"Alright! Since everyone is here. Let's start the meeting!"

Izuna jumps towards the backside of the mountain and the rest of the group follows him.

Swish… swish…

While in mid-air, Izuna makes some One hand signs.


A spatial tunnel opens in front of the group.

Kakashi, Itachi, Guy, and Tsunade are surprised for a moment as they curiously stare at the tunnel.

"Come in!"

Izuna gestures for them to enter.


The tunnel closes after everyone enters it.

Soon, the group appears in a dark space with a vast stretch of emptiness.

Izuna takes a step forward and the place lights up. He walks deeper into space.

The rest of the group follows him.

"Hmm… this seems to be a small independent dimension."

Minato senses the surrounding space and mumbles.

"Yes, I created this small, independent space. It's only the size of a clan compound." Izuna informs them.

"That's quite incredible!"

Minato is amazed by this small dimension.

"It's all thanks to your guidance, Minato-san."

Izuna scratches his head.

"Anyway, this is going to be the new headquarter of our organization. After some renovation, this place won't' be much different from our previous place and it is much more secure compared to the previous one."

He nods his head in satisfaction.

'I can't help but steal the idea from Kara.'

The other members curiously inspect the space.

"it's like a pocket in space," Kakashi mumbles to himself.

'I wonder if I can access Kamui from this dimension.'

Kakashi activates his Mangekyo Sharingan.


A small tear opens in space. Kakashi infuses more chakra to expand the tear.

Fwoosh… Poof…

A powerful fuinjutsu seal surrounds the tear and forcefully closes the tear.

"I knew it."

Kakashi is taken back by the Fuinjutsu seal. A trail of blood leaks from his eyes as he deactivates his Sharingan.

"Here! Kakashi Senpai!"

Yamato passes a handkerchief to Kakashi to wipe the blood.

"I forgot to mention, this place is sealed by Space-time Fuinjutsu seal, and the space in this area is locked.

Unless you have the key to the seal, you won't be able to influence the space in this dimension."


Minato takes out a kunai from his pocket.


He throws the kunai in a random direction and tries to use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.


The kunai falls on the ground while Minato is still in his previous position.

"There is no doubt about it. Abilities like teleportation, blink, and portal formations are restricted here."

Minato nods his head.

'I spent almost a year studying the formation around Ryuchi cave and Shikkotsu Forest. This is the product of my research.'

Izuna proudly stares at his creation.

"Looks like I can't fall behind in my training or else Naruto won't even look up to me."

Minato chuckles.

"You will forever be Naruto's hero. The hero who fought against Nine-tails and saved the village."

Izuna shakes his head.

"If I am Naruto's idol then you are the person he strives to be like."

"Then that's more of a reason for me to restart my training."

Minato picks up his kunai.

"Minato-san, I have a few things to discuss with you."

Izuna walks deeper into space. Minato, Mei, and Tsunade follow him.

"Minato-san, you already know the specifics of my organization."


Minato nods his head with a serious expression.

"Our enemy is way too powerful. We must prepare in advance to deal with them. It's the part of the reason you found In-yō."

In-yō is the name of Izuna's organization. It translates to Yin and Yang, which is synonymous with Light and Shadow.


Tsunade and Mei stare at each other with apparent confusion.

"Minato! Izuna! Was this a part of your plan?"

Tsunade asks them out of curiosity.

"Pretty much!"

Minato nods his head and reveals the information about the purple-robed guy.

"Tsunade-san, our enemy is immensely powerful. He possesses God-like powers and we can't even comprehend the limit of his power."

Minato takes a deep breath.

"Not only this, I am afraid there are more powerful beings like him secretly eyeing our world."

Minato reveals the secret information he read in the records of Mount Myoboku, Shikkotsu Forest, and Ryuchi cave.


Tsunade and Mei's expression turns grave.

"If that's the case, then won't our lives be at the whims of these beings."

"Not really!" Izuna shakes his head.

"From the information, I have gathered; there are two powerful factions. And these factions are at odds against each other. So, we still have around 15 to 20 years to prepare before a full-blown war starts."

Izuna recounts the incident of future events from his memories.

'My presence has drastically changed the shinobi history but it shouldn't have any major impact on Otsutsuki and otherworldly forces, right?"

Izuna questions himself.

"When the time comes, In-yō will deal with these otherworldly threats. Currently, it has two branches, the Light and the Shadow branch. The members of the Light branch are the major fighting force of the organization whereas the members of the Shadow branch are responsible for gathering intelligence, reconnaissance, and assassination."


The group nods their head in understanding.

"The members of the Light branch include Minato-san, Kakashi, Guy, Shisui, and Itachi. Naruto and Sasuke will join once they grow up. As for the members of the Shadow organization, I can't reveal their identity."

Izuna shakes his head.

"I made a promise to hide their identities. Currently, there are only four members with codenames Pride, Wrath, and Envy, and Sloth. Members of the Shadow branch will report to me."


"That makes sense. But there are only 11 people; if you exclude Sasuke and Naruto, then only 9 remain. Would such a number be enough?" Tsunade raises a question.

"It's more than enough." Izuna firmly nods his head.

"At such a level of fight, numbers won't matter anymore. What matters is the combat prowess of the individual."

'In his new body, Minato-san is easily as strong as Naruto in his Nine-tails Chakra mode. Also, he has Sage Mode to top it off. Itachi and Shisui will reach Grandpa's level once they awaken their EMS. Guy is also a monster with the perfected version of Eight-Gates. Kakashi is a genius in the art of combat. He created an A-Rank jutsu at the age of 12.

Let's not talk about Naruto and Sasuke; both of them have the plot Armor of the main character.'

Mei, Tsunade, and Minato helplessly shake their head sensing Izuna's firm gaze.

"Still, in case of a full-blown war, we definitely need an army to hold the enemy," Minato argues.

"Hmm… if that's the case, then we must inform other nations of the impending threat." Tsunade proposes.

"Yes, I don't think we can overcome our enemies just by ourselves. An alliance is necessary to counter our enemies. What do you think Izuna! Mizukage?!"

Minato curiously stares at Izuna and Mei for an answer.

"Kirigakure is already an ally of Konoha. So of course, we will lend a hand. Besides, this matter concerns the future of the shinobi world." Mei agrees immediately.

'Minato-san's leadership skills are exemplary. From the very start, I planned to make Minato-san the leader of In-yō. There is a ticking time-bomb in my body and I have to search for a solution.'

Izuna places a hand under his chin as he is lost in thinking.

'As for the matter of the alliance; In the normal course of history, Akatsuki will force other nations to join hands. The name of Madara Uchiha is enough to instill fear in the hearts of every shinobi.'


'Although I am stronger than Grandpa in his prime; I lack feats to match my strength.'

Izuna shakes his head in despondency.

'I wonder what Akatsuki will do next?!'

Tsunade, Minato, and Mei notice his expression.

"Is there any problem?"

Tsunade questions him.

"No! It's just that…"


Suddenly, a buzzing sensation spreads through his head.


The chakra in his body starts to circulate on its own.

"I… I…"

Izuna clutches his forehead and falls to the ground.


Mei, Tsunade, and Minato hurriedly support him.

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