
A portal radiated with blue energy opens in mid-air outside Konoha's barrier.

Whoosh… Whoosh… Whoosh…

Three figure plops out from the portal.


One of the tall figures performs a somersault and grabs the smallest figure among them.


The three figures safely land on the ground.

"My head is so dizzy. I feel like puking."

Boruto clutches his forehead and dashes towards a nearby bush.

Bleurgh… Bleurgh…

He pukes out his breakfast and feels light-headed.

Aww… Aww…

"My head still hurts. Bleurgh…"

He pukes again.

Tatsuya also grabs his head as he feels dizzy.


He falls on the ground and takes support against a tree.

Adult Sasuke clutches his forehead for a while before he regains a little bit of his composure.

"I am pretty used to dimensional travels. So, spatial shifts are normal for me. But… this is my first time undergoing a temporal shift, and it's the same feeling when I did my first dimensional shift."

Sasuke takes a deep breath to ease his nerves. He turns towards Tatsuya and Boruto with concern.

"You two? Are you alright?!"

"Haah… Haah… I am fine. Just a bit dizzy and nauseous."

Tatsuya takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. He tries to assure Sasuke but his pale face says otherwise.

"I know a little about Spatial and temporal laws. Father taught me many Space-time Ninjutsus. So, I will be fine after some rest." Tatsuya closes his eyes to relax.

"Check on Boruto!! This is his first time leaping through Space and time. His condition is worse than mine."



Sasuke flickers towards Boruto and gently places his hand on Boruto's back.

"Are you alright, Boruto?!"

Boruto weakly turns to Sasuke.

"Uncle Sasuke! My head is throbbing with pain, and it seems like my chakra is in disarray. Bleurgh…"

Boruto vomits some blood and passes away.


Sasuke quickly infuses some Nature energy into Boruto's body to rejuvenate him.

But, despite his efforts, Boruto's condition doesn't change at all.

"This kid! If I knew such a thing would happen, I would have left him behind. Sigh…"

Sasuke sighs in remorse.

"He needs immediate medical attention."

Sasuke places Boruto on his shoulders and walks towards Tatsuya.

"Can you move?!"

"I can."

Tatsuya nods his head.


He chops a branch from a nearby tree and uses it to support himself.

"Before we make a move… First, we need to know where and at which time are we?"

Sasuke grabs hold of Karasuki and questions him.

"Which time period is this? And where are we?"

"Understood! This is three years prior to start of the Fourth Shinobi War, and currently, we are in past Konoha."

Karasuki answers Sasuke's question.

"I see." Sasuke nods his head.


He stores away Karasuki and walks towards Konoha.

"Currently, there are only two people present in Konoha who can help Boruto in his condition." Sasuke remarks.

"You mean! Tsunade-San and Dad!" Tatsuya speculates.

"Yes! Their Medical skills are ahead of their time. I am sure Boruto will make a full recovery under their care. But first…"

Konoha's gigantic entrance appears in their vision.

"… We have to enter Konoha to seek them."

Both of them continue to walk towards Konoha.

"We can't enter Konoha in our current appearance. Your Anbu outfit will instantly alarm them." Sasuke warns.

'I am currently out of chakra. So, I can't use my Rinnegan. It will take another 30 hours for me to recover my chakra, but Boruto can't wait that long. Otherwise, I could easily manipulate the memories of these gatekeepers.

"I know!"


Tatsuya immediately changes his appearance to that of a peddler. He tightly wraps some bandages around his right leg and left arm.


Sasuke speechlessly stares at Tatsuya as it suddenly reminds of Izuna.

'Why does it feel like déjà vu? Izuna Nii-san will use such transformation to infiltrate and somehow they always work.'

"Sasuke-san! Both of us are peddlers from a nearby village. We were on our way to Konoha to sell our goods, but halfway through our journey we were attacked by bandits and all of our goods were stolen by them. We escaped from the fervent pursuit of bandits and came to Konoha to ask for help." Tatsuya fabricates a story.


Sasuke and Izuna turn speechless to hear this story.

Izuna is hiding his presence using one of his Rinne-Sharingan abilities.


It's one of his unique Rinnegan abilities derived from the Light Aspect. With this ability, Izuna can create a thought projection. This thought projection can travel through all sorts of restrictions and barriers without any inhibition. Since this thought projection has no mass and soul, it can't be detected through any sort of means.

'Perhaps even another Rinnegan won't be able to see it. Though I have yet to testify this claim.'

Izuna shakes his head and turns to the trio.

The moment Izuna sensed the disturbance in temporal and spatial laws, he sent his thought projection to inspect the situation.

'I can recognize Boruto and Sasuke. But this other guy, he looks similar to me and Mei…. Looks like he is our son.'

A smile bloom on Izuna's face.

"I have to make sure the future me is teaching my son well. I will personally test how far my son has progressed?"

A devilish smile appears on Izuna's face who is sipping some alcohol in Yakiniku-Q.


"What's with that stupid smile on your face?"

Jiraiya interrupts his thoughts.

"Nothing much! I was just wondering about the pictures you took this morning?"


Jiraiya instantly sobers up.

"Pictures?! What pictures?" I don't have such sort of thing." Jiraiya hurriedly denies the claim.

"Oh!" Izuna rolls his eyes.

"Maybe! I was imagining things." Izuna brushes aside the topic and takes another sip of sake.

"That must be it!" Jiraiya heaves a sigh of relief.

'Damn! This closet pervert!" Jiraiya scoffs internally.

'Let's get back to the trio's situation. For now, I don't have any intention of helping any of them. For starters, I dislike that snotty personality of Boruto. From the manga and anime, Boruto acts like a spoiled-brat, totally different from Naruto who just acted mischievously to seek attention. Also, it is kinda fun to watch them.' Izuna smiles sheepishly.


Back at the Konoha entrance,


Izumo and Kotetsu block Sasuke's and Tatsuya's path.

"Visitors aren't allowed at this hour!" Izumo sternly warns them.

"The visiting time is between 6 am to 10 pm. It's already past that time." Kotetsu adds.

He notices Tatsuya and Sasuke's dilapidated looks and stays indifferent.

Such transformations were common for enemy invaders. They will appear harmless and helpless on the surface but will stab you the instant you lower guard.

Izumo and Kotetsu were on high alert.

Kotetsu has a flare in his hand. He was ready to release it the moment Tatsuya and Sasuke showed any sign of aggression.

"Please help us! Konoha shinobis please help us."

Tatsuya weakly staggers towards them.


Izumo and Kotetsu draw their kunai, ready to attack him any moment.


Tatsuya stumbles on a rock and face plants on the dirt near the entrance.


Izumo and Kotetsu stare at each other.

'Does he really need help?' Both of them silently converses with each other.

'I will check on him. Meanwhile, you maintain your guard. Any suspicious activity and immediately release the flare.' Kotetsu volunteers.

'Alright!' Izumo clenches the flare in his left hand with a kunai in his right hand.

"I will help you." Kotetsu carefully walks towards Tatsuya.

He places his left hand on Tatsuya's back and helps him stand.

'Let me check his chakra network. If he is a civilian, then there will be no reaction if I circulate my chakra through his body.'

Kotetsu releases his chakra in Tatsuya's body, who seems to be impervious to his intentions.

'Hmm! There is no chakra flow in his body which means he is a civilian.'

Tatsuya narrates his 'story' to Izumo and Kotetsu.


Kotetsu sighs slightly and walks towards Sasuke.

"I am sorry… but we have to check your bodies before we allow you entry into the village. It's the rule of the village"

"We are fine with it." Sasuke nods his head.

Kotetsu completes his inspection and signals to Izumo.


Izumo sighs in relief and gestures for them to enter.

"Come in. I am sure you people are looking for the hospital. It's that way." He points the general direction of Konoha hospital.

"Thank you very much." Sasuke thanks them and enters Konoha.

All this time Izuna silently monitors them.

The trio reaches an isolated valley.

"Phew! That was close!"

Tatsuya removes a seal from his wrist. Sasuke also removes a similar seal from his and Boruto's wrist.

"Thankfully, we had these chakra suppression seals."

'These are!! Fuck! Wait, a sec! Hold on!'

Izuna's eyes open wide in astonishment.

'Don't they look similar to my chakra suppression seal used during the Shinobi Soccer?' Izuna exclaims in surprise.

"Let head to Konoha hospital to treat Boruto. Also, we need a place to settle and access the situation." Sasuke plans.

"Alright!" Tatsuya nods his head.

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