A/N:- A small throwback to the old classic fight. I was in quarantine for a week so I wasn't able to write much during this time.


Clomp… clomp…

Two figures walk out of the Edo coffin.


A tanned figure in dark red armor with a black suit and wooden sandals raises his head.

"It has been a long time, Saru."

Another fair figure in blue armor walks beside him.

"Oh? It's you, Sarutobi. You have aged quite a lot."

"I didn't expect to see you two in a form like this… Hashirama Sensei… Tobirama Sensei!"

Tears overflow Hiruzen's eyes.

"I am mortified to see you in such a state."

"Now… now… enough with the heart-warming teacher-student reunion."


Orochimaru takes out two kunais with sealing tags. He inserts the kunais in Hashirama and Tobirama's body.


Orochimaru makes a hand seal to control their movements.


Hashirama and Tobirama try to resist the control of Orochimaru.

"Give it up," Orochimaru smirks.

"I have summoned you with half of your original strength. These vessels aren't strong enough to summon you in your prime. Besides, I am not sure I could control you in your peak strength."


Orochimaru licks his lips.

"If that's the case, Sarutobi, we must fight you." Hashirama takes a step towards Hiruzen and Jiraiya.

"Sensei! Any advice while fighting against them."

Jiraiya asks Hiruzen for advice.

"I will stop Orochimaru. If we incapacitate him, the summoning should wear off. Till then, we have to hold our own against them."

Hiruzen summons a large Fuma Shuriken.

"Easy for you to say." Jiraiya's expression turns ugly.

"No matter the era, war will always plague the land."

Hashirama remarks as clasps his hands together.

"Edo Tensei!... So, this kid summoned us with my forbidden technique." Tobirama stares at his fingers.

"Tobirama, I warned you. This technique was a mistake." Hashirama remarks.

"Shut up." Tobirama scoffs and turns towards Hiruzen.

"Saru, we are gradually losing control of our body and emotions. I hope you will be able to cope with the situation."

"Enough banter. Time for work."


Orochimaru makes a hand sign as he kills their emotions.

"Oye! Oye! Now they have turned into a killing machine."


Jiraiya gulps his saliva and performs his signature pose.

"But fear not… the legendary Toad-Sage Jiraiya-sama will fight them for you."


Hiruzen slams Enma's staff on Jiraiya's head.

"Stop fooling around and follow the plan."

"Yes." Jiraiya's expression turns serious.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Edo-Hashirama and Tobirama dash towards Hiruzen and Jiraiya as they engage in close combat fight.


Hiruzen extends his staff and slams it into Tobirama.


The staff shatters Tobirama's body in half.

Swish… swish…

The ashen material of the reincarnated scrumble together and reforms his body.

"This is bad."

Hiruzen's expression turns ugly as he dodges a kick from Tobirama.

"This was the real purpose of the jutsu, Sensei! To create immortal shinobi warriors who don't require chakra, food, or any such necessity and can fight tirelessly. I just eliminated some major flaws of the jutsu and perfected it beyond the original creator."


Orochimaru licks a kunai as he stares at Hiruzen.


He flickers towards Hiruzen and attacks him with a kunai.


Hiruzen blocks the kunai.


Tobirama kicks him and sends him flying.


Hiruzen performs a somersault in the air and balances himself.


Orochimaru opens his mouth as a snake extends from his mouth and bites Hiruzen's neck.


Hiruzen struggles to free himself.

"Having trouble with this kind of attack? You have grown old Sensei!" Orochimaru smirks.

Crumble… crumble…

Hiruzen's body turns into dust.

"Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole"

Hiruzen appears behind Orochimaru.


He makes some hand signs.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu"

Hiruzen launches a barrage of shurikens at Orochimaru.


Orochimaru makes a hand seal as Edo-Tobirama jumps in front and blocks the shurikens.

"ENMA! Now."


Enma turns into Adamantine Prison Wall and imprisons Tobirama.

"It will enough to hold him for a while."


Orochimaru smirks as he makes a Ram seal.


Tobirama's body shines brightly.

"This is bad. Explosive tags!"


Tobirama's body explodes violently.


Enma releases a miserable shriek as he withstands the explosion.

"Haha… I wanted to do this for a long time."

Orochimaru laughs maniacally as he stares at the pitiful state of Enma.

The pieces of Tobirama's edo body start to gather again.

"Hiruzen! I won't be able to take another of that explosion." Enma grimaces in pain.

"Orochimaru stop with this nonsense. You will achieve nothing. Cut this stupid acting already." Hiruzen glares at Orochimaru.

"Stupid, you say! Haha… You underestimate me, Sensei. This isn't an academy class and I am not the same person I was last time." Orochimaru and Hiruzen confront each other.

"You are right."

Hiruzen removes his shoulder pads and takes a stance as he riles up his chakra.

Orochimaru also takes a serious stance and riles up his chakra.

Crack… crack…

The ground beneath them cracks from the pressure of chakra.

"I will not go easy on you just because you're old."

"I may make you redo your training in the academy, depending on your performance."

Whoosh… whoosh…

Both of them flickers towards each other as they clash multiple times.

"Hah! I am surprised you can keep up with me with those old bones of yours." Orochimaru remarks as he relentlessly attacks Hiruzen.

"These old bones carry the weight and hope of Konoha. I won't allow the likes of you to trample the future of Konoha."

Bang… bang…

Both of them trade multiple taijutsu blows.

Whoosh… whoosh…

They separate from each other and create some distance.

Swish… swish…

Hiruzen and Orochimaru make multiple hand signs.

"Multiple Striking Shadow Snakes"

Orochimaru stretches his arms as a big swarm of snakes appears in an instant.


The snake hisses as they approach Hiruzen.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile"

Hiruzen takes a deep breath and kneads an enormous amount of chakra in his lungs as he spews out a giant fireball from his mouth.


The fireball takes the shape of a dragon. The dragon covers a large area and incinerates all the snakes.

"I am not done yet."

"Earth Release: Mud dragon flame bullet"

Hiruzen claps his hands and summons a mud dragon. The mud dragon merges with the flame dragon and closes on Orochimaru.

"I am not your opponent, Sensei."

Orochimaru smirks as Tobirama jumps in front of him.

"I am sorry, Hiruzen. The explosion did more damage than I expected."

Enma returns to Hiruzen.

"But so, did him." Enma points towards the multiple cracks on Tobirama's body. His jutsu isn't perfect yet."

"Water Release: Giant Water Wall"

Tobirama creates a giant wall of water to block the attack.


The water wall blocks the jutsu as it turns into vapors, extinguishing the fire.

"Water Release: Water Colliding Wave"

Tobirama converts the atmospheric vapors into a massive vortex which explodes and turns into a rapid gushing wave of water raging furiously towards Hiruzen.


"Tobirama Sensei is the most powerful water release user ever."

"Hiruzen makes some hand signs and slams his palm on the ground.

"Earth Release: Rock Wall"

He erects a giant rock wall to block the raging current of water.


Hiruzen jumps on top of the rock wall to avoid the wave.

Whoosh… Bang…

Orochimaru appears in front of him and kicks him. Hiruzen blocks the kick with his arm but is sent flying by the momentum.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Multiple anbu guards appear on the battlefield as they surround the group.

"Lord Third is in a pinch. We must help him."

The anbu unit takes out their weapons and flickers towards Orochimaru.

"It's not a wise choice to disturb such a great show."

Four figures in black cloaks flicker in front of the anbu group and block their way.

Swoosh…. Swoosh…

All of them throw away their cloaks as they get into a formation.

"Sound Four, erect a barrier around this place. I don't want anyone to ruin my reunion with Sensei after such a long time. Slick…"

Orochimaru licks his kunai as he stares at Hiruzen.

Cough… cough…

Hiruzen coughs slightly and gets up.

"Enma come forth!"

Enma turns into his adamantine staff form as Hiruzen wields it skillfully.

"Sensei! You aren't the only one who owns a weapon."

Cough… cough…

Orochimaru coughs out a snake from his mouth. The snake opens its mouth as a hilt appears from its mouth.


Orochimaru grabs the hilt and draws the sword.

"The blade of the sword has a cyan glow to it."

Orochimaru waves it around to get a hang of it.

"It has been a while since I got my hands on this blade. I never got the opportunity to test it out in battle."

"That… that blade! It can't be…" Enma's eyes widen as he recognizes the blade.

"That's the legendary Kusanagi blade. Eons ago this blade was wielded by the great Sage to vanquish all evil from the world. It is a relic lost in the tides of time.

I never expected Orochimaru of all people to get his hands on this blade. Hiruzen, even if my adamantine body is as hard as diamond; one slash from that sword can significantly harm my body."

Enma warns Hiruzen.

"Let's go, Enma."

Hiruzen swings the staff as he confronts Tobirama and Orochimaru.

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