Inside the Konoha Strict Correctional Facility,

In a prison cell,

A man with green eyes and shoulder-length hair with a tint of blue at the end is scribbling on the wall. He is dressed in prison attire comprising a gray tunic and matching pants.

Scratch… scratch…

He continues to scribble lines on the walls with a rock.

"Three years! It has been three whole years since I am locked up here. Damn you, Konoha! You ruined my life!" He mutters to himself.


He angrily crushes the rock into powder.

'I need power. I need more power to escape from this place and exact my vengeance!'

He has a frantic expression on his face.


A white snake silently slithers through the prison walls.


The snake jumps in the air and coils around his neck.


The man panics as the snake entangles around his neck. He grabs the Snake's tail to free himself.


The snake hisses at him as a whisper falls in his ear.

"Do you want power?!"


He stares at the snake in confusion.

"Do you want the power to exact vengeance?"


He stares at the snake in trepidation.

"Can you give me power?"


The snake hisses wildly and slithers towards his hand.


He bites on his hand.


The man clutches his hand in pain as the poison spreads through his arm. The poison condenses into a dark black skull mark.


He winces in pain and passes out.

After an hour,

Huff… Huff…

He breathes heavily and lays down on the ground as the pain subsides down.

The white-haired man slowly stands up and looks at his body.

"I feel so light! Strength is coursing through my body!"

He turns towards the prison bars and grabs them.


He bends the cold steel bars with his bare hands.

"This strength!"

He quickly turns towards the white snake.


The snake flickers out its tongue and spews out a scroll.

"Come to this place, if you want to change your fate and exact your revenge!"

The man tightly clutches his fists.

"Haha… With this power, I will exact my revenge. Just you wait, Konoha! Haha…"

Hysteric laughter echoes through the prison cell.


Later in the evening,

Boom… Boom…

Multiple explosions ring through the prison as the inmates fervently attack the prison guards.

"Quick, lower the bridge!" One of the chunnin urgently asks his partner to lower the bridge.

Crank… crank…

The chunnin pulls the lever to raise the bridge.


A fist slams into his body and sends him flying. The chunnin crashes into a wall and loses consciousness.

"What's the hurry? The party hasn't even started yet!"

The white-haired man walks out of the dark corner.

Crack… crack…

He cracks his neck and stares at the prison inmates.

"Raijin, Fujin! Release our other friends from their cells, will you?" He turns towards two figures with gigantic bodies who are following after him.

"Anything for you, Aniki?"

The two figures walk towards the nearby cells.


They grab the bars and pull them apart with their bare hands.

Clank… clank… clank…

Both figures continue to release more and more prison inmates.

The loud noise alerts the prison securities as a bunch of chunnins and jounins rush out.

"What's going on?"

The Prison guards notice the criminals escaping from their cells.

"It's the Stupid Brothers! They are jail-breaking other prisoners." A chunnin informs him of the situation.

"What?!" The eyes of the jounins widen in surprise.

"These two were docile as long as you don't disturb their food! What happened today?" One of the older jounins stares at the Raijin and Fujin brothers.

"Food! We will get more food if we follow Aniki!" The stupid brothers continue to free other prisoners.

"Stop them! We can't allow these criminals to escape!

The Jounins take out their kunais and engage with the escaping prisoners.


The older jounin engages with the Stupid Brothers.

"Raijin, Fujin! Return to your cell and I will give you an extra serving of food! It's a promise!"


Raijin clenches his giant fists and slams them into the jounin.

"Aniki already gave us good food!"


The jounin disappears into a puff of smoke leaving behind a log.

'Substitution Jutsu'


The jounin reappears at some distance and heaves a sigh of relief.

"That was a close call!"


Raijin stares at the wood log.

"He dodged it!"

He angrily turns to jounin and charges towards him.

"Body Bash!"

Raijin drags his enormous body, aiming to smash the jounin into a meat pie.

"This is bad!" The jounin makes some quick hand signs.

"Fire Style: Flame Shot Jutsu"

He expels a long ball of fire.


The flame shot slams into Raijin, turning his clothes into ashes. Raijin ignores the fire and bashes into the jounin.

The jounin crosses his arms as Raijin slams into him.


The jounin is sent flying from the impact. He slams into the prison wall. His body slides down the wall and loses consciousness.

"We should lock him up!"

Fujin grabs the bars and twists them to lock the jounin.


One after another, jutsu flies through the prison as the guards engage with the prisoners.

The commotion grabs the attention of the Warden in a nearby tower. His expression turns ugly as he notices the riot in the prison.

"At this rate, these prisoners will flee and create havoc in nearby villages!"

He takes out a scroll from his pocket and scribbles on it.


The prison warden whistles and summons an eagle. He ties the latter to the eagle's leg and releases it towards Konoha.

'I hope it makes it on time!'

He dashes towards the prisoners with a kunai in his arms.

"Quick! Destroy the bridge! Don't allow these criminals to escape from this place!" The prison warden instructs the chunnins near the bridge.

"Yes! Warden-sama!" The chunnins make some hand signs and spew out a multitude of jutsu to destroy the bridge.


Back in Konoha,


Tsunade heaves a sigh of relief.

"Finally, the paperwork is over. I can take a breather now!"

Shizune massages her shoulders.

"Shizune! Let's go out for a drink. I have yet to taste the new wine Izuna brought for me!"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!"

Shizune nods her head.

Tock… tock… tock…

An eagle pecks its beak on the window.

"This is an emergency messenger eagle!"

Shizune hurriedly opens the window. She picks up the scroll and passes it to Tsunade.

Tsunade unfurls the scroll and reads its content.

"Emergency! It's an emergency, Hokage-sama! The prisoners are breaking from the Konoha Strict Correctional Facility. We need urgent help to calm the situation!"

"What?!" Tsunade folds the scroll as her expression turns ugly.

"Konoha Strict Correctional Facility is the top security prison of Konoha where the most wanted criminals are kept in detainment. How can there be a breach in security?"

She hurriedly summons the Anbu members.

"Quick! One of you, summon the nearby jounins while the rest of you depart for the prison. No prisoner shall escape from the prison!"

Tsunade sternly warns them.

Whoosh… whoosh…

The anbu flickers away in a hurry.

"Damn! I didn't even get to drink my wine." Tsunade bites her lower lip in anger.

Fifteen minutes later,

Whoosh… whoosh…

Asuma and Kurenai appear in the Hokage Office.

"You summoned us Hokage-sama!"

Both of them bow in front of Tsunade.

"Oh! It's you two!" She turns towards the anbu member and questions him.

"Where are Guy and Kakashi?"

"Erm… Hokage-sama, Team Kakashi is on a mission in the Land of Snow whereas Team Guy has yet to return from their escort mission to Sunagakure!" The Anbu reports to her.

"Damn! The situation is quite urgent!"

Tsunade turns to Shizune.

"Shizune! Join Asuma and Kurenai and fill them on the details."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!" Shizune nods her head.

She turns towards Asuma and Kurenai.

"Alright!" Asuma and Kurenai follow her.


"There are many wanted criminals and war prisoners locked in the Konoha Strict Correctional Facility. I am afraid these three won't be able to hold against so many prisoners."

Tsunade clicks her tongue as she ponders over the situation.

"Should I send Izuna to help them? If it's him, he can single-handedly resolve the situation. Minato and Kushina are out on another mission and Sakuma is holding the fort at borders."

She ponders for a while.

"Wait, a sec! There are still Shisui and Itachi! They can take care of the situation."

She turns towards the Anbu and orders him.

"Hurry and inform the vice-chief executive of the Konoha Police Force about the current situation. Also, inform Team Ro to act quickly!"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!" The anbu flickers away.


Tsunade heaves a sigh of relief.

"I still can't believe there can be a security breach in that prison. It's second most guarded prison after the Hozuki castle."


In the Uchiha clan,


"That was a busy day!"

Shisui massages his shoulders as he walks alongside Itachi.

"Sitting at the same place for eight hours has stiffened my muscles." He complains.

"Can't help it! With the reduced crime rate, the Konoha Police Force has nothing else to do!" He shakes his head.

He turns to Itachi and asks him.

"What about you Itachi? I am sure you have quite a busy life leading the Anbu team."


"Not really?" Itachi shakes his head in dismissal.

"Team Ro is one of the elite team of Konoha. So, it's only deployed during emergencies. Most of the time, its members are paired with other teams to aid them in missions."

"Well, it looks like both of us have quite some free time!"


A masked anbu member arrives in front of them.

"It's an emergency! Hokage-sama has summoned you both!"

"An emergency Summon!" Shisui and Itachi's expression turns serious.


They immediately flicker towards the Hokage Office.


A/N:- So, I have started work on my second Fan-fiction. I will post a chapter for you all to read.

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