A/N:- We finally did it. Here is the 100th chapter. Sadly, I have an exam tomorrow. So, I won't be able to post tomorrow. I have to prepare for the exam ;(


Inside a secret chamber of Naka Shrine,

Many Uchiha clan elders sit on around a table discussing their plans.

"Asahi, everything is ready, right?" One of the clan elders questions a nearby Uchiha clan member.

The clan member bows before the elder and reports,

"Yes, Eijiro-sama. We have secretly secured lots of kunais and shurikens from the Land of Hot Water. The preparations are ready, we just need orders from you."

Eijiro nods to him and turns towards Fugaku.

"Fugaku, how are the preparations on your end? If we want to gain control of the village, then we need to deal with Hokage and his Anbu guards.

Have you gathered the necessary intel regarding this matter? We have to finish him in a single blow or else things will blow out of proportion.

If it alerts other clans, then we would have to face against a combined assault of many other clans?"

Fugaku looks at the group of clan elders.

'So, things have turned out this way. Father died because of his sickness, and I became the next clan head. But these clan elders manipulated various members of the clan to gain power and control.

I don't even have a say in this matter. It took me a while to realize their ambition. It's too late now, I can only play along with them. I hope Uchiha clan won't suffer much in this conflict.'

Fugaku nods towards the group of clan elders and informs them,

"My elder son, Itachi Uchiha, joined Anbu a year ago. He had collected the necessary intel during this time. All the Anbu's patrol duty, team formations, members, and all such.

I will call him to provide the information."

Fugaku whispers something to a nearby jounin. The jounin walks out of the meeting room and comes with Itachi in tow.

"Itachi, present the intel to clan elders."

Itachi bows and greets the clan elders. He forks out a scroll from his pocket and passes it to Eijiro.

"This is the intel I have collected this past year. There is detailed information about Anbu members, their patrol duties, and even their jutsus. I have inspected every last detail."

Eijiro skims through the scroll and rolls it and passes it to another elder.

"You have quite a talented son, Fugaku. He had grown in an excellent young man.

His wits and intelligence remind me of your father, Fukashi Uchiha. He was such a great man, but he lacked ambition. Otherwise, we wouldn't have fallen in such a state.

Let's show the power of the Uchiha clan to these old fools of Konoha."

Eijiro clenches his fist.

"For the clan."

"Yes, for the clan." The rest of the clan elders follow his lead.

'So, he is the perpetrator of this incident.'

Itachi silently stares at Eijiro.

'I have to report this to Hokage-sama. The clan is on the verge of Coup d'état. If this continues then civil war will erupt in Konoha.

I can't allow Sasuke to suffer in the misery of civil war. I have to stop them.'

Itachi silently retreats. The discussion continues.

Eijiro gathers all the members of the Uchiha police force and addresses them.

"My Uchiha clan members, the village, had discriminated against us. The Second Hokage Tobirama Senju hated us. He isolated us to the boundaries of the village.

We bear with it. We whole-heartedly served the village, kept the prisoners of Konoha in check. We secured the village as Police Force, but what did we get in return?"

Eijiro clenches his fist and slams it on the table.

"HATRED AND SUSPICION. The villagers fear us for our prowess. They blamed the Nine-tails incident on our clan. Forced us to move to the outer boundaries of the village.

Not only this, they even left their loyal dog on our tail. Many of you must have noticed the dogs of the village sniffing around our clan. They forced us in a corner, we must retaliate and restore the former glory of Uchiha clan."

Eijiro raises his hand passionately.

"Yes, for the clan." All the Uchiha Police force members yell in unison.

"For the clan…"

"For the clan…"

Fugaku looks at the members of the Uchiha Police Force with a conflicted gaze.

'They are a herd of sheep and Eijiro is their Shepherd. It is too late to knock sense into them.

Before I could gain the support of the clan members after assuming the position of clan head, Ejiro had already swayed their opinion. I am a Clan head only in name.

Father, only if you were alive; then things wouldn't have played out like this.'

Fugaku sighs and turns towards Eijiro.

"Clan elder Eijiro, how long would it take to prepare for the last confrontation."

"Soon, it will happen soon. We will set in a week or two. I will inform you later. For now, we will discuss the intel and devise a strategy to effectively deal with Hokage."

The discussion continues as the clan elders plots a plan.


Inside the Hokage office,

Itachi bows before Hiruzen as he reports.

"I have the latest intel of my spy mission. I would like to inform you of this matter."

Hiruzen nods and waves his hand to dismiss the Anbu guards.


Later, inside the private room beside Hokage's office.

Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura sit around a table as they listen to the report of Itachi.

"If they are going to start a revolution and usurp our power, we have no choice but to judge the Uchiha as traitors of the leaf!..." Koharu concludes.

"Don't rush to such a decision." Hiruzen interrupts her.

"We must take measures to avoid the mayhem." Homura agrees with Koharu.

"Even if we want to stop the revolution of Uchiha, taking on the Uchiha will be no simple task.

There's got to be some sort of strategy we can use!"

"We should join forces with other clans and launch a surprise attack on Uchiha from behind. It will be over in no time."

Koharu presents her opinion.

"I want to settle it with words before force." Hiruzen towards Itachi and orders.

"Itachi, buy me some time, however little it maybe."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Itachi nods and disappears from his spot.


Later inside Anbu Headquarters,

Shisui and Itachi bows before Hiruzen as Itachi reports to Hiruzen.

"Hokage-sama! The Uchiha will start their revolution from next week. We have six days to stop this coup."

Hiruzen sighs and rubs his forehead.

"I can't allow the village to fall this easily. It's a failure on my part. If the coup starts, it will embroil the village in a civil war.

Our forces will weaken considerably, and other nations won't sit idly. They will use this opportunity to wage war on Konoha. Konoha is the strongest Hidden village with the most resources.

If the coup happens, the Fourth Shinobi War will be around the corner. But this time, it will be all Nations against the Land of Fire. I don't want such an ending."

Itachi continues his report.

���Hokage-sama, the Uchiha clan elder Eijiro, is the perpetrator behind the coup. If we can deal with him, then we can stop the coup."

"Hmm… that might be a possibility. But I am sure you are aware of the consequences of this decision."

Itachi nods and continues.

"It won't be enough to quell the hatred build up among the Uchiha clan members. It will only fan the flames and will inevitably lead to a coup. Thus, we are only postponing the inevitable."

Shisui quietly listens to their conversation as he is stuck in a dilemma.

'Should I tell them about the abilities of my Mangekyo Sharingan?... Izuna nii-san warned me to not disclose them.

He said, "The power of your Sharingan is way too great. It can lead to the greed of power-hungry people who will try to hunt you down to gain your eyes.

So, don't disclose your eyes to anyone under any circumstances."

But I have to think of a solution to prevent the downfall of Uchiha clan.'

Shisui continues to ponder over the matter. After pondering for a while, he concludes.

'For the sake of my family, my friends, and my clan. I have to do it.'

He turns towards Hiruzen and speaks,

"Hokage-sama! I have a solution to our problem."


Hiruzen is startled by Shisui's words. He questionably stares at Shisui.


Shisui activates his Mangekyo Sharingan and reveals them to Hiruzen and Itachi.

Hiruzen is surprised to see the Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Mangekyo Sharingan, the forbidden power of the Uchiha clan." Image of Madara Uchiha pops in Hiruzen's mind and his spine shivers.

"The ability of my Mangekyo Sharingan allows me to control a person without their discretion. I will use this ability on Eijiro and manipulate him to quell the revolution.

This way, the Uchiha's coup will be repelled. Then slowly, by manipulating Eijiro the hatred of Uchiha clan members will be quenched."

"Hmm…" Hiruzen ponders for a while.

"It seems to be a quite feasible option. Then, Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha. I will issue this SS-Rank mission to both of you.

Infiltrate the residence of Eijiro Uchiha and manipulate him to repel the rebellion of the Uchiha clan. The survival of the village depends on this mission. Failure isn't an option."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Shisui and Itachi bows to Hiruzen and flickers out.

'I hope things will play out as planned. I don't want a repeat of the First Hokage's incident.'

Hiruzen sighs and looks towards the blood-red moon.

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