A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The Hokage Office spreads the news of the Uchiha Massacre and the involvement of Danzo among the villagers. All of Danzo's misdeeds were revealed to the public.

The reputation of the Villager elders plummeted, and the people raised many questions. It took the Hokage Office a month to calm down the villagers.

Uchiha clan restored some of its lost prestige, but their power and prestige plummeted in the eyes of the civilians. The Uchiha clan moved to their old compounds inside the village.


Inside the Konoha Hospital,

Akira, Yagami, Izuna and Shisui are anxiously moving outside of the operation room. Fumiko has been pregnant for nine months and it is time for her delivery.

Tsunade is taking care of the delivery together with Aiko and Shizune.

"Everything will be alright. Aunt Fumiko and the baby will be fine." Izuna tries to assure them, but anxiety could be seen on his face.

"I trust in Tsunade-san's medical proficiency. She is the best Medical Ninja in all villages. I am sure everything will be ok."

Akira and Yagami nod their head but there is still nervousness on their face.

'I want a small little sister.' Izuna closes his eyes and prays silently.


The door of the Operating room opens up. Tsunade walks out of the room with sweat on her head. She wipes away the sweat and turns towards them.

"Congratulations, it was a success. Both the mother and the baby are fine. A little princess has arrived in your family."

"A baby girl!..." Akira wipes away his tear and rushes towards the room.

'Am I a father or an Uncle now?' Yagami question himself.

'It doesn't matter… there is a cute little daughter in our family.' Yagami follows Akira.

Shisui and Izuna also rush towards the room.

"Please be careful. The mother is weak from the delivery, she needs plenty of rest to recover." Tsunade warns them.

Shisui enters inside the room. Izuna stops before Tsunade and bows his head.

"Thank you... Tsunade... for your help. I can't express my gratitude in words." Tears flow through his eyes.

Tsunade shakes her head and replies.

"It is the least of the things I could do for you. You have helped me during thorny times and opened my eyes."

Izuna wipes his tears and enters in the room.

The baby girl is wrapped in a blanket as it peacefully sleeps near Fumiko.

Izuna walks up to the baby and tickles her with his finger.

Giggle… giggle…

The baby giggles and grabs his finger with her small hands. Izuna gently takes her in his arms while Akira and Yagami are conversing with Aiko and Fumiko.

Shisui walks up to Izuna and anxiously looks at the baby.

"Izuna… Izuna nii-san, can I hold her in my arms? I am already a big brother now, but… but she is my first little sister... I will pamper her every day."

Shisui gently takes her in his arms.

Izuna walks towards Fumiko and infuses some Sage chakra to rejuvenate her body.

Fumiko slowly opens her eye. Izuna turns towards his parents and asks.

"Mom, Dad… have you thought of a name for the baby?"

Aiko nods her head.

"I have already thought of a name for her. She is like a colourful flower which bloomed in our life during this summer. So, I will name her Ayaka."

"Ayaka, the colourful flower which bloomed in summer." Akira nods his head.

"It is the most suitable name for our little princess. Her smile will bloom happiness in our life." He wipes his tears.

"Yes, she is our little princess. I won't allow anyone to treat her rudely." Fumiko slowly sits up and signals to Shisui.

Shisui hands over Ayaka to Fumiko. Fumiko gently caresses Ayaka.

"Ok, all of you shoo… shoo… get out of here. It's time to feed the baby."

Aiko pushes them out from the room.

All the males helplessly walk out from the room.

"Let's celebrate the birth of our little princess." Akira plans the celebration.

Hu… hu…

Yagami frantically nods his head.

"So, our Uchiha clan is finally blessed with a princess."

Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi and Sasuke walks up to them.

"Yay! I am big-brother now." Sasuke cheers in happiness.

"I will check on her." Mikoto enters in the room. Sasuke follows her.

Itachi walks up to Shisui and Izuna, whereas Fugaku talks with Yagami and Akira.

"Let's protect Ayaka together."

Shisui and Itachi nod their head. They walk towards the roof. Izuna jumps on the roof and lies down.

Itachi and Shisui follow him and imitate him.

"What are your plans, Izuna nii-san?" Itachi asks Izuna.

"The Akatsuki got scot-free after this attack. We can't allow them to live in happiness when they killed so many of our clan members." Shisui remarks.

"Do you have any plan, Shisui nii-san?" Itachi questions him.

"I don't… but Izuna nii-san might have one."

They turn towards Izuna and waits for his response. Izuna closes his eyes while pondering.

'Akatsuki is not a big problem. After mastering Sage Mode, I can easily solo fight against them all.

The real problem is Kara. I don't know who and where are Kara members. Some of them aren't even born yet or way too unknown or hidden.

I can't take a risk and engage with Isshiki without any preparation. I need powerful allies on my side whose sole purpose is to hunt Kara members.

I can count on Shisui and Itachi and maybe Kakashi. But Kakashi needs to grow stronger... then only he would have a shot against them.

Hmm… Maybe I will create a team of my own. I can recruit some figures who died in Original Naruto and train them. This might work... I just have to figure out the people who will easily work for me.

I don't want any wild card on my team. Any unstable factor can create a crack in the team and I might lose a chance against Kara.'

Izuna stands up and stretches his arms.

"I have a plan and both of you are part of it."

Izuna turns towards Itachi and Shisui.


Somewhere in Land of River,

Inside a small restaurant.

A group of shinobis with a headband of Land of River enters the restaurant. They rudely push a cloaked figure sitting near the entrance of the restaurant.

Another smaller cloaked figure sits near the other end of the restaurant.

"Hey you, waiter! Bring your special dish." One of them orders.

The waiter hurriedly ran towards the kitchen and bring the special dish of the restaurant.

One of the jounin bites a huge chunk of meat and gulp it down in one mouthful. They start to discuss various news flying around in the Shinobi world.

"Hey, have you heard of the recent news from Konohagakure?" the Jounin gulps down another mouthful of meat and question his friends.

"What's so special about it? Is there another rumour from the so-called Hidden Villages? They are always trying to spread their propaganda of peace and exploit us small nations." Another jounin shakes his head.

"No, it's not about that." The first jounin shakes his head in denial.

"Then what it is?" One of the jounin asks him curiously while gulping a mouthful of sake.

"Waiter! Bring me another bottle of sake!" He yells at the waiter.

The First Jounin signals them to come closer as he whispers.

"Apparently, one of the most powerful clans of Konoha, the Uchiha clan, was massacred by one of the elders of Konoha."

"What?..." They exclaim in surprise.


The jounin silences them.

"Such a thing happened in one of the Hidden Village. We won't believe it if someone else mentioned it to me." Other jounins replies.

The jounin nods his head and continues.

"Not only that, he even succeeded in the massacre, but Izuna Uchiha also is known as 'the Silent Shinigami' arrived in the village. He quickly dealt with the elder and killed him."

"Wow! 'Silent Shinigami'. Isn't that the person with one of the highest bounty on his head in the Bingo Book?" Another jounin remark.

"Yes, he is the one. Not only he killed the elder, he even killed another mercenary of the criminal organization 'Akatsuki'. What was his name again?" The jounin tries to recall the incident.

He strains his memory to recall the name of the 'Akatsuki' fellow.

The smaller cloaked figure attentively listens to their conversation as he mutters to himself.

'I have yet to find any trace of that bastard father of mine. He ra*ed my mother and left her to die. But she survived and gave birth to me, only to die shortly after.

From then onwards, I decided to hunt down that bastard father of mine. Mother only gave me one name for father the Bloody Dino.'

"I recalled it…" The jounin yells in exclamation.

"He is quite a famous killer who murdered various small villages and is quite a psychopath. He is 'the bloody Dino'. The 'Silent Shinigami' executed him." The Jounin describes identity.

"What?..." The small cloaked figure stands up.

He turns towards the group of Shinobis and questions them.

"What did you say? Who was it again?" The small cloaked figure yells at them in anxiety.

The group frowns and turns towards the small cloaked figure.

"Hey, kid! You better watch your mouth. Don't try to test our patience, or we will…" The jounin makes a throat-slitting action.

"I said, 'Who is the killer?' Answer me." The small cloaked figure yells at them.

"I don't care. Just get rid of him. He is being a nuisance to my meal." One of the jounin lazily signals his teammates.

Tlick… tlick…

One of the ninjas licks his kunai and dash towards the small cloaked figure.

"Just die, you bastard!" he yells at the figure.


A sharp black metallic rod pierces through the ninja.


The shinobi pukes out a mouthful of blood and drops in his own pool of blood.

"This bastard! Kill him… he murdered Kyosuke."

The ninjas attack the cloaked figure.

Clank… clank…

They engage in heated combat with the small cloaked figure. The waiter and the restaurant owner immediately runs out of the restaurant.


Plop… plop… plop…

One by one, the dead bodies of the ninjas fell on ground-stacked on top of each other.

Huff… Huff…

The small cloaked figure breathes heavily, but there is a creepy smile on his face. He slowly walks towards the large cloaked figure who hasn't moved an inch from his spot and is still drinking juice.


The small cloaked figure attacks the large cloak figure, but he blocks the attack.

"Quite an interesting power, you have here?" The large cloaked figure muses.

"It is none of your damn business. I will kill you."

The small cloaked figure attacks again, but the large cloaked figure easily overpowers him.

"I can see the potential in you, kid. Want to work for me?" The cloaked figure questions him.

"Will you help me get my revenge?" The small cloaked figure questions.

"No! I won't…."

The small cloaked figure turns around and walks away.

"Then I don't see any benefit in working for you."

"… I won't help you directly, but I will make you strong enough to do it with your own hands." The large cloaked figure finishes his sentence.


"Huh?" The large cloaked figure frowns.

"My name is Deepa and I will work for you."

The small cloaked figure removes the cloak to reveal his clock.

"Oh! A kid. That's unexpected."

The large cloaked figure removes his cloak and shakes hand with the kid.

"Nice to meet you, kid. My name is Amado."


A/N:- Here we are in a new arc. Comment down your thoughts below on this chapter. Should we create a team with some legendary shinobis banded together or you want Izuna to be the lone wolf?

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