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Back in the Ancor Vantian,

Izuna continues to explore the giant fortress.


He turns toward Nagano village.

"So, the mastermind is about to make his next move. I better hurry and find Zero-tails."


Inside one of the chambers of the temple,

Multiple high ranking sky officials are gathered around a temple.

"I have instructions from the commander. It's about time we start our plan and activate the fortress."

The Second-in-command of the Land of Sky clutches his fist and raises it in the air.

"For the eternal rule of Sky!"

"For the eternal rule of Sky!!" the other captains beside him cheer in unison.

The second commander takes out four scrolls from his pockets. He makes some hand signs and slams his palm on the scrolls.

Poof… Poof…

With a puff of white smoke, four fist-size, dark purple orbs appear in front of the group.

"These are the power cores of the fortress. Insert them in the four different wings in the east, west, north, and south section of the fortress to power it up."

He hands over the cores to each of the captains.

"Yes, sir!"

The captains salute him and walk out of the meeting room.

"I should also get moving towards the central room. The chakra cannon requires calibration before we could fire it."

He takes out a compass from his pocket and walks towards the centre of the temple.

The commander arrives in front of a wall with multiple hieroglyphic runes on it

"Oh! There it is."

He pulls a hidden lever from one of the walls.


A door opens in one of the walls to reveal a dark chamber. The commander enters the chamber as the wall behind him closes.


He stomps his foot on the ground to activate a pressure plate. The entire room lights up with a blueish hue as multiple murals with hieroglyphic runes appear in their vision.

There is a large stone tablet in the centre of the room. A dark purple leech with a serpent-like body is pinned on the stone tablet. There are multiple sealing formulas and inscriptions on the tablet which restrains the Zero-tails.

Multiple sealing talismans are floating around the beast, encasing it in a tan-coloured cocoon-like structure. Several tubular attachments extend from the cocoon are connected to each side of the room.

Swish… swish…

The zero-tails unleashed its tentacles to attack the commander.

"Woah! You are quite excited, aren't you?"

The commander waves the compass and forms a barrier around himself to deflect the Zero-tails attack.

Shoom… Shoom…

The hieroglyphic runes on the four walls light up.

Fwoosh… Fwoosh…

Dark purple chakra channels through the tubular structure and enters inside the cocoon.

"Looks like the preparation is over. It's time for this fortress to make its debut in the shinobi world in all of its majesty."

Swish… swish…

The commander makes some hand signs and slams his palm on the ground.


A giant circular sealing formation appears on the floor and spreads to the entire room.


The Zero-tails growls in anger as the sealing formation sucks its chakra and directs it towards the four sections of the flying fortress.

The commander places the compass in the centre of the sealing formation.


A pedestal rises from the ground with the compass in its centre. Multiple controls appear on the compass.

The commander tinkers with the controls and configures the trajectory of the flying fortress.

"Here I go! With the power of Reibi (Zero-tails), this fortress is ready to take its first flight."


He places his hand on a hand shape indentation on the pedestal.

Shoom… Shoom…

Darkness shrouds the entire fortress as one by one all the power source in the temple shuts down.


The commander looks at the situation in trepidation.

"Did I miscalculate something?"

He warily stares at the controls and makes some adjustments.

Rumble… Rumble…

The entire temple trembles violently.


Large amounts of dark chakra leave the cocoon and enter the walls of the room.

Shoom… Shoom…

The runes on the walls light up and start to adjust their sequence.


They arrange in a certain pattern and channels the dark chakra through the entire fortress.


The eyes of the various statues in the temple light up with purple colour as the various chakra circuits inlaid around the temple connect.


The temple trembles slightly and with a thrust, it slowly rises from the ground.


In one of the chambers of the temple,

"It has begun!"

Izuna warily stares at the various statues and the chakra circuits inlaid in the walls of the temple.

"This temple isn't just an architectural construction, but it's an artifact which requires a large amount of chakra to function. Amazing!"

"Oye brat! Stop being amazed by the design of this temple and do something about it. I have a bad feeling about this entire ordeal. I feel like my other half is also in some sort of extreme danger." Yin Kurama has an anxious expression.

"What Naruto is in danger? Then why didn't my sealing formula warn me."

Izuna quickly looks at the bracelet on his wrist. There is no response from the bracelet. He inserts some chakra into the bracelet, but nothing happens.

"Looks like something or someone is messing up with my seals. I can't locate Naruto and the rest of the group."

Worry appears on Izuna's face.

"The chakra of the zero-tails flows through this entire fortress. Using this, I can track the location of the Zero-tails."

He places his hand on the floor and closes his eyes.

"Found it!"

Izuna opens his eyes and quickly flickers towards the central chamber of the temple.


A few minutes ago,

Outside the temple,

"This is the place Sensei marked on the map."

Yakumo unfurls the map and stares at the opening of the Aztec temple.

"It's scary! I am feeling goosebumps around this temple."

Hanabi crosses her arms.

The girls stop in front of the temple and gaze at its opening.

"Should we go in?"

Hanabi asks anxiously.

"Of course! We have to go. It's a part of our mission." Ayaka nods at her.


She turns around and stares at Amaru, who is blankly staring at the temple.

"Amaru-chan, are you sure you want to come with us? It's going to be quite dangerous once we enter this temple." Ayaka tries to persuade her.

"I am." Amaru resolutely nods her head.

"If Shinnō Sensei is alive, then I want to ask him why he did all of this? I am sure he will hear me out."

"Well… I won't stop you then."

Looking at Amaru's resolute expression, Ayaka could give up on persuading her.

"Let's go!"

Yakumo takes the lead and steps forward.


She slams into something at the entrance of the temple.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

She clutches her forehead and stares at the entrance.

"I felt like, I hit a wall just now."


Ayaka walks towards the entrance and knocks around on the entrance. Her hand hits a watery film and ricochets back.

"There is an invisible barrier around this temple!"

Hanabi activates her Byakugan and inspects the entrance.

"I can't see anything past the barrier." She deactivates her Byakugan and shakes her head.


"If we can't even enter this place, then how are we supposed to stop the culprit!"

Yakumo clicks her tongue. She rests against the invisible barrier.


The temple trembles violently.

"Wha… what's going on?"

Yakumo loses her balance and falls to the ground. She face plants on the entrance of the temple.

"Ah! The barrier is gone."

Ayaka enters the temple. Amaru and Hanabi follow her. Hanabi stretches her arm to help Yakumo.

"What was that tremor just now? Is something happening within this temple?" Ayaka and the group look around for clues.

Rumble… Rumble…

Another powerful tremor runs across the temple.

The girls quickly grab each other's hands to balance themselves. The tremble lasts for a few seconds.

"What a poor design this place has? It can't even provide protection from earthquakes." Ayaka complains.

"Aaa… Ayaka!! Ll… LLOOK!!"

Hanabi points towards the entrance of the temple with trembling hands.

"What? What happened?"

The girls quickly dash towards the entrance.


Sharp wind currents blow on their face as their hair flutters in the wind.

The girl looks down and notices a layer of clouds around them.

"What?! We are flying!!"

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