Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 272: Eight Black Yin-Yang Annihilation Seal

A/N:- Bonus chapter for y'all. Enjoy!


"Finally, I have gathered all the materials required for the seal!"

There are three giant scrolls in front of Izuna, one from each Sage Region.

After his visit to Ryuchi cave, Izuna visited Shikkotsu Forest and Katsuyu gave this scroll with no hassle.

"Izuna-kun, Tsunade-sama said to pass this scroll to you." Shizune arrives at the place with Tonton in her arms.

"Thank you very much!"

Izuna unfurls the scroll, and a letter falls from it. He picks up the letter.

"This is a message from Tsunade-sama about the materials."

Izuna curls the letter and throws it in the air. The letter blazes in flames and turns to ashes. A wind current blows away the ashes.

"I am sure Tsunade will readily provide me fund in the future. After all, it is for the greater good of Konoha."


Shizune silently stares at him and shakes her head as words are stuck in her throat.

'But Tsunade-sama said that, "This is the first and the last time, the village will fund you. Don't expect any funding in the future.".'

"Never mind! You won't listen either way."

Shizune returns to Konoha.

Izuna summons Jiraiya, Minato, Kushina and Tatsuya.

"The materials are ready. Let's inscribe the seal."


The group nods their head.

"Each of you pick up an Earth node and engrave the seals from that node."

Izuna crosses his index and middle finger.

"Shadow clone Jutsu"

He creates four shadow clones.

"My clones will pick one heaven node each."

The inscribing of the heaven node is much difficult compared to the earth node since he has to conceal these nodes. Also, these nodes will operate autonomously; so, he has to ensure that there is no error in their inscription.

To speed up the process and cut some time, he is using Shadow clone Jutsu.

'It's not like I can't create more shadow clones. Carving a seal with Nature energy takes a lot of concentration. It will become extremely difficult to sustain the shadow clones while absorbing Nature energy and engraving seals.

My current limit is four; any more and I am afraid I will lose concentration and the seal will become unstable.

Take Naruto, for example. He could only maintain two Shadow clones with Nature energy. My clones on the other hand are also concentrating on the seal inscription.'

"Izuna-kun?! Do you have a name for this sealing formation?" Kushina curiously asks him.

"Hmm… I haven't thought of a name yet. Why don't you all name it?" Izuna proposes.

"Then, let me think of a name!" Kushina ponders for a while, and her eyes lit up.

"What about the Eight Black Yin-Yang Sealing Barrier?" Kushina suggests a name.

"Hmm… Isn't the name a little too simple for such a complex seal?" Minato places a hand under his chin and muses.

"I think 'Eight Heaven-Earth Seal: Barrier of Absolute Annihilation' is a more fitting name." Minato nods his head in satisfaction.


The rest of the group silently stares at Minato.

"Your naming sense is awful as ever. My name is a hundred times better than yours." Kushina argues with Minato.

"Oh! I have a name too." Jiraiya eagerly chimes in.

"Since the enemy is an otherworldly being with God-like powers, then why don't we name it as 'Eight Trigram Demon Suppression Seal'?"

"That's too bland!" Minato and Kushina complain simultaneously.

Izuna has an incredulous look as he stares at a bunch of adults fighting over naming his technique.


"Then let's decide the name by drawing lots."

Izuna takes out three sticks from his storage scroll and squeezes them in his palm.

"These sticks are of varying length. The person with the biggest stick will win the lot."

He stretches his hands towards the group.

"Pick your choice."

Kushina harrumphs and points towards a stick. Jiraiya immediately makes his choice, leaving Minato behind.

"I don't have any choice, do I?" He wryly smiles at them.

Izuna twitches slightly at their choice.

'Damn! I never expect this pervert to win. I can't let him name my technique.'

Izuna sneakily applies some force and breaks the stick.

"Alright! Go ahead and pull your sticks."

The three of them instantly grab their pick.


Jiraiya stares at a toothpick.

"Isn't it too small?"

"Hurray! I win." Kushina smiles and teases Minato and Jiraiya.

"I am second!" Minato shakes his head.

"Never mind! I am not interested in such a lousy technique." Jiraiya cleans his teeth with the stick and throws it aside with indifference.

"Alright then! It will be a mix of Kushina and Minato-san's names. I will name it 'Eight Black Yin-Yang Annihilation Seal'."

He slightly changes the name.


"My original name was much better." Kushina clicks her tongue.

"Ok! Hurry and finish the task. You all need to complete at least thirty chakra circuits before the dusk."

Izuna and his clones scatter throughout the area.

"Fine!" Jiraiya and the rest grumpily return to the work.

Izuna focuses on the central node while his clones shift to Heaven nodes. He inscribes one seal after another on the ground.

'A Fuinjutsu seal is similar to an integrated circuit board. You have to create the IC board component by component and weave a complex network of circuits to make it work as intended.

Similarly, the Fuinjutsu seal is distributed in many circuits, each with its own components. A set of programs written in a specific language operates the IC board. Fuinjutsu has its language too. It has a vast set of runes composed of Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana, Roman, Hieroglyphics, Latin, and many other shapes and symbols.

When written in a certain pattern, these symbols invoke the laws of the World to initiate a change. Similar to electricity, chakra or Nature energy is the power source of these seals which triggers these changes.

The more chakra circuit a seal has, the major the changes it will invoke in the surroundings.

For example, most simple Fuinjutsu seals like exploding tags have one or two chakra circuits. The storage scrolls, on the other hand, have ten chakra circuits. The sensing barrier surrounding the village has 360 chakra circuits, while the barrier around my house has 1200 chakra circuits.

The current seal, 'Eight Black Yin-Yang Annihilation Seal' has around 2000 chakra circuits.'

Izuna rapidly carves one circuit after another.

"We have a month before Urashiki arrives. At this rate, we have to carve seventy chakra circuits a day to complete it in a month. I will carve forty chakra circuits a day while the bunch will carve thirty chakra circuits.

Carving these seals consumes a lot of chakra and spirituality. We can only work 7 hours a day before exhausting ourselves."

Izuna's hand moves rapidly as he carves one rune after another. Each chakra circuit is different. Some are complex while some are easy to inscribe.

Soon, the sun sets on the horizon as dusk comes knocking.


Back in Konoha,

In the Hokage Office,

Tsunade is sitting on her chair as she listens to Shizune's report. Kakashi is lying on a nearby sofa with a book in his hand.

"Damn, that Izuna!"

Tsunade grits her teeth.

She takes a deep breath and stares at Boruto.

"So, this brat is with that man!"

Tsunade heard a report from Izumo and Kotetsu. She finds it funny how this bunch could fool those two guards.

"Izuna has already vouched for them, so there is no problem with their background. But, what's with this current situation?"

"Argh! Dammit! You are getting on my nerves." Naruto grabs Boruto's collar.

"Hehe! You think I am afraid of you?" Boruto brushes his hand away.


"One troublemaker was already enough, now I have to handle two!" Tsunade glares at them.

"It was not my fault! It was this guy who started it first!"

Naruto and Boruto point at each other.

Crack… crack…

Tsunade angrily clutches the corner of the table and tears it apart.

"I had enough of your nonsense!"

Tsunade angrily stands from her seat.

Bonk… Bonk…

She smacks Boruto's and Naruto's heads.

Aww… aww…

Both of them grab their forehead and whimper in pain.

"Kakashi! You will be the one to babysit them. Since your leader, Izuna is the one responsible for this trouble."

Kakashi closes his book and points towards himself.


"Yes, you! You are the only person who is currently free at the moment. Monitor these brats and prevent them from creating more troubles." Tsunade has a livid expression as she pushes the responsibility to Kakashi.


Kakashi ponders for a while. He takes out a poster from his pocket and turns to Boruto and Naruto.

"Let's go on an Ostrich hunt."


Naruto gulps his saliva.

"Don't tell me, it's that Ninja Ostrich again?!"

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