Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 430: Side Story Part 10: Redaku Arc: Battle Against Umibozu Part-1

Izuna deflects the rampaging tentacles of the Umibozu while his clones safely evacuate the citizens. The loss of blood energy from the civilians induces a frenzy in the mindless monster, since it lost its source of food.


Umibozu releases a deafening while smashing its shadow tentacles left and right, regardless of the ally and enemy. The barrier erected by Izuna easily swats away the tentacles, leaving the members of the evil cult to suffer the fury of Umibozu.

The tentacles of the Umibozu pierce through the body of the evil cult members and absorb their blood, leaving behind an emaciated corpse similar to a zombie.

"What? Why is our sacred priest attacking us?"


Panic ensues among the members of the evil cult as they become aware of the situation. The leader of the group wipes away the blood from his mouth. The previous blow from Izuna not only broke the harp but also dealt some internal damage to his body.

"Shinobi! You must be a shinobi from the Shinobi World." He recognizes the chakra used by Izuna.

"Hoh! So, you still want to persist after becoming aware of my identity?" Izuna smirks at him.


"Our faith can't be so easily broken by a mere shinobi." The priest snorts at him.

"Genjutsu: Sharingan,"

Izuna casts a genjutsu on the priest to take him out of the picture.

'I will interrogate him later. For now, I will deal with this Umibozu.'

Izuna stares at the citizens of Shirodo town from the corner of his eyes. His clones have evacuated the civilians to a safe distance and currently, most of the civilians are spectating the battle from the safe boundaries of his barrier.

'It's time for the show!'

Izuna cracks his knuckle and prepares to attack the Umibozu to leave a heroic impression on the people.

"You evil monster, die!"


With a burst of white clouds, gigantic Plesiosaurs appear in the gulf. The plesiosaur has a broad flat body and a long cylindrical neck. It has four gigantic flippers as its limbs and a comparatively smaller head. The Plesiosaur is almost a hundred meters long and around fifty meters in height.


It releases a powerful roar and leaps at the Umibozu. A large amount of nature energy gathers around its mouth. The Plesiosaur compresses the nature energy into a highly dense orb and releases a powerful beam of blue energy toward the Umibozu.


The powerful burst of energy burst out a gigantic hole around Umibozu's right shoulder and blows away a significant portion of its body.


Umibozu releases a deafening roar of agony. Dark black and red energy squirms around its damaged body and regenerates the wound caused by the powerful beam of the Plesiosaurs.


Izuna, who was about to intercept the Umibozu, is flabbergasted at the sudden appearance of prehistoric dinosaurs.

"What the… That's a plesiosaur!"

He stares at the gigantic sea monster with wide eyes.

Huff… Huff…

A woman in a white robe and silver-white hair slowly walks towards him.

"Huff… huff… I made it in time." Yuri breathes heavily as she stares at the gigantic back of the plesiosaur.

Akari and Viktor also quickly approach her. The members of the Uzu clan who are still present at the scene open a path for them. One of the Uzu clan members quickly approaches Akari and narrates the situation to her.

Izuna glances at Yuri for a second before turning his attention to the battle between the giant Plesiosaur and the Umibozu.

'So, despite my warning and the help, she still chose to sacrifice her life to perform the summoning jutsu.'

He notices the rapidly plummeting vitality and life energy of Yuri from the corner of his eyes. The emerald necklace around her neck is emitting a denser aura of her life, but the summoning seal on her hand is rapidly draining her vitality to sustain the summoning.


Umibozu regenerates its body in a matter of seconds and releases a powerful scream.

Ripples spread across the water in the gulf as the members of the Uzu clan block their ears. Faint ripples spread around the silver priestess and erect a transparent barrier to block the attack. The transparent barrier quickly shrouds Izuna and the members of the Uzu clan. The bracelet on her hand shimmers with silver light.

'Hmm… this scream is a powerful mental attack.'

Izuna rubs his chin in amusement. He curiously stares at the bracelet on her wrist.


Yuri heaves a sigh of relief and turns to Izuna.

"Thank you so much for your help." She bows to Izuna in gratitude.

Earlier, she overheard the murmurs of the Uzu clan members. Izuna not only saved the life of the civilians but also assisted them in their battle against the members of the evil cult.

"It's nothing much. Rather, we should worry about that monster." Izuna shrugs and points toward Umibozu.

Yuri bites her lower lip. Her skin turns pale as the summoning seal on her hand glows with a blue light.

'I hope Lord Shirodo can quickly weaken this monster before the summoning time runs out.'

She has to sacrifice a large amount of her blood and life energy to summon Shiroda. Even now, her vitality is rapidly draining away to maintain the summoning seal. She was prepared to sacrifice her life the moment the Umibozu appeared.

Bang… Bang…

The Plesiosaur and the Umibozu continue to clash with each other. The flippers of Plesiosaur glow with cyan color. It waves them towards Umibozu and releases a flurry of energy blades.


The Umibozu releases another scream and waves its shadow tentacles to release multiple crimson blades to counter the cyan blades.


A giant explosion occurs at the point of impact. The pressurized energy ejects a large amount of water from the gulf, which rains down from the sky.

Izuna erects a barrier to block the falling rainwater.

Rumble… Rumble… Crackle… crackle…

Lightning and thunderstorm pour down from the sky.


Umibozu releases another powerful mental attack and swats away the Plesiosaur with its numerous tentacles.


A large amount of sinister energy gathers around the hollow mouth of the Umibozu. The sinister energy condenses into a giant reddish-black spiral orb of energy.

"That's not good!"

Izuna frowns.


The reddish-black spiral orb turns into a powerful concentrated beam and launches towards the Plesiosaur.


The Plesiosaur releases a suppressed roar and deploys a dense energy barrier composed of hexagonal energy fragments.


The powerful clash produces multiple shockwaves that blow away the land around the gulf. At the center of impact, the explosion pushes away the water to create gigantic waves.

"Oh no!"

The Uzu clan members and the civilian panics at the sight of giant waves. These waves are large enough to drown the entire Shirodo town. Izuna steps forward.

"Ice Release: Snow Blizzard,"

He makes some hand signs and freezes the gigantic waves.

The civilian cheers at the sight of the frozen waves.

"That's Lord Izuna for you!" Hoshi and Kei sing praises of Izuna.

The effect of the explosion lasts for a while.

"Wind Release: Pressure Breakthrough,"

Izuna blows away the surrounding mist to reveal the state of the battle.

The plesiosaur is biting the neck of Umibozu with its powerful canines coated in nature energy. Multiple shadow tendrils of the Umibozu have punctured through the flippers of the Plesiosaur. Some of the tendrils are still attempting to pierce through the hard scales on its back.

Yuri's already pale face turns paler as she notices the tragic condition of Plesiosaur. She clasps her hands and closes her eyes. The summoning seal on her hand shimmers with blue light.

The faint moonlight which escapes through the gaps in the cloud falls on Plesiosaur's body. The moonlight rapidly heals its injuries at the cost of Yuri's chakra and light force. Wrinkles appear on Yuri's face as much of her life force and chakra is drained to heal the Plesiosaur.


The Plesiosaur releases a roar and charges a powerful nature energy blast at point-blank range.


The powerful beam blasts a hole through Umibozu's head. Umibozu's gigantic, headless body falls to the ground.

"It's over!"

Akari and Viktor heave a sigh of relief. The townsfolk also cheers in joy as they sing praises of the Sea Lord.

'Hmm… something isn't right.' Izuna has a foreboding feeling.

He quickly looks around to search for the members of the evil cult. Most of their members are still in Izuna's genjutsu.

'Huh! Where is their leader?'

Izuna frown at the absence of the group leader.

'Where is he? And how did he dispel my genjutsu and escape my senses?'

Izuna closes his eyes to sense his presence.

"Found him!"

Suddenly, he opens his eyes and notices the group leader of the evil cult. The group leader of the evil cult is standing beside the dead body of Umibozu.

"How did he reach there?"

Yuri also notices his figure.


The evil leader turns towards them and smirks. He takes out a pitch-black dagger from his robes and stabs it at the position of his heart.


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