"I will help too."

Fusao offers assistance to Kimimaro as he draws a pair of Tanto blades.


Both of them confront Kozue.

Bam… Clang…

Kozue is able to hold evenly against both of their assault.


Kimimaro straightens his bone whip as he relentlessly attacks Kozue.

'I believe in Angel-san. He will pull through everything.'

Kimimaro has a resolute expression on his face as he smacks his Bone whip towards Kozue.


The bone whip and the vine collide and release a sharp crackling noise.


Fusao uses this opportunity to land a sneak attack behind Kozue.


He stabs his tanto through Kozue's chest.


Kozue turns towards him and smiles.

"Your skills with assassination are quite good; too bad it won't work against me."

Crack… crack…

A giant hole appears near Kozue's chest as the nearby skin turns into a tree.


The sword slides through his chest and falls to the ground.


The hole in his chest closes up as green veins pop out from his skin.


Kozue's skin turns normal as he continues to beat up Kimimaro and Fusao.

"I am sorry for such cruelty. I didn't intend to harm you, but this is the only way to preserve the heritage of my clan."

Kozue has an unwilling expression on his face as he smacks Kimimaro with his vines.


Kimimaro slams into a nearby boulder and pukes out some blood.


He slowly stands up and cautiously stares at Kozue.

'I can't allow them to harm Angel-san.'


Kimimaro claps his hands as Nature energy gathers around him.


He rapidly absorbs an enormous amount of Nature energy and his skin turns white. Various green snakes of Nature energy streaks out of his body as they hiss towards Kozue.


Kozue is surprised to see the new transformation of Kimimaro as he feels the increase in the fighting spirit of Kimimaro.

"Ten finger Drilling Bullets"

Kimimaro launches a flurry of bone bullets from his fingers towards Kozue. He infuses the bullets with Nature energy to empower his attack.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Kozue barely dodges the attack as he closes the distance.

"Kid! You are quite a powerful shinobi for your age, but too bad your technique doesn't work against me."


He smacks Kimimaro with his vines.


Kimimaro is sent flying by the attack as the Nature energy around him disperses slightly.

"I am a member of the Shinrin clan. We are the descendants of the Shinju tree and as such, Nature energy attacks don't work against us.

My Kekkei Genkai will just absorb the Nature energy around you."

Kozue continues to push back Kimimaro, who fails to deal a lethal blow to Kozue.

Even when Kimimaro is able to injure Kozue; he just shrugs the attacks and heals the injuries with his tree-like body.

The Village Chief nods his head and turns towards the unconscious villagers being held hostage in a giant vine prison.

"Lord Kishin will soon grace us with his presence. These villagers will be the perfect sacrifice for Kishin-sama."

Inside the Mindscape,


Izuna feels a surge of pain in his head as the dark purple ominous chakra continues to invade it.

He clutches his forehead and falls on his knees as he hallucinates.

"Is… is it another genjutsu?"

Izuna feels light-headed as his vision turns blurry. Various incidents of his past and present flood his memories.

In the outside world.

The Fuinjutsu seals from the katana continue to spread throughout Izuna's body, as it occupy two-thirds of his body.


Dark purple chakra rises from Izuna's body and his chakra signature changes drastically.

Inside the Sin Grimoire,

"What's going on?"

Minato feels the ominous chakra flowing through Izuna's body.

"What a sinister chakra? It has been almost a thousand years since I last came across this sinister chakra?"

Kurama's expression turns ugly as he warily stares at the various curse seals on Izuna's body.

"You know about this chakra?"

Minato has a grim expression on his face as he stares at the Fuinjutsu seals on Izuna's body.

"These seals have a resemblance to the seals utilized by the Yamanaka clan."

Minato inspects the seal as he remarks.

"I believe they are some sort of Mind-Body possession seals."

Minato concludes as he is unable to guess the true nature of the seals.

"These are curse seals; not the usual curse seals, but these seals are similar to ritualistic curse seals."

Kushina remarks as she stares at those seals.

"Only a few people in the Uzumaki clan are aware of these seals. Back in the era of Warring States, the Uzumaki clan would receive large numbers of sealing requests from other clans.

There were various cases where many malevolent spirits, demons, or chakra entities would possess a person and take control of their body.

The clan leader would use similar ritualistic seals to seal any evil creature or entity in a medium or talisman."

"Hmm… I came across such a record in the confidential files of the Hokage Office. It's about a powerful demon sealed somewhere in the Land of Demons." Minato remarks.

"Yes… the Uzumaki clan has a record of it. Kenshiro-sama sealed the powerful demon of Land of Demon. He was unable to kill the demon as it would resurrect again in few years.

So, Kenshiro-sama summoned the Shinigami and sealed the soul of a demon in the Land of Demon. The body of the demon is sealed in the Land of Swamps.

Later, he passed the sealing techniques to the aristocratic family of the Land of Demon."

Kushina shed some light on the past of the shinobi world.

"Hmm… close enough."

Kurama nods his head.

"This seal is called the Death Demon Possession Seal."

Kurama closes his eyes as he reminisces some old memories.

"During the era of Rikudou Sannin, the Sage fought against several powerful evil creatures. Some of those creatures were from our world, while some were from other worlds. The Sage sealed and killed these evil creatures and lead the humans to an era of peace and prosperity.

However, this era was short-lived. After the death of Sage of Six Paths; various evil entities began to re-emerge."

Kurama slowly opens his eyes as he continues.

"One such evil being was called Jashin… a self-proclaimed God. He spread his evil teachings and his devout followers worshipped him and created a religion in his name.

The followers of Jashin will commit mass-murder and genocide in the name of offerings.

Even the youngest son of Sage has to pay with his life to seal away this evil God."

Kurama shakes his head as he lifts his draw an inverted triangle in a circle on the floor with his nail.

"This is the seal of the Jashinism."

"I… I see."

Minato enters in deep thought as he warily stares at Izuna.

'There are various hidden threats spread throughout the Shinobi World. The schemes and ploys of other villages appear to be of secondary concern compared to threats of such levels."

Inside the Mindscape of Izuna.

The dark ominous chakra shrouds the entire mindscape as it slowly creeps towards the central region.

"F***! At this rate, I will end up being possessed. I have no choice but to use the incomplete Yin-Yang Release Technique."


Izuna claps his hands together as a dual Taijitu symbol forms in his palms.

"Yin-Yang Release: Elemental Reversal"

A Taijitu symbol forms around Izuna as he channels the Yin-Yang Release chakra.


Before the ominous chakra could invade further, a thin blue barrier locks it.

Swoosh… swoosh… swoosh…

Several Fuinjutsu seals appear on the barrier and the barrier shines brightly.

Whoosh… whoosh… whoosh…

The various orbs floating beside Izuna shine brightly and resonate with the seal as various kanji seals of respective elements appear on them.


The barrier releases dark-red lightning and disperses the ominous chakra.


A shrill scream echoes in the Mindscape as the ominous chakra fades away.

Crack… crack…

The reverse pentagram curse seals below Izuna's feet cracks and shatter into countless bloody fragments.


The backlash of the seal sends the village Chief flying.


Various Fuinjutsu seals crawl out of the Sin seal. The seals slowly overpower the curse seals.


Izuna opens his eyes.


His eyes change in Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Limbo Hengoku: Body Substitution"

Izuna summons his Limbo clone and switches place with the clone.


"That was a close call."

He takes a deep breath and turns towards the village chief.

"I had enough of this shit for the day."

Crack… crack…

He cracks his knuckles and walks towards the baldy.


A/N:- I will drastically scale the powers of the enemies in the future arcs. If I have to put it in words, many of Naruto's villain never reached their full potential or power cap. Don't take me wrong, Izuna is OP according to Shinobi standards, but according to Otsutsuki standards( only raw power), he isn't strong. It's true that he can easily nuke a city and destroy mountains but Otsutsuki can obliterate planets. Our boy has yet to reach the level of planet buster.

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