Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 592: Sleeping Is Not as Good as Reading Books!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 592 Sleeping Is Not as Good as Reading Books!


Nagato was completely speechless.


In his heart.

There was still a faint trace of hope.

He just felt that Konan had forgotten that Konohagakure's ninja had killed his parents. As long as he reminded Konan, Konan would remember and would not do this again.

Or maybe...

Because he did not give Konan this book, Konan deliberately provoked him by saying this.


After a moment of hesitation, Nagato slowly took a deep breath. He raised his eyes and looked at Konan. This figure he had been dreaming about seemed very different from the past.

In the past, although Konan was very cold, she was still very considerate.

But now, everything has changed.

Even he himself couldn't explain it.


Nagato decided to take the initiative to tell her that Konohagakure ninjas had killed his parents. He might have finally done what Konan had said if he hadn't said it now.

"Don't say anything!"

Konan waved her hand coldly and directly interrupted Nagato. Without giving Nagato any chance to explain, she turned her head coolly.

"I said it before."

"I'm just telling you."

"I'm informing you."

"I'm not asking for your opinion!"

"I'm leaving!"

After Konan turned around, she didn't even look at Nagato out of the corner of her eye. She walked directly into the depths of the cave.

The entire process was very fast.

She didn't give Nagato any chance to ease up.

Everything ended just like that.


Nagato stared blankly in the direction that Konan had left in. He wanted to chase after the figure that had left him in a daze. However, he did not dare to do so. After all, the other party had already left. If he continued to chase after her, it was very likely that he would cause Konan to be even more dissatisfied.

Now, Konan seemed to be a little angry.

Based on this state.

If he messes with Konan again, he will only bring humiliation to himself.


Konan leaving.

From a certain point of view.

It also made him heave a sigh of relief.

After all.

When he was by Konan's side, the pressure in his heart was still very great. What Konan said was like poking his lungs with her fingers, making him feel unexplainably uncomfortable.

However, he wasn't sure if Konan did it on purpose.

He didn't dare to ask.

Although he seemed to have been interrupted by Konan, if he wanted to continue, he could still force himself to say it. However, after being interrupted, he instantly calmed down. He no longer dared to ask these questions.

Such a thing.

He felt unsure, so he did not dare.

He felt unsure, so he did not dare because he was afraid that after he really asked these questions, his heart would not be able to accept Konan's answers.

So it was better not to ask clearly.

At least in his heart.

He could treat everything that Konan had done as unintentional. This way, his heart could be somewhat comforted.

And there was...a very important thing.

Nagato clutched the book tightly in his left hand. He was afraid that Konan was still thinking about this book.

It was precisely because of this thought.

After seeing Konan leave, Nagato could not help but feel relieved.

"Do we really have to move to Konohagakure?"

Nagato stared blankly in the direction that Konan had left in. His eyes were filled with doubt. Compared to the previous shock and dissatisfaction, he had already calmed down. Moreover, he was trying to convince himself to accept this decision.

No matter what...

This was Konan's decision!


After thinking for a while, Nagato let out a long sigh. After that, he shook his head and looked at the continuous rain outside the cave, making the temperature cold.

He was just too nervous and didn't notice the temperature at all.

Now that he felt it, he no longer felt cold. The light in his Rinnegan gradually dimmed.

"Forget it."

"I don't want to think about it anymore."

"Let's take it one step at a time."

"It doesn't matter what I say now."

"It still depends on Yahiko's decision."

"I don't know..."

"What will Yahiko choose in the end?"

Nagato silently muttered to himself. After his exchange with Konan, he no longer felt so weak. Now, his gaze returned to this book. Within that pair of dim Rinnegan, a fiery gaze once again shone out.

"Not that she said it..."

"Konohagakure has such a talented person!"

"This Fugaku..."

"His writing is really good!"

"I really didn't think of this!"

"I still haven't finished reading some parts of it, so I'd better finish it as soon as possible. It's still stuck in my mind, making me quite uncomfortable!"

The corners of Nagato's mouth turned up slightly. He was in high spirits now. He couldn't hold it back just now and directly picked up the traditional craft. Just when he was at the peak, Konan suddenly appeared.

But it was different now.

Now, Konan had already left.


Just now, he and Konan had some differences in opinions.

It was precisely because of this.

Nagato harbored a faint dissatisfaction with Konan, so he again imagined Teacher Bai's face as Konan's.

For a moment.

Nagato's mind was once again active.

He quickly opened the book in his left hand. He still stood at the cave entrance and did not go inside. After all, it was useless to go back. It was better to stay up late to read the book.

For ninjas like them, staying up late was not a big deal, especially when carrying out various missions.

What's more.

Reading Teacher Bai's story now was not only not a burden to Nagato but also put him in an extremely excited state.

It was not that he was unwilling to sleep.

It was because he didn't want to sleep at all.

Sleeping was not as good as reading books!

Nagato suddenly understood why rich people like to read books. The world in books really gave him a lot of knowledge and understanding of many postures. He benefited a lot and will use it for life.

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