Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 417: A connection beyond blood

"Hmm… this familiar sensation!" A sleeping Yang Kurama opens his eyes.

"This place… no wonder… I felt something familiar." Kurama looks at the space behind the gigantic barrier.

"It has been a long time since I last came to Redaku!" He mutters.

"Huh! You know about this place, Kurama." Naruto asks in surprise.

"Of course! I have visited this place several time. When I was still young, I visited this place multiple times with old man." Kurama reminisces some past memories.

"Old man?! Was he your father or something?" Naruto asks in confusion.

"Hmm… since the person who brings you to life is called your father, then you can say so." Kurama nods in agreement.

"What? You had a father!" Naruto's eyes widen in surprise.


"Who doesn't have a father?" Kurama's face turns black.

"No… no… I thought you were born out of nature or something since your body is made of chakra." Naruto argues.

"Even if I am a chakra being, I do have a physical body. So, of course, I had a father." Kurama shakes his head.

"Hmm… then what species of the fox was it?" Naruto ponders.

"If I recall correctly, Izuna Nii-san use to call you a Tsundere fox, is that your species?" Naruto asks Kurama with a serious face.


Ayaka and Minato who can hear his conversation with Kurama almost burst out in laughter.

"Damn brat! Don't you dare call me that, again!" A bloodthirsty expression appears on Kurama's face.

Pfft… Haha…

Ayaka and Minato burst out in laughter.

"What? What's going on? Why are you two laughing?" Tsunade asks curiously.

"Lady Tsunade, it's like that…" As Minato was about to reveal the conversation.

"Minato! Don't you dare say a word. Or else I will expose everything you are hiding from Kushina. And don't worry I am talking directly in your mind so others can't hear us." Kurama threatens him with a glare.


Minato's expression freezes and he turns silent.

"It's nothing!" Minato shakes his head.

'But I heard it, loud and clear!' Ayaka's voice rings in Minato's and Kurama's ears.

"W… what? How?" Kurama's expression freezes.

"It must be the Sin!" Minato immediately figures out the answer. Ayaka turns to Minato.

"What shouldn't be revealed to Kushina Nii-san?" She curiously asks Minato.

"Haha… nothing! It's nothing. Every man has a secret or two which he must keep to himself." Minato has an ugly smile on his face.

'If Kushina finds out, then I am done for!'

"Oh! That's what Nii-san used to say."

She nods and turns to Kurama.

"But you can't stop me from revealing your species." Ayaka teases Kurama and speaks to Tsunade.

"Oye, Minato! Stop her!" Kurama turns to Minato.

"I am sorry, I can't!" Minato turns his head away.

"Damn! My reputation as the elder brother of all tailed-beasts, it's gone. If any of them finds out, especially that tanuki bastard, then I won't be able to show my face to anyone." Kurama hides his face with his paws.

A clueless Naruto stares at everything in bewilderment as Ayaka exposes Kurama's species.

Pfft… Haha…

Everyone except for Ao and Chojuro burst out in laughter.

"Haha… I can't control my tears." Tsunade wipes some tears from her eyes.

Chojuro turns to Ao.

"Ao-sama, what are they laughing about? Do you know what this… Sun… sun… dere is this?"

"Hmm… I am not sure. But they must be talking about the Sunagakure. Perhaps the Kazekage made some mistake again. Yes, that must be it!" Ao hesitates for a while before firmly nodding his head.

"Again!" Chojuro tilts his head in confusion.

"Oh! There was that one incident when the Kazekage raised some questions about Lord Izuna and Lady Mei's relationship…" Ao continues to narrate a tale to Chojuro.


The rest of the group turns silent at the misunderstanding of Ao and everyone decides to play along with it.

Seeing Ao and Chojuro's clueless faces, Kurama recalls something.

"Wait a minute! I was worrying for nothing. Only Izuna and his peers know the meaning of this word. This means no one else other than them has any clue about it. That means my reputation is saved!" Kurama heaves a sigh of relief.

"But Gaara knows about it. And the One-tails was sealed inside his body." Naruto reminds him.

"Damn!" Kurama yells in frustration.


The group breaks out in another fit of laughter at Naruto's and Kurama's antics.

"It has been a while since I had such laughter." Mei wipes a tear from the corner of her eyes.

"It reminds me of my days with Izuna." Her expression turns sour.

"Don't worry, Mei Nii-san. Brother will be back soon." Ayaka wipes her tears.

"I can feel it, Nii-san's presence. He is close to us!"

"I… I see!" A smile appears on Mei's face.

"I trust Ayaka's words since she is always right when it comes to Izuna." She ruffles Ayaka's hair.

Since her birth, Ayaka had a very close relationship with Izuna. Even closer than her father and mother. When she was a kid, she will start crying when Izuna wasn't close to her.

Despite Akira and Aiko's best efforts, they weren't able to calm her down. But a single word from Izuna will make her calm for the entire day. Such was the magic of Izuna's presence on her.

Later, as she grew up. Ayaka was able to sense Izuna's location no matter where he was in the entire shinobi world. She could even locate the real him between his identical Shadow clones without the aid of any Dojutsu.

Izuna visited Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi cave, and the Shikkotsu Forest with Ayaka to get answers from the three sages. And the only answer all three of them gave him was, "You both share a bond far greater than just blood ties."

This ambiguous answer wasn't enough to answer their curiosity. Since they had no clue, they left it at that.

"Hmm… Kurama… if your father isn't a fox, then who is he?" Naruto interrupts their thoughts with another question.

"I am also quite curious." Minato and the rest turn towards him. Even Ao and Chojuro stop their tale and turn their attention to Kurama.

"You said, all of you tailed beasts are siblings and you are the eldest and the most powerful among them all. But all of you have different species, so how are you brothers and sisters?"

"Sigh…" Kurama shakes his head.

"Unlike you human beings, our relationship isn't tied by blood but by our origin."

"Origin?" Everyone's curiosity deepens.

"Hmm… I heard something like this from Izuna. But he never spoke anything in detail and told us, we will come to know everything on our own." Minato also recalls his conversation with Izuna.

"Alright! Before I tell you about my origin. There are few things you must know beforehand…"

The Yang Kurama enters his history teacher mode as he lectures the group.

"First of all, you must already know about the Otsutsuki clan by now…"

"We do!" Everyone nods their head.

"Then, you must be aware of their purpose too…"

"We do!" They nod again.

"Alright, then… I will tell you the tale of an Otsutsuki princess. Though I am not completely sure of the details, I have an inkling of everything."

Soon Kurama narrates a portion of Kaguya's story and the birth of Hagoromo and Hamura and how they ended up sealing the Ten-tails inside the Moon. And how later Hagoromo separated the chakra of the ten-tails and distributed it in nine portions.

"So, does this mean that the Sage of Six Paths is your father?" Everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." Kurama nods his head in frustration.

It was a pain for him to convince this bunch of retards.

"Hmm… this makes sense. Since it was the Sage of Six Path who created you with his technique; then as your creator he could be defined as your father." Tsunade nods in agreement.

"So, this is what you mean by your relationship with other-tailed beasts. The bond you share with them isn't of blood ties but a bond of the same origin which is much closer than the latter."

"Absolutely correct! All of us tailed beasts share a telepathic connection with each other and can sense each other's location and state. We also share a common mental scape where we can meet with each other regardless of our physical distance. We can also block this connection if we don't want others to know ourselves." Kurama elaborates further.

"Hey, doesn't this sound more like Izuna Nii-san and Ayaka's connection?" Naruto points out.

"Hmm… if we think of it this way, then it sure sounds like that. What could be the connection between them?"

"Yes, what could be the connection between us?" Ayaka ponders.

Rattle… rattle…

The sin chains around her rattle.

"Oh, you know about it Sin-chan!"

Rattle… rattle…

The chains rattle again.

"But you won't tell me, why?" Ayaka puffs her cheeks.

"What? It's not time yet?"

"Don't speak to me, I won't talk to you." Ayaka ignores Sin's continued pleading rattles.


A/N:- My new Naruto fan-fic, 'The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World' is out.

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