Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 622: Orochimaru Thinks He’s Gaining!

Aoba aims not only to kill Orochimaru but also to destroy his confidence completely.

There's a far-reaching benefit to this approach.

That is if Orochimaru truly resurrects one day in the future.

And once again, he encounters him, possessing the Rinnegan.

No matter what role he plays in the ninja world at that time.

There's a significant chance that Orochimaru will recognize him and expose him.

Thus, the power of the Rinnegan has planted a seed deep within Orochimaru's heart, which will grow in time, making him acutely aware of the Rinnegan's formidable strength and instilling a deep dread of it.


Orochimaru once again feels the intense attraction acting upon him, as if countless invisible hands are pushing him from behind.

This sensation is so strange, yet so familiar.

After all, he just experienced it.

In an instant.

Orochimaru's body seems uncontrollable, floating directly towards Aoba.

This terrifying attraction leaves Orochimaru utterly unable to resist!

Orochimaru's icy, narrow snake eyes flicker fiercely, feeling an intense crisis at this moment.

If nothing unexpected happens, his neck will once again be grasped by this young Uchiha before him.

Orochimaru is acutely aware of what this means!

Once his body comes into contact again with this young Uchiha's right hand, he will once again mercilessly devour his chakra.

Such an event absolutely must not happen again!

Orochimaru silently warns himself, his remaining chakra already scarce. If it's absorbed again by this young Uchiha, he will truly lose the ability to fight and be buried within this barrier.

This is extremely dangerous!

Orochimaru is very clear about the current situation, although these situations have formed under his judgment.

In his view...

There's still a possibility for negotiation!

He just isn't pushing towards a mutually destructive end!

But if this young Uchiha absorbs his chakra again, he will lose the power to ensure mutual destruction!


This must not happen!

Orochimaru is very clear about the consequences awaiting him if he is caught again!

As Orochimaru's body begins to float, he quickly reacts, reaching into his waist and pulling out several shurikens and kunai, throwing them without hesitation toward Aoba.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The kunai and shurikens trace lines through the air, making a whistling sound as they accelerate dangerously fast under the powerful attraction of Bansho Ten'in, seemingly set to pierce through Aoba's body.

"Let's try it then!"

Orochimaru's icy, narrow snake eyes glimmer cruelly. As one of the legendary Sannin, he has a deep understanding of combat. After judging the situation and understanding the attraction force of the Rinnegan, he strategically throws the shurikens and kunai as a countermeasure.

Almost instantly, the sky filled with kunai and shurikens enveloped Aoba, seemingly set to encase him completely.

No doubt, if it continues like this, he will be pierced thoroughly.


How could Aoba not foresee this?

He had seen this tactic before in the anime when Kakashi fought against Tendo Pain, throwing a bunch of ninja tools during Bansho Ten'in.

Such simple tricks pose no threat to Aoba!


The chakra in Aoba's hands becomes even more formidable. The terrifying attraction abruptly ceases, replaced by an overpowering, repulsive force.

"Shinra Tensei(Almighty Push)!"

Aoba utters these words calmly, instantly switching the attraction in his palm to repulsion, pushing back all the incoming ninja tools.

Of course, Orochimaru's body is pushed back too!

Bansho Ten'in had just pulled him in, yet to reach Aoba before being pushed back by Shinra Tensei.


Accompanied by a heavy impact sound, Orochimaru's body slams against the invisible barrier behind him.

The sound is loud, but the damage is minor!

Orochimaru's body is incredibly durable, able to withstand a strike from Tsunade, and not easily damaged by merely hitting the barrier.


Although this attack doesn't cause Orochimaru any substantial harm, it does make him feel like a ball being tossed back and forth.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding...

Those thrown ninja tools, after hitting the barrier with loud impacts, fall to the ground, their sharp blades bent out of shape, no longer usable.


However, that's not the end. The ninja tools that fall to the ground, as if cleansed by a terrifying chakra, directly turn into dust and disappear within the barrier.

"Bansho Ten'in(Universal Pull)!"

At that moment, Aoba's cold voice resonates again, with waves of formidable chakra concentrating in his right palm once more. Simultaneously, an overpowering attraction re-engages, pulling the now flattened Orochimaru back toward him.

The terrifying attraction causes Orochimaru to levitate once again, but this time, only Orochimaru is pulled without the surrounding ninja tools. Orochimaru flies straight back toward Aoba's palm once again.

Needs improvement!

Orochimaru feels the danger again!

This time, his ninja tool pouch is already emptied!


Under the effect of the attraction, Orochimaru, flying towards Aoba, suddenly opens his massive jaw, spitting out a sharp sword from his mouth.

The Kusanagi Sword!

This is Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword!

He skips the process of spitting out snakes and then swords, directly spitting out the Kusanagi Sword.

Its cold light is dazzling; this Kusanagi Sword is extremely sharp.

Orochimaru swings the Kusanagi Sword, aiming its sharp tip directly at Aoba's heart.

Orochimaru doesn't expect this attack to kill Aoba, but he thinks it might make Aoba cautious.

When Aoba uses Shinra Tensei to push him away again; he's prepared not to be pulled in again.

Of course.

Even if he is pulled in again…

It would mean wasting Aoba's chakra.

This continuous display of attraction and repulsion forces, although seemingly treating him like a ball kicked back and forth, actually didn't inflict any real damage on him, instead causing the opponent to use more chakra.

From this perspective...

Orochimaru feels he's gaining!

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