I spent another two months training with Minato in Space element and the basics of 'Flying Thunder God' Technique. Minato also progressed well in the creation of Rasengan with my help. I just guided him in the right direction and he figured everything by himself. Minato has completed the initial and middle phase of Rasengan Creation and he is currently stuck at the Final Phase of the Rasengan.

The Jutsu is still unstable and he needs to contain it in a sphere to stabilize it. He is still figuring out the way and I think he will successfully create the Rasengan in another two months.

My Fuinjutsu training with Kushina is going very well. In these two months, I have reached Expert level in Fuinjutsu thanks to my shadow clones who painted my room black with so many seals. I can now easily create some basic seals like silencing seals, storage seals, and even Paper Bombs. Well, I guess that saves me some expenses.

My Kenjutsu training is also coming along well, I have learned all the Techniques taught by Sakumo. He was surprised to see me progressing at such a rapid pace.

Now, I have decided to graduate from the Academy as I want to explore the world outside Konoha while on missions. I will be six years old in another month. I have to just inform my parents about my decision. After academy classes were over,

I went to my parents who were at home. I directly went to the living room where father was cleaning his ninja gear as I spoke,

"Father, I want to apply for early graduation from the academy."

Akira nods to Izuna as he replies,

"So, you think you are ready for the outside world."

I nod my head to him as he continues,

"Ok, then let me test your skills. Let us move to the Uchiha Training Ground."

The mother comes out from the kitchen as she wipes her hand with a towel. She speaks to us,

"Oh! My Izuna has grown so big now. Mama will come with you to watch you defeat your father. After all, my Izuna is a genius."

Aiko affectionately hugs Izuna as she caresses his back.

"Ok! Let's go, mother. I want to show you how much I have grown."

Aiko chuckles as he replies,

"Ara! Then let us hurry to the Training Ground."

All of us arrive at Uchiha Training Ground as the mother stands in a corner, while me and father face each other. I have fought with Minato-san multiple times in the previous seven months and now I have plenty of battle experience. What I lack is the real life and death combat experience.

"Izuna, I will fight with you without using my Sharingan. If during the spar you forced me to activate Sharingan or able to defeat me with a lethal blow, then I will admit defeat and you will win. Also, I will suppress my strength to a genin level as we fight I will progressively raise my strength to test your limits."

"Yes, father I will defeat you," Izuna replies.

"Now let's start the fight."

I immediately make some hand signs as I spew a giant ball of fire at father,

'Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu'

Father jumps and dodges my fireball technique, without giving him any time to breathe I throw some kunais with explosive tags attached to them at father. Before the tags could explode a lightning bolt incinerated the tag as a lightning whip appears in father's hand.

'Lightning Style: Lightning Whip Jutsu'

Father swing the lightning whip toward me as I summersault and dodge the whip. Father throws shurikens at me while I was in mid-air. I quickly make some hand signs as I inhale large volumes of air and then quickly exhale it.

'Wind Style: Wind Pump'

I dodge the shurikens but they continue to chase me as they were attached with a string controlled by Father. By now the father is using Chunnin level of Strength as he is fighting against me. I take out the Chakra Blade from my back as I infuse it with Lightning Chakra as it shines with a blinding blue light. I swing the Chakra Blade at the incoming Kunai.

'Kenjutsu Style: Lightning Cleaver'

A blue slash of lightning is launched from the blade as it collides with the shurikens and snaps the strings. Izuna dashes toward Akira as he mutters,

'Kenjutsu style: Howling Moon Blade dance'

Multiple images of the chakra blade appeared as they formed a full moon. The blade slashed Akira as a small fissure appeared on the ground.


With a puff, Akira disappeared from the spot as a wooden log appeared in his place.

'Crap! Substitution'

Izuna immediately turned as he infuses Chakra on a seal at the hilt of his Chakra blade.

'Kenjutsu Style: Weighted Assault'

The chakra blade slams on Akira who appear out of nowhere. The weight of the strike pushes Akira back as Akira blocks the strike with a Kunai.

Akira jumps back to disengage and immediately make hand signs.

'Wind Style: Reaper's Scythe'

Akira spews out a large scythe of compressed wind as it charges toward Izuna while slashing nearby trees.

Izuna ducks to dodge the scythe but another scythe crisscrossing with the previous one appears in his vision.

'Fuck! Father is serious.'

Izuna makes two shadow clones that launch the main body above the scythes like a catapult. Izuna is flung in the air as he searches for his father's whereabouts.

Akira appears behind Izuna as he attacks Izuna with a kunai coated in Wind Chakra. Izuna is able to block the attack by using the Chakra Blade but the force slams him in the ground.

Izuna gets out of the ground in a haggard state as he curses in mind,

'Damnit! Father, it is just an academy graduation test, not a Chunnin Exam.'

"I lose!"

Izuna puts back the Chakra blade in the sheath as he walks towards his mother.

Aiko is worried to see Izuna in such a state as she reprimands Akira,

"Akira, he is only aiming for graduation from Academy. Is there any need for you to be so harsh on him? Look at my poor child, how much you have hurt him? No dinner for you today."

Akira sweat-drops at this as he starts to explain,

"It is for his own good. I just wanted to test his growth as a Ninja and he surprised me. He forced me to use the strength of a Jounin. I guess he has grown too fast and I wanted to warn him to not grow complacent and ignore training."

Hmph! Aiko ignores him as she carries Izuna on her back despite his protest.

"So, Father can I graduate early from the academy?"

"Yes, yes! You can graduate early. But….."

Akira is shot down by the scrutinizing gaze of Aiko as he gulps his saliva and the words stop in his mouth.


Next day in the academy,

Akira and Izuna walk towards the academy as Izuna will apply for early graduation in the presence of his father. Akira and Izuna enter the academy as Akira leads Izuna towards the principal's office.

The principal is a fat man with blue eyes and curly brown hair. He wore the standard Konoha jounin uniform with a red scarf around his neck. He wore a large red sash on his uniform with the kanji 'Fire' on it, determining his position as the academy principal.

He places down the paperwork he held in his hand on the table and asks us,

"How can I help you, Mr. Akira Uchiha?"

Akira points toward Izuna as he explains,

"It is not me who needs your help rather Izuna. Izuna wants to graduate early from the academy and I think his skills are enough to pass him as a genin and thus graduate from the academy."

The principle nods at both of us before he replies,

"Well, I can't take such an important decision alone. I would have to inform the Hokage-sama about it. If the Hokage-sama agrees with your request then we can proceed with the exam. But bear in mind, since you are graduating early the exam would be much tougher than the real graduation exam."

"I am ready for the exam. I think I can pass the examination." Izuna speaks with confidence brimming on his face.

"Hum! If you think you are confident enough then I will immediately write a request latter to Hokage-sama and we can decide the exam date after the approval."

The principal start to write a letter with a brush. After the letter is completed, he takes out a seal from his drawer. He applies the seal to the paper and rings the office bell.

A chunnin instructor enters the principal's office. The principal hands over the letter to him and instruct him,

"Pass this letter to Hokage-sama. Inform him that it is an urgent case and he should check the letter as soon as possible."

The chunnin nods to the principal and flickers out from the office. Father nods to me and both of us walk out of the office as I wait for the approval.


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