, how will fight against this thing if it can dodge all of our attacks? Also, how did someone even seal such a monster in the first place?" Naruto has several questions in his mind.

"I don't know much about it. But the only way to fight against this demon is to have a tranquil heart. Only someone with a tranquil heart can let go of their emotions and stand a chance against this demon." Gamabunta explains to them.

"Tranquil heart?! Tranquil heart!" Naruto enters into thoughts.

"I think I understand it!"

He turns towards Yamato.

"Captain Yamato! Can you protect me for a few minutes?"

"Alright!" Yamato nods his head as Naruto flickers towards him and sits beside him with closed eyes.

Yamato locks him into a protective wooden dome and deflects Satori's explosive feathers.

Gamabunta and Aoda surround Satori from both sides and attack him with a flurry of attacks. Satori swiftly maneuvers amongst their attacks and flaps its wings to launch multiple black wind attacks toward the Konoha 12.

"Eight Trigram: Palms Revolving Heaven,"

Neji and Hinata rapidly spin while ejecting chakra from their tenketsu points to generate a protective dome around them. They successfully repel the black wind blades and give others some time for a breather.

"Damn it! No matter how hard I try, I can't even touch a feather on its body. It's so frustrating!"

Kiba clenches his fists.


Akamaru barks to show his agreement.


Sasuke flickers beside the Ultimate Box of Bliss.

"Lightning Release: Purple Chidori Stream,"

Sasuke generates a purple lightning blade in his hand and stabs at the demonic mask of the ultimate box of bliss.


Sparks fly from his attack as one of his most powerful attacks fails to even produce a scratch on the box.

"Then what about this?"


Sasuke creates a giant humanoid Susanoo and attacks the box with his katanas.


A crisp metallic noise echoes in the air as his blades snap in half from the powerful impact.

"Not even a scratch!"

Sasuke and the rest are shocked to see his attack fail.

"This box is indestructible!" Shikamaru concludes as he glares at Satori.


Satori flaps its wings and perches on top of the box.

"None of you possess the power to shatter this box. All of you are so pathetically weak that your mere thought of destroying this box baffles me. Do you think you possess the necessary power to destroy a divine artifact?" Satori mocks them.

"No… do you even know what this box is? Can you imagine what's inside this box? There is no day or night inside the box, so you don't have any sense of time. There is no exit, so there is no way to escape. It's pitch-black inside the box and there is this one sinister feeling that swirls around you. It's big and black and seeps into every cell of your body. Every emotion that torments you become vague and when I killed my father with these hands, that feeling vanished into thin air. Nothing binds me anymore." Satori's voice changes to match Muku.


Ryūzetsu shouts his name.

"Is that really you, Muku?"

"Ah! That name. I have no use for that name anymore. Now I only have one purpose."


Satori flaps its wings and avoids an attack from Sasuke's Susanoo.

"What's happening? I can read his movements with my Sharingan, but he can change them according to my movements. It's like he can predict the future!"

Sasuke clicks his tongue.

"Storm Release: Raijin no Yari,"

Suddenly, a bolt of red lightning falls from the sky and strikes Satori without any warning.


A/N:- My new Naruto fan-fic, 'The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World' is out.

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