Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 421: Side Story Part 1: Origin of Redaku: Part-2

Izuna flips to another page to continue the tale.

[The ground was trembling, the seas were churning; the sky was burning as countless balls of flames descended from the sky. Anything closer to the ball of flames disappeared from existence.

The ground beneath our feet split apart, and the earth consumed us in a single bite. Everything was shrouded in darkness. Without the giant ball of fire, it was hard to move around. We crawled through the area and found buried food in the earth. After a while, we made it to the surface.

The sky was red, and the ground was blue. As far as our vision could see, a vast field of fluffy white snow filled the area. And in the center of that, lied…]

"Hmm… who could it be?"

Izuna flips to another page.

[… a furless and moistureless creature. The creature's skin was smooth and spotless. It was a species we had never seen before in our life. The creature was in awful shape; it was leaking red liquid from its body.

We were afraid… afraid to approach that new creature. However, there was a sense of comfort and warmth around that creature. It was the same feeling I had felt when I opened my eyes for the first time. Many plants and flowers slowly bloomed around that creature. A never felt before sensation of closeness to nature embraced us.

We slowly approached the creature. The roundball's saliva could ease the pain, so it licked the body of the unknown creature.]

"Hmm…" Izuna flips to the next few pages.

"Someone intentionally ruined the writing on these pages. I can't even trace it with my Mangekyo Sharingan. But from these few interactions, I can conclude that Pepe Chad met with other Sage animals. That roundball must be either the first Katsuyu or the first dog sage."

Izuna shakes his head and flips a few more pages.

[The strange creature taught us many things; it taught us how to feel the nature energy in the surroundings and absorb it in our body, the art of Senjutsu. By constantly absorbing the nature energy from the surroundings, we gained spirituality. Later, we learned how to read and write.]

"This person must be the traveller!"


A strange sensation of energy pulsates through Izuna's body.


Izuna closes the book and stares at his surroundings. He notices the abnormality in the surrounding space with his Sharingan.

"There is a powerful barrier blocking the path forward. This strange power is a part of that barrier."

Izuna flies closer to the barrier in the Polar Sea and surveys it.

"Incredible! To think that such kind of Fuinjutsu inscriptions existed! This is a completely unique system of Fuinjutsu inscription. If what I mastered earlier was basics, then these inscriptions are actual advanced knowledge. Every rune, every hieroglyph, and every inscription contains much more knowledge than the basic runes I learned.

Fuinjutsu is like programming. If what I learned before was BASIC then this is C, C++ level of knowledge." He nods at his analogy.

"However, every knowledge has the same roots and logic. It's the pathway, that's different. I can derive the entirety of this unknown Fuinjutsu language by deriving and extrapolating its contents from the basic techniques."

Izuna immerses himself in the study of the barrier of the Polar Sea.

"Hmm… there are advanced isolation formations, hallucination formations, illusion formations, genjutsu formations, Senjutsu formations, auto-repair formation… well… that's new! I did make some auto-repair formations of my own, but it was only restoration, not repair. Restoration requires a lot of energy since it will rebuild the entire Fuinjutsu formation, but with this repair function, I can only repair the damaged portion of a barrier with minimal energy.

This… this formation seems new. Umm… it's a bit complex… no, calling it a bit complex is a stretch. It's borderline insane… an advanced space-time manipulation formation!" Izuna's eyes widen as he frantically absorbs the knowledge of the seals.

A few months later.

"Ugh… I have hit my limit. No matter what, I can't seem to decipher the contents of this advanced space-time formation any further. I am missing the crucial information to derive it further. The missing knowledge is the key to success. If I can get my hands on it, then I can bend the space to my will and can accelerate, pause and even rewind the time to past."

He throws another cursory glance at the barrier and sighs.

"I have learned a lot from this barrier. And this barrier revealed a few nasty secrets!"


The tomoes in Izuna's eyes rotate as his field of vision expands rapidly. He rapidly infuses chakra in his eyes and pushes his sense to their limit. Eventually, his senses cover the entire Shinobi world.

Huff… Huff…

The sudden influx of information overwhelms his mind. He quickly filters the unnecessary information. In his vision, the entire world is covered in purple-blue energy.

"No wonder… no wonder I felt like something was off with the shinobi world. Now I know the reason why."

Izuna weaves his hand through the spatial and temporal field of the shinobi world to grab a wisp of that purplish-blue energy.

"Someone has accelerated the flow of time in the shinobi world. Hmm… I can't figure out the exact ratio, though. This explains many things. No wonder Kaguya spent years preparing for Momoshiki and Kinshiki's arrival, and yet they made their appearance in the far future.

This is an incredible feat of power. I am sure even if I attain the Six Paths power and Rinnegan, I won't even come close to this level of power. Which amazing person did such a thing to this world? Since I am pretty sure whoever did it, did it with kind intentions towards this world."

Izuna releases the wisp or energy which disappears into the spatial and temporal field of the shinobi world.

"Such a feat not only requires an incredible amount of power, but also an extreme understanding of space and time. Currently, I don't know the existence of such a character. Perhaps that so-called Otsutsuki God possesses such power, but I bet he isn't someone with kind intentions." Izuna shakes his head.

"Anyway, I have lost track of my original goal. But it was still worth it to study such a barrier. My skills and understanding of space-time have improved even further."

Izuna steps through the barrier. Some restrictions bind his body, but he easily shrugs them off.

"Commoners and normal shinobis can't cross this barrier. Only a Sage can bypass the restrictions of this barrier."

Izuna summons a giant Garuda again and rides it to fly across the sea.


A gigantic squid-like creature attacks him from the sea.


Izuna waves his hand and releases a Shinra Bansho orb toward the creature.


The squid-like monster dissipates into ashes just from a slight touch of the Shinra Bansho orb.


The orb returns to him and levitates behind his back.


"I can sense a few people in the distance and they seem to battle one of these sea creatures."

Izuna narrows his eyes and notices a merchant ship being attacked by a gigantic eel-like creature.

"Since I have to start from somewhere, I might as well save them to earn their gratitude. I lack the necessary information to traverse this land."


Izuna signals Chief Garuda to fly towards the ship.


In the Redaku Sea, on a merchant ship.

"Captain! You promise to safely escort us through the sea. So, why are these sea monsters attacking us all of a sudden?" The head of the merchants asks the captain of the ship.

"I am not sure, Hoshi-san! Recently, there has been unrest among the sea monsters. Especially the Eel monsters and the squid monsters. Most of them have entered a violent frenzy. Even the mind-breaking stones and the soul fracture stones are ineffective against them."

The captain helplessly shakes his head as he instructs his crew members to repel the attacks of the monsters.

"At this rate, we are left with no choice; but to vacate the ship and evacuate with motorboats."

The captain signals his subordinates to lower the escape boats.

"No, how could we do this? My cargo!" Hoshi clutches his forehead and falls to his knees.

"That's my entire life savings! How can I leave it like that? No… I won't leave it with you. Perhaps this monster will lose interest and leave on its own." Hoshi refuses to budge from the sea.

"Hoshi-san! Don't be stupid and act with such recklessness."

Rumble… rumble… crack…

Cracks appear on the ship as the sea eel coils around the ship. The captain signals his men.

Two burly men grab each of Hoshi's arms and forcefully drag him towards the motorboats to escape.

"Gentleman! I think you might need a little help here." Izuna makes his entrance on the ship.


A/N:- My new Naruto fan-fic, 'The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World' is out.

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