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Miroku floats towards the giant hexagonal platform located in the center of the sealing formation.

"A seemingly giant eye is carved in the center of the hexagonal platform."

Miroku levitates in mid-air and makes some hand signs while chanting.

"Fuu, Sai, Dan, Gika, Ragu, Bagi!"

She horizontally crisscrosses her arms.

Rumble… Rumble…

Four small platforms rise from the edges of the hexagonal platform. Miroku makes a hand seal and inserts the four floating orbs into their respective platforms.


She makes a Ram seal and the entire sealing formation light up.

Rumble… rumble…

The entire temple shook slightly and the lava inside the formation drains to reveal a giant carcass of a flood dragon with eight heads.

Ominous chakra, in the form of a purplish black cloud, rises from the body of the dragon. The chakra slowly gathers into a giant sinister apparition and lunges at Miroku in an attempt to swallow her.

Kuku… kuhaha…


Lightning crackles from the token in Miroku's hand and creates a dark green barrier to protect her. The apparition rams into the barrier.

Aaah… Muah…

A portion of the ominous chakra evaporates upon the impact. Shrill screams fill the entire chamber as the apparition yelps in agony.

Miroku tightly clutches the token in her hand and hugs it to her chest.

"I hope you will make it on time."


The apparition releases an anguished roar and continues to tackle the barrier while inflicting self-harm.

Outside the temple…

Rumble… Rumble…

The ground shakes violently, resulting in a landslide from the nearby hill.

"What… what's going on?"

One of the guards stationed outside gulps his saliva.

"I hope Miko-sama is alright," Jin worriedly stares in the direction of the temple.


The ground in front of them split apart and an army of rock soldiers crawls out of it.

"The demon army!!"

The group's expression turns ugly. They brandish their weapon and charges at the incoming rock army.

"The demon execution army of the Land of Demons was formed for this day. Today we will fulfill our duty. Charge!"

The squad of fifteen people charges at an army of 100 rock soldiers.

Boom… Boom…

Sounds of explosions and collisions drown the silence of the night and light up the new moon night.


Yomi, who is slowly walking through the ruins of the shrine, raises his head and stares in the direction of the ancient temple.

"I can feel it! My body… it's sealed there."

Mōryō's hoarse voice echoes in Yomi's ears.

"The priestess is also there. She has removed the seal on my body and is currently engaged with the remnant consciousness within my body. Let's hurry up before she finds some other way to seal or destroy my body."

"Yes, my lord!" Yomi nods and dashes in the direction of the south-eastern valley.


Soon, he arrives on the edge of the valley and notices a bunch of guards engaged with the demon army. Yomi raises his hand and gathers some chakra in his palm to send an attack at the guards.

"It's inside that temple… Quick!"

Mōryō urges Yomi. Yomi lowers his hand and stares at the massive gate of the temple.


He makes some quick hand signs.

"Medial Ninjutsu: Dark Physique Enhancement"

The muscles in his arms swell out of proportion like a balloon. Yomi clutches his fist and punches at the stone gate.

"Dark propulsion fist"


Yomi's punch blast apart the stone gate into smithereens.


His hands return to normal size, as Mōryō remarks.

"I still can't display my entire strength with this weak body." He shakes his head in disappointment and walks inside the temple in large strides.

Along the way, Yomi continues to blast apart one trap after another.


With another punch, he blasts apart the giant Torri gate protecting the last seal.


Miroku's expression turns ugly as she slowly turns her head towards the exit.

Yomi walks towards her with steady footsteps.

"Imperial doctor Yomi! It's you… you are the one who released the demon from its prison"

Miroku exclaims in disbelief as she recognizes Yomi.

"Why? Why did you do this? Why would let this demon out of its prison?"


Yomi releases a peal of creepy laughter as he confronts Miroku face-to-face.

"Why you ask?… Haha… because it was you who dismissed this kind of doctor Yomi seven years ago. I saved hundreds of lives and treated thousands of people of the Land of Demon."

"Kind?! You are a monster who sacrificed hundreds of children in the name of medical research. You even had designs on my daughter!" Miroku's expression turns ugly.

"A few sacrifices are necessary for the sake of the greater good. This world is rotten and I will do my part to make it a better place. But you refuse to cooperate with me to discover the mysteries of your Dojutsu." Yomi has a fanatic expression on his face.

"You relinquished your soul to the demons and now you preach about a better world! Back then, I should have asked Fudo-san to behead you." Miroku spats at Yomi in disgust.

"Haha… that fool died a horrific death. He discovered my secret; he discovered my lineage; so how I can let him scot-free." Yomi has a distorted expression on his face.

"You… you… you are a descendant of the Akuma clan! You are the one who murdered Fudo!" Miroku points at Yomi with trembling fingers.

"That's what he deserves for ruining my dream of a utopia. Now it's your turn for standing in my lord's way. Haah…"

"Cut the chit-chat and kill her!"

Mōryō roars at Yomi as an uneasy feeling overwhelms him.

"Yes, my lord!" Yomi answers like a fanatic and makes some hand signs.

"Dar Burst Nebula"

He releases a burst of dark violet energy at the barrier.


The barrier shatters like glass and Miroku is sent flying. She slams into the walls of the cavern as blood trickles down from her head.


Miroku clutches her forehead in pain and pulls out a handful of talismans from her belt.

She closes her eyes for a moment and chants.

'I hope it can buy me enough time.'

"Reunite my body! I have a bad premonition." Mōryō urges Yomi.


Yomi removes his cloak and unzips his trench coat to veal his bare chest.

Swish… swoosh…

With a flick of his hands, he slits opens his chest with a scalpel. Yomi leans down and places his hand on top of the eye on the hexagonal platform.

"Jin, Saru, Dan, Ragi, Reppyou, Raku, Shou!"

He slams his palm on the eye to remove the final seal.


The flood dragon beneath the platform comes back to life. The chakra apparition swallows Yomi and gushes inside his chest.


"This feeling… this feeling of reuniting with my body. What ecstasy!"

Mōryō laughs hysterically.

Rumble… rumble…

The giant flood dragon comes back to life. The central head opens its mouth and swallows Yomi.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!... This is not what you promised me, my lord!"

Indignant roars of Yomi echo from Mōryō's mouth.

"Only a fool trusts the words of a demon. You were nothing but a disposable vessel for me on my journey to regain my body. Now you have fulfilled your purpose."


Dark violet chakra engulfs the entire body of the giant flood dragon.

"Now the world shall know despair! Haha…"


Amidst Mōryō's cackling Miroku's faint sound echoes in the sealing chamber.

Rumble… Rumble… Swish… swish…

Four huge purple chakra chains erupt from the floating orbs on the platform and wrap around Mōryō's body.

"Kenshiro Senju!"

Mōryō roars in anger at the backup plan of Kenshiro.

"You weren't able to kill me when you were alive. Do you think you can stop me now when you are dead?"


Lightning flickers through the chains as Mōryō struggles to free himself.

"I won't let you!"

Miroku throws a handful of talismans at Mōryō. The talismans float in mid-air and bombard Mōryō's body with all sorts of jutsus.

"Futile efforts!"

Mōryō shields himself with one of his wings. He waves his other hand and hurls a flurry of wind blades at Miroku.

Swish… swish… clank…

Miroku gets blown away by the wind blades. Blood drips down her from her wounds.



One by one Mōryō snaps the chains binding him.


Dark chakra swirls around him as his body condenses rapidly. He gains a humanoid shape as two chains still bind his left hand and leg.

"This body ain't bad!"

Mōryō admires his new appearance. He retains the same look as Yomi except for violet hair and red eyes.

Snap… snap…

He snaps the remaining two chains with his right hand.

Crack… crack…

Mōryō cracks his tongue and turns towards Miroku who is barely holding her consciousness.

"An uneasy feeling has been bothering me since the moment I stepped into this temple. This must be your doing. I will eradicate you and your bloodline for once and all."


He condenses a long dark chakra blade and swings at Miroku.

"Now, DIE!!"


"I am not late am I?"

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