In a private room beside the Hokage Office,


A slams his palm on the table and destroys a large chunk of it.

"What's the meaning of this, Hokage?"

"Mind your words, Raikage!"

Izuna glares at A with cold eyes.

"IZUNA! It's a meeting between Kages. I would rather have you not interfere in this matter."

Tsunade has a stern expression.


Izuna nods his head and returns to his seat. He throws a glance at A.


A gulp his saliva and tones down.

"Princess Tsunade! I would like to know the stance of Konoha about the peace." Onoki calmly stares at Tsunade, steering her away from the tension.

Tsunade contemplates for a while and answers.

"Konoha wants to maintain a peaceful relationship with the other villages. We have no intention of starting a war and annex the land of the other nations." She meaningfully stares at Onoki.


Onoki snorts and retorts.

"If it was not for the threat of other nations, Iwa would have never made a move. Now, the current demands me to make a move to preserve Iwa."

Onoki folds his arms and stares into Tsunade's eyes.

"Konoha, as it is right now, is way too powerful. Far too powerful compared to the rest of the villages. The number of Kage class shinobis in your ranks is in double digits."

He takes out a scroll from his pocket and lays it on the table.

"Sakumo Hatake, Izuna Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Jiraiya of the Sannin are a few names among them. Then there is you, the current Hokage and then Minato Namikaze. He turns to Minato, who is calmly sitting beside Izuna.

Also, the current Mizukage will become a permanent member of Konoha. These are but a few numbers; who knows I hid what other powerful shinobis within your ranks!"

Onoki has a serious expression.

"I hate to say it, but I agree with the Tsuchikage. The current Konoha is too powerful to be not wary of. With such strength, it can easily monopolize all the resources."

A clench his fist.

Tsunade glances at Onoki and A and shakes her head.

"Konoha has its hand-full with various other threats which threaten the safety of the world in its entirety. As such, we would like to extend an alliance with all other hidden villages in hope of coping with this looming threat together!"

Tsunade extends an alliance pact towards the rest of the villages.

She turns to the Kages of the other villages for an answer.

"Kirigakure will firmly stand with Konoha no matter the circumstances!" Mei nods her head.


Rasa ponders for a while as the events of the incident three years ago freshen in his mind.

'I witnessed the overwhelming power of Izuna Uchiha with my own eyes. I suspect only the First Hokage and Madara Uchiha could compare to him in their prime. But that cloaked figure not only overpowered him but also beat him to a near-death state.'

The figure of Jigen with a horn appears in his mind.

'Looks like Konoha has found some clues about that man and thus is seeking an alliance with other villages despite its current strength.'

Rasa ponders for a while before he makes a decision.

"Sunagakure will also join the alliance of Konoha and Kiri and won't fall back in any circumstance."

Rasa also agrees with the alliance.


Tsunade nods her head and turns to Onoki and A with a hopeful expression.

'I can't reveal too much information to them since this old fox and that shrewd A might back out from the alliance.'

Onoki raps his fingers on the table and remarks.

"Kiri is tied with Konoha in a marriage alliance so it is needless to say they are on the same boat as Konoha. As for Sunagakure, the entire world is aware of the crushing defeat it suffered under Konoha's hand…"

He turns to Rasa with a mocking smile.


Rasa snorts but does not comment.

"So, I can't help but wonder that Konoha has an ulterior motive behind this alliance." He replies to her with a calm tone.

"If you are honest with the alliance, then why don't you reveal the information pertaining to the secrets of the recent events." He turns to Tsunade for answers.

"The recent event involves a very powerful faction who has its eyes on the entire Shinobi world. As for the rest of the information, I will only relay after you join the alliance.

"Also… Konoha has no intention of initiating a Fourth Shinobi War." Tsunade clears her stance.

"What tomfoolery! Even a five-year child won't believe such a nonsensical story." A snort at Tsunade.

"Princess Tsunade! Your foolish ideology reminds me of your grandfather during the First Kage Summit. Back then, he single-handedly subdued eight out of nine-tailed beasts.

The other villagers grew wary of it and decided to hold a Kage Summit to discuss the fate of the shinobi world. So, to maintain the scale of power balance the First Hokage distributed the seven tailed beasts to other villagers for a price."

Onoki calmly stares into Tsunade's eyes.

"Now, tell me, Princess Tsunade! How would you retain the balance of power since the current situation is similar to the past? Will you also…" Onoki ceases his remark but his intention clear.


Tsunade slams her fist on the table and shatters it into dust.

"You old geezer! Do you think Konoha is afraid of Iwa and Kumo's war alliance? We never started a war, but we were always the ones to end it. It was the greed of all other villages which led to the previous Great Shinobi Wars. But Konoha was always magnanimous enough to spare you some dignity.

Back then, if not for Grandpa's magnanimity and desire for peace; he would have single-handedly united the entire world under Konoha's banner. So, don't you dare spout such foul words and tarnish the name of my grandfather in your illusory veil of cowardliness!"

Anger blazes in Tsunade's eyes as he glares at Onoki and A.

'Good job, Tsunade!'

Izuna secretly gives a thumbs-up to Tsunade.

'It doesn't really matter if they join the alliance or not. After all, the only help they can provide is resources and monetary funds.' Izuna nods to himself.


Minato shakes his head.

"Their interest aligns with their village's welfare; they are unable to see the big-picture. Also, revealing too much will only further complicate the situation. No village would like to acts as cannon fodder for the other villages."

He silently turns towards the meeting.

"Hokage! If that's your stance, then Kumogakure will reject the alliance!" A firmly clenches his fist.

"Iwa too won't be a part of the alliance." Onoki harrumphs.

"Then I will see you out!" Tsunade coldly remarks.

She turns to Shizune.

"Shizune! Led the guests out of the village before my patience turns into fury and erupts again!"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!" Shizune nods her head.

She quickly leads the Iwa and Kumo group out of the meeting room.


Tsunade takes a deep breath as her livid expression calms down.

"Is it alright for the situation to turn like this? I just wanted to handle everything peacefully but I couldn't help myself when that fence-sitter brought grandfather in the situation."

"It's alright! Don't worry too much about it." Izuna pats her back.

"They will soon learn their lesson and beg Konoha to ally." Izuna consoles her.

"Also, get ready! We will head to Kiri for the second part of my wedding!"


Rasa silently stares at their interactions and wonders.

'I am not supposed to be here, right?'

The group ignores his presence and continues talking among themselves.


Rasa sighs silently and closes his eyes.

'I am air! I am air!'

He chants these magical words in his mind.


A few hours later in Kirigakure,

Dong… dong… dong…

The bell in the church rings as Izuna takes out a wedding ring from his pocket.

"I, Izuna Uchiha, take you, Mei Terumi, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy vow, and this is my solemn vow."

He holds Mei's hand and slides the ring in her ring finger.

Fuji also takes out a ring from his pocket and passes it to Mei.

"I, Mei Terumi, take you, Izuna Uchiha, to be my husband…"

Mei also vows to Izuna.

Both of them kiss each other.


Izuna picks her up in his arm and walks out of the church.

Outside the church,

Kakashi, who is in a tuxedo, walks towards them.

"This is for you guys. I already gave Shisui and Itachi theirs. You are the only one left." He passes an envelope to them.


Izuna accepts the gift with a smile and opens it.

"Enjoy your honeymoon!" Kakashi remarks and goofily walks away in distance.

Izuna stares at his lonely back and remarks.

"What an actor? He will get his turn soon!"

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