Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 319: Infiltrating Land of Sky Part-2

"What now?!"

The trio of the girls cautiously walks around the sky ship.

"We are already on the ship. Let's just wait until we arrive at the Land of Sky." Hanabi proposes.

"No, that won't do! We can't let them got away scot-free."

Ayaka shakes her head.

"Then do you have a plan?" Yakumo curiously asks her.

"Of course!" Ayaka nods.

She rummages through her storage scroll.


Ayaka forks out a stack of paper bombs.

"Paper bombs?!"

Hanabi and Yakumo stare at her in confusion.

"What do you plan to do with them, Ayaka?!" Hanabi questions her.

"What else! Blow up this ship, you dummy!" Ayaka places the paper bomb on one of the walls of the sky ship.

"These paper bombs are custom made by Kushina Nee-san!"

Swish… swish…

Ayaka makes some hand signs.


The paper bomb disappears in the wall.

"These paper bombs will disappear from sight once you plant them."


Ayaka pulls out the paper bomb, and it turns visible.


She replants the paper bomb and disappears.


Hanabi and Yakumo's mouth turns into 'O'. The vanishing paper bombs surprise them.


Ayaka passes a stack of paper bombs to Hanabi and Yakumo each.

"Let's meet at the same spot after an hour. I will take the right!"

Ayaka walks towards the right side of the ship.

"Then I will take the left!" Hanabi walks towards the left.

"Guess I will cover the remaining area!" Yakumo turns around and starts planting the paper bombs.

An hour later,

The girls meet up at the same spot.

"Have you planted all the bombs?" Ayaka asks them.

"All done!" The girls nod.

"Good! We will prepare an Explosive Surprise for these Sky shinobis. They will get a taste of their own medicine for attacking our village. Hmph…" Ayaka folds her hands around her chest out of her usual habit.

"What are you three bantering about? Go and help the rest of the men to repair the flying devices."

A Sky Jounin happens to pass by.

"Yes… yes sir!"

The body of the trio stiffens, and they hastily move out.


The Sky jounins undoes his transformation and turns into Izuna.


"These girls! How reckless they are?"

He shakes his head.

"Don't they know even the walls have ears? What if someone eavesdropped on them? Still… they are quite daring for planning to blow up this entire ship. It would be a good idea if this was a normal ship, but it isn't."

Izuna turns towards the energy room of the Skyship. He narrows his eyes.

There is a giant spherical orb at the location of the power source. It's pulsating with dark chakra as it powers up the entire ship.

"If this thing blows up, then I am afraid it will contaminate everything in at least a radius of fifteen miles. No wonder they don't use deploy these ships in the battle. The power core of this ship is so unstable. Even a tiny bit of scratch on this thing will make everything go boom."

"I saw a similar thing in the flying fortress Ancor Vantian of the Sky fleet." Roen leaps out from the shadows.

"This thing contains so many negative emotions that even staying around it will cause anyone to go insane." He remarks.

"It's the part of the reason that there are so many 'Evil Warding Sealing Talisman' around this thing. At least the Sky shinobis know the danger they are playing with. But how come they are so technologically advanced than the rest of the shinobi world?!"

'I never expected to witness a flying vassal in the shinobi world. There are many smaller nations whose technology is far better compared to Konoha, like the Land of Sky, the land of Snow, the Benisu Island, and many other smaller nations. Perhaps the feudal system of large nations has limited their achievements, and it only empowers them as a military force while ignoring all other aspects of growth.

Well, I will leave that headache to the future hokage. For now, I have to deal with this power core.'


Izuna walks towards the power source of the Skyship. His body phases through the walls and he arrives in front of the core.

Ba-dump… Ba-dump… Ba-dump…

The energy core is furiously pulsating with dark energy as it pumps out the dark chakra towards every corner of the ship.

Swoosh… swoosh…

Izuna swiftly removes the protective seals around the core.

Swish… swish…

He makes some quick hand signs and forms a sealing Fuinjutsu around the core to hold it in place.

"This dark chakra could be useful for Ido, but I will have to slowly purify to make it usable."

He raises his head and stares at the giant orb.

"It will probably take me a few days to cleanse this much amount of foul chakra. Thankfully, on our way here I crafted a new seal based on my light chakra."

Swish… swish…

He quickly throws five sealing chakras around the dark core The seals glow with a bright hue and slowly cleanse the core.

"I will erect an illusion to prevent others from interfering."

Izuna makes his preparations and departs from the core room.


Outside on the deck,


The captain of the ship takes out a pentagonal compass from his pocket. The needle in the compass goes haywire and flickers wildly.

The captain's expression turns ugly. He immediately turns to his second-in-command.

"Quick! Take a look at the power source. There are some energy fluctuations in the room. If that thing gets unstable, all of us will be blown to smithereens."

"Yes, Captain!"

The second-in-command dashes inside the power source room. He walks closer to the reactor room and looks around.

"Everything seems normal, but Captain said there are some fluctuations with the power source."

He walks closer to the power source to inspect it carefully.

In a corner of the room,

'They sensed the energy fluctuations in the core! How?!"

Various questions pop up in Izuna's mind.

"Anyhow, I can't allow him to get closer to the core and disrupt the process."


He sneaks beside the second-in-command.


Izuna silently assassinates the sky shinobi without even spilling a drop of blood.

He places a hand on the shinobi's forehead and recovers his memories.

"I see! So, they have a device to monitor the condition of the core." He nods his understanding.


He opens a Kamui rift and disposes of the body of the sky shinobi. There is a heap of bodies of sky shinobis in the Kamui dimension.

Swish… swish…

Izuna makes some hand signs and creates a shadow clone. The shadow clone transforms into the sky shinobis and walks out of the room.

"Everything seems fine, Captain! There is no need for concern." He assures the captain.


The captain nods his head.

'I still have a feeling that something is fishy.'

"I will take some rest. Inform me when we arrive at our destination."

He waves his hand and walks into his room.

"Yes, Captain!" The rest of the guards nods their head.

"Sate sate sate!"

The shadow clone turns towards the rest of the guards and smiles. The guards return his smile and stare at a distant corner of the ship.

At another corner of the ship,

The trio of girls is lurking in the shadows to avoid detection.

"We have been flying for almost sixteen hours. We are probably close to our destination." Hanabi counts the number of hours spent on the ship.

"Yes! As soon as we reach land, we will drop down from the ship using these winged devices, and then we will blow up the entire ship." Ayaka plans.

The trio is holding a winged mechanical device each.

Tap… tap…

The sound of footsteps falls in their ears as a group of guards walks towards them.

"Did they find us?" Hanabi panics.

"Calm down, Hanabi! Let's wait and watch their reaction."

The group stops in front of the trio.

"Hey, you three! I have been keeping an eye on you for a while. What are you lot doing in such a remote corner?"

The eyes of the guards turn to the flying device in their hands.

"And what's the deal with the flying device? Why is it still with you? Go and deposit it in the armory!" The guard yells at them.

"We… we…" Hanabi is flustered to hear such harsh words.

'They found us out!' She sighs helplessly.

"We are repairing our flying devices. During the earlier battle, it suffered some damage from the attacks of the Sailor shinobis."

Ayaka points towards a broken part.

"Also, do you have a problem with us?" She stares at the guard with cold eyes.

"Humph… whatever!"

The guard snorts and leaves with his friends.


"That was a close call!" Hanabi sighs in relief.


Yakumo also nods her head.

At the other corner of the ship,


The group of guards turns into Izuna's clones.


"I had a delightful laugh there. Seeing them like that, I was almost about to crack up!" The clone burst out in laughter.

"Me too!" Another clone also cackles up.

"You two are quite mean, you know?!" another clone argues with them.

"Hey! We are the same person, so I don't know what are you talking about?" The first clone throws a sideways glance at the third clone and ignores him.


On the deck of the ship,

The real Izuna silently stares at his clones.

"Why do I feel like I will get split personality disorder if I continue to heat their arguments?"

He ignores them and enters the Sin Space where Kurama is beckoning him.

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