As we were practicing in the ninjutsu, Kushina suggested,

"Hey! You guys why don't all of you join hands together and fight with Minato. Minato! What about another bell test for them, this time with Izuna included in the team."

"Hmm! That's not a bad idea. What do all of you think about it?" Minato asked his team.

"I am fine with it sensei," Rin replied.

"Can he keep up with us, Sensei?" Obito asked Minato.

"Yes, Sensei I hate to agree with Obito on this matter," Kakashi replied.

"Hey! What do you mean you hate to agree with me?" Obito asked angrily.

Ignoring them I answered to Minato,

"Minato-san, I don't have experience in ninja fights, I have only practiced Ninjutsu, some genjutsu, and Shurikenjutsu. I don't even know taijutsu that well. Will it be alright?"

"You don't have to worry about such things, you will learn all these things as you grow. No one can become a powerful ninja in just a day. Just watch, learn, and practice." Kushina replied to me as she cheered me.

"Ok! Minato-san, please take care of me." Minato nodded and placed two bells on his belt as he waited for our response.

"Kakashi Senpai, Obito Senpai, Rin Senpai, do any of you have some paper bombs."

Rin and Obito nodded as they handed me over a few paper bombs.

"Ok! then. On the count of three let's start."

Team Minato was quick with their response as Obito threw a smoke Bomb and all of them disappeared in the forest. I have seen their fight from the Anime and was aware of basic Ninja fight rules. I quickly hid in the forest and for the extra assurance, I even coated my body with my new jutsu which I created using Light element.

'Light Style: Optical Camouflage'

I disappeared from the vision as I hid between the bushes and waited for the perfect opportunity to attack. I also created a Shadow clone who hid himself a few meters away from and also coated himself with Optical Camouflage. My clone began to prepare a trap as he laid the paper bombs on the ground and covered them with soil. The clone made some hand signs as he muttered,

'Light Style: Optical Illusion'

An illusion covered the trap as it appeared like a bush. My clone hid as I silently observed from the bushes with my camouflage on.

Soon, Minato appeared in the forest. From one of the nearby bushes,

'Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu'

A large fireball was launched towards Minato who did a somersault and landed on a nearby tree avoiding the fireball. A few shurikens and Kunai were launched at Minato who flickered and dodged the Kunais.

'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu'

A large number of smaller fireballs were launched at Minato who dodged them by kiting through them. Minato took out many shurikens and threw in the direction of Obito who was trapped between them as he fell from the tree.

Rin takes out her Kunai and cut a rope to launch a log tied to some ropes towards Minato as Obito uses the chance to throw a smoke bomb and hide again. Minato dodges the log as he jumps behind another tree to take cover.

"Obito, in the direction of 2 o'clock" Rin informs Obito as he immediately makes some hand signs and launches another

'Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique'

Obito panted as he cheered, "Yay, we got him."

Minato suddenly appears behind them as he removes a kunai from a nearby tree and places it on Obito's and Rin's neck.

'Both of you have grown strong Obito and Rin. Now, where are Kakashi and Izuna?'

Minato wasn't surprised much by Kakashi, as Kakashi was a genius and a full-fledged Chunnin. But what amazed him was Izuna, an academy student. He sure is patient, Minato looks around but wasn't able to spot Izuna.

'He has hidden very well.'

As he was distracted in such thoughts, a shuriken was launched towards him. Minato blocks the shuriken with his Kunai as Kakashi began to engage with him. Both of them traded blows with each other as Kakashi fought with a Chakra Blade and Minato blocked with a Kunai.

Kakashi threw a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it at Minato who jumps down to dodge it. As Minato was falling, Kakashi makes a hand seal as many paper bombs were ignited on the ground. Minato somersault mid-air as he lands near the illusory bush set by my clone to avoid the explosion.

"Got You. Katsu!"

The illusion disappears as the Paper Bombs explode.

"What the…"

Minato was shocked when he saw the bush disappear and many paper bombs appear.


The paper bombs exploded as Minato appears on a nearby tree with a kunai embedded in it. As soon as he landed, a huge fireball welcomed him that landed on the tree. Minato was surprised as he barely dodges the fireball. He looks around but was unable to spot me anywhere.

Kakashi uses this chance as he attacked Minato and was able to barely touch the bells. Minato attacks Kakashi who turned out to be a Shadow clone.

Kakashi who was hidden behind a tree was about to make some hand signs as Minato appears behind him and places a Kunai around his neck.

"Not so fast! Kakashi."

"Yes! Not so fast Minato-san."

I appear behind Minato as I placed my Kunai on his neck. Minato was surprised with this development but he smiled as he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Damnit! A shadow clone." I shouted as Minato appeared behind me and places a Kunai around me.

"Yes! That's what I would like to say, Izuna."

"Are you sure, Minato-san!" I smiled as I disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Minato, Rin, Obito, and Kakashi exclaimed in unison as I came out of my camouflage from the bush as two bells were dangling in my hands as my Kunai was pointed at Minato's back.

"You got me, Izuna."

Team Minato was stunned to see such an outcome. They never expected me to so smart. Minato praised me,

"That was a very good move Izuna. But I have a question? How you appeared behind me, so suddenly without even alerting me?"

"Yeah! We are also curious to know about it." Rin, Kakashi, and Obito asked me.

I scratched the back of my head as I answered,

"I don't deserve such high praise, Minato-san. I just reaped the benefit from the efforts of Rin, Obito and Kakashi Senpai. They are the ones you should praise for."

"No! it was your strategy that leads to victory. It had nothing to do with us." Rin and Obito refuted my words.

"But still what was that technique you used earlier." Kakashi was curious about my Jutsu.

I felt no harm in telling them about it as they won't be able to understand the intricacies of the Jutsu, even though it was a Utility type Jutsu.

"That's a unique Jutsu I created on my own."

I made some hand signs as my body began to fade away from their vision. They could hear my voice but were unable to see at all. The Light passed from my body. I continued to explain,

"I have combined this jutsu with Genjutsu to fool the enemies of my presence. I haven't perfected it yet as people with Byakugan or Sharingan would be able to see my infused Chakra and the sensor type ninjas would be able to feel my Chakra. It is still a work in progress."

"Wow! That's a cool jutsu, you created." Obito and Rin clapped as they praised me. Minato also nodded in approval. I just scratched my head as they praised me.

"Damnit! I lost to Kakashi and now even Izuna." Obito complained as he made a long face.


Kushina placed a heavy basket on Obito's head as she cheered us,

"Good Job, everyone! You will succeed next time. But for now, let's have 'Kushina Special'…"

She was interrupted by Minato as he pointed at me. Kushina turned in my direction and saw two bells dangling in my hands. She dropped the basket as Rin hurriedly caught it. Kushina ran towards me, she grabbed me and gave me a bear hug. Her soft mounds pressed on my face as I began to suffocate. I struggled for a while until she left me from her panda embrace. I breathed heavily for a while as I looked accusingly at her,

"You are so cool Izuna. Wow! You are amazing and also cute." I felt a little hurt as she called me cute instead of handsome.

"Thank you, big sister, Kushina." Rin thanked Kushina for the lunch.

"My Rin is cute too!" Kushina spoke as she began to snuggle with Rin.


Obito grumbled as he turned his back to Kushina and hmphed. Kushina became angry as their usual routine started with Obito being bashed on the head by Kushina as a small bump rose on his head.

All of us laughed and cheered happily as we ate lunch.


A/N:- Minato isn't nerfed. Izuna just caught him off-guard with a new jutsu. That's all.

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