Late at Night,

"I am so sleepy, Nii-san."

Naruto stretches his arms and yawns as he lazily rests on the bed.

"Rest well, Naruto."

Izuna walks out of the room and stares at the mountains in the night sky. He spots the various medicinal and herbal plants shining at the foothill of the mountain.

"Such a scenic view, the rich Nature energy is very refreshing."

Izuna takes a deep breath and absorbs a little amount of Nature energy.

He stares at the compound of the Kodon clan as he remembers his first encounter with them.

'Tsunade introduced me to this group of people. The Uzumaki clan had a very good relationship with the Kodon clan of the Land of Medicine.

Tsunade being a medic-nin and the granddaughter of the Mito Uzumaki enjoyed various privileges.'


Izuna opens his hand to reveal a small vial with purple fluid in it.

'I can't believe this small bottle of medicine costs Hundred Thousand Ryo.'

Izuna shakes his head and flips the bottle.

'The Mangekyo Sharingan has started to show its side-effects. I have no side-effects because I am a unique case. But the rest of the people felt irritation in their eyes.

The awakening of Mangekyo Sharingan puts a lot of strain on the optic nerves of the user. The continuous use of Mangekyo weakens the optic nerve and turns them blind.'

Izuna pockets the bottle.

'Apparently, this special medicine called Kotaro prevents the side-effects of the Mangekyo Sharingan, though at a cost. After applying the medicine, the irritation will stop for a while, but the person will turn blind for a day or two.

Looks like this is the only solution for now. I can't find a better cure. But damn, it is so expensive. Only the members of the Kodon clan can produce this medicine.

The members of the Kodon clans have a unique physique. By consuming the Wolf hook grass growing in the Three Wolf Mountain Range; they are able to produce a special fluid which is used to create this medicine.'


Izuna takes a deep breath and turns around to sleep.


He halts in his footsteps as he senses a chakra signature.

"Oh!… this is interesting."

He notices a cloaked person secretly creeping out of the Kodon clan.

"I wonder who it is."

A smile appears on Izuna's face as his body turns invisible.

'What can I say? I have a hobby to dig out the secrets of others.'

Izuna chases after the cloaked person.

The cloaked person snoops out of the Kodon clan and walks towards the Three Wolves Mountain Range.

After walking for a while; the person arrives before a dilapidated shrine.

"Good… you are here."

A deep voice greets the cloaked person.

The cloaked person removes his cloak to reveal her face.

'Oh!… the wife of the Kodon clan leader.'

Izuna recognizes the woman.

'Let's start.'

The deep voice orders her.


The Kodon clan lady nods her head and removes her cloak to reveal her clothes. She is dressed as a shrine-maiden.

'Interesting… I wonder what's going on?'

Izuna's curiosity is piqued even further. He gets closer to the shrine.

Inside the shrine,

Izuna notices another person dressed in priest clothes standing before a stone tablet.

'This chakra…'

Izuna recognizes the chakra signature of the person.

The person in the shrine removes his hood to reveal himself.

'Tenma Kodon is here too. I wonder what's this pair of husband-and-wife up to. I doubt they would visit a dilapidated shrine in the middle of this icy mountain range in the night's wake to have a priest and shrine maiden cosplay.'

Izuna shakes his head to remove such unnecessary thoughts.

Tenma Kodon takes out a sealing talisman from his pocket. He makes some strange movements and dances around the stone tablet before placing the talisman on the stone tablet.


'Strange… this talisman has a reverse enclosure Fuinjutsu seal on them. Is he trying to unseal something?'

Izuna speculates as he surveys the stone tablet.

The wife of Tenma also takes out a talisman. She mimics the strange movements of Tenma before placing the talisman on the stone tablet.


The stone tablet glows with a purple hue as various Fuinjutsu seals lit up.

"This is…"

Izuna's eyes widen as he senses the chakra from the stone tablet.

'Fuck… this pair of husband and wife has gone insane. Don't tell me, they are going to unseal the legendary Wolf Monster Roen.'

Crack…. Crack…

Many cracks appear on the stone tablet as it slowly falls apart.

Boom… boom…

The stone tablet shatters into countless fragments as dust and debris cover the area.


An agile figure shoots out from the dust and debris.


Izuna activates his Mangekyo Sharingan and inspects the figure.


A roar pushes away the group as the figure reveals itself in its full glory. The shock waves from the roar destroy the remains of the shrine.

Izuna stands steadily in his place as he stares at the creature.

A giant wolf almost as tall as a five-story building appears in his vision. The wolf has white fur with purple lines running all over its body. Its eyes are as large as a small water tank, and its fangs and claws are long enough to match a fully grown man. The tails of the wolf forks in two separate tails.

There is an ever-burning wisp of purple chakra flames on its tails.


The wolf howls again as it slams its tail on the ground in celebration.

Crack… Crack…

The ground cracks from the impact of the tail slam.

'Looks like this guy is celebrating its long-found freedom.'

Izuna curiously inspects the giant wolf.

'Woah… it has the same amount of chakra as the three tails.'

Izuna is surprised by the chakra reserves of the wolf.

"Oye Kurama!… Is he perhaps a step-brother of yours? You are a fox and he is a wolf. Maybe he is your brother born from a different mother."

Izuna jokes as he questions Kurama.

"Stop with your nonsense. I have no relation with this mindless beast."

Kurama growls at Izuna.

"He is just an abomination made of flesh and blood. This beast is just driven by its instincts and only knows how to hunt. He is nothing, but a mutated beast corrupted by the Negative chakra."

Yin Kurama scoffs at the Wolf Monster.

"I can easily topple it with a swing of my paw… even in my current weakened state."

Kurama slams its paw on the floor to assert its dominance.

"Hai… hai… I believe you. Now can you tell me… what do you mean by Negative chakra? I have heard of ley-line chakra, Senjutsu chakra, elemental chakra, dark chakra, and light chakra, but what's the deal with this Negative chakra?"

"Yes, I am also pretty curious." Minato agrees with Izuna.


Kurama clears his throat as he starts the explanation.

"Hmm… every tailed beast is born with a unique ability. My unique ability allows me to sense the negative emotions of every being.

Negative chakra is formed when the hatred, resentment, and many other negative emotions of living creatures gather at a point. This Negative chakra is very powerful compared to normal chakra, but it has a side-effect."

Kurama pauses for a while as he allows the group to catch up to him.


Minato ponders for a while as he recalls something.

"If I remember correctly… there are records of an unknown tailed beast listed in the hidden archives of Konoha. This beast can also sense negative emotions like Kurama and is quite powerful."

Minato stresses his memory as he tries to recall the record.

"What was its name again?… hmm… zero-tails… yes, it is called zero-tails, and it is sealed somewhere in the deserted ruins of the Land of Sky."

Minato remembers the name of the unknown tailed-beast.


Kurama harrumphs in anger.

"That's a fake tailed-beast. There is no zero-tail. It is just a malevolent spirit made of dark thoughts and feelings. It doesn't have any relation with us tailed beasts.

All of us tailed-beasts are siblings, and I am the eldest and the strongest one."

Kurama proudly raises his head.

"Oh… no wonder one-tails hates you because of your narcissism."

Izuna nods his head in understanding.


"That tanuki is weakest of us all." Kurama scowls.


Kushina chuckles at the interaction of Izuna and Kurama.

"They sure are having fun. Izuna-kun is such a bully, he didn't even spare the Nine-tails."

"Indeed… I guess, no one else other than him is capable of such a feat."

Minato shakes his head as a smile blooms on his face.

'I hope… Naruto would be able to make friends with the other half of Kurama.'


The Wolf Monster Roen swipes its claw at the clan leader Tenma and his wife.


Both of them barely dodges its attack.

"Quick… take out the Saigenzai. We have to control it before it goes on a rampage."

Tenma instructs his wife.


His wife nods her head and makes some hand signs as she releases a purple gas from her mouth. The purple gas surrounds the wolf.

Izuna calmly stares at them from a distance.

'I wonder how they plan to control this beast. Through medicines? Does this wolf smoke weed?'

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