Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 585: The Different Thoughts of Akatsuki Trio

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 585 The Different Thoughts of Akatsuki Trio

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Konan immediately cleared her throat. She knew that she had lost her composure a little just now. After all, she thought of some embarrassing memories. It was these embarrassing memories that made her feel that there was still something worth recalling now.

"Let's not talk about me!"

"Now I am back safely!"

"All of this is just a misunderstanding!"

Konan waved her hand towards Nagato, and her tone became cold, or as cold as ever, and no one at the scene felt her enthusiasm earlier anymore.


A lot of question marks suddenly appeared in Nagato's head. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that something was wrong. Konan's explanation was like there was no explanation at all. It made him feel very superficial. What exactly happened and how did they become friends? What kind of misunderstanding was there between Konan and the person who took her away...

These questions were not explained clearly!

Konan's explanation not only did not make Nagato's heart calm, but it also made him more puzzled and worried. This kind of thing was completely different from what he imagined. It even turned into something else that he couldn't imagine.

All of a sudden.

Nagato wanted to ask Konan again, but when he was about to speak, he swallowed his words back down when he saw Konan's expression.

There was no way to ask!

Konan had already said this much!

How could he ask?

"Nagato, since you are back, I have nothing to worry about. In the future, if something like this happens again, you should focus on your own safety and learn from Yahiko more. Don't be so impulsive!"

After leaving this sentence, Konan directly turned and walked into the cave. Her pace instantly quickened. She didn't want to stay here any longer. She didn't want to be questioned by these people again.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Konan had already disappeared from everyone's line of sight.


Huge question marks once again popped up in the heads of everyone in the Akatsuki organization at the scene. The last words Konan just said directly pushed the doubts in their hearts to the highest position. No one would have thought that Konan would say such things at this time.

Not only did she not explain what exactly happened.

She even gave Nagato a lecture.

Although Konan's words were theoretically correct, and those were all for Nagato's sake, that was still a bit hurtful. You must know that Nagato was the only one who went aimlessly looking for Konan in the rain after Konan was taken away.

That was not the point...

The point was that Konan actually wanted Nagato to learn from Yahiko!

Didn't Konan and Yahiko quarrel just now?

What the hell is going on?

In their opinion.

Konan had just expressed great contempt for Yahiko's lack of actions and then showed that Yahiko's actions were correct. This directly caused the question marks in the heads of everyone at the scene to become huge.


Now, Konan had left.

They could no longer find an answer to their questions.


Nagato looked in the direction that Konan had left in. In those Rinnegan, unwillingness appeared one after another.

What had just happened?

There were too many things that he had not expected.

He had not expected that when he had come back in despair to persuade Yahiko to go with him to the Land of Fire. He would not expected that after he returned to their base, he would see Konan, whom he longed for.

He thought that he was dreaming.

After all, this Konan was going out to find him.

How could there be such a thing?


When he realized that this was not a dream.

Originally, he was extremely excited, but things had changed again. He thought that he could use this kind of emotion to embrace Konan, but he unexpectedly found that the distance between them did not close at all. Instead, it was gradually farther away.

Although there was no clear explanation.

But Nagato was very clear about this.

He was very keenly aware of Konan's alienation towards him. This was something he never expected. He was the one who had put in the most effort to find Konan, but he had been treated in such a manner by Konan. He didn't even know who had taken Konan away, let alone what had happened after she was taken away.

All of a sudden.

The matter of Konan being caught.

Like a fishbone.

It was directly stuck in Nagato's throat and made him uncomfortable.

"What is this..."

Nagato muttered to himself in a low voice. He felt that the infinite enthusiasm in his heart was not extinguished by the cold rain outside. Instead, it was extinguished by Konan's ruthless and cold attitude.

There was a lot of confusion in Nagato's heart.

Especially in the end, Konan asked Nagato to learn from Yahiko.

Learn what?

In his heart, he had not completely forgiven Yahiko!

Learn to be calm and indifferent after Konan was caught?

He could not learn these things!

He also did not want to learn these things!

Nagato's face became extremely gloomy. He had nothing to say now. His heart was like a whirlpool, and a huge wave of chaos had been set off.

Of course.

Some people had the same feeling.

It was Yahiko.

Yahiko frowned. His heart was not much better than Nagato's. He could feel the alienation from Konan, which was more real than Nagato.

After all.

Nagato and Konan were really not that close to each other.

This close refers to the relationship.

The relationship between Nagato and Konan is a very pure friendship, and there is no overstep. Nagato has various thoughts about Konan in his mind, but he does not say them out and keeps them deep in his heart.


The relationship between Yahiko and Konan was closer.

Yahiko could clearly feel the dependence and worship that Konan had for him. Moreover, he also had feelings for Konan. The two of them were in a phase of mutual affection, but they had not broken through the window paper so this relationship between them has not been officially determined.

But in Yahiko's heart, he already regards Konan as the person closest to him...

This period of ambiguity was often the most youthful and beautiful stage of a relationship, but it was also the time of long nights and most dreams. As long as the relationship was not established, there would always be a moment when the pigeon that was in his hand would fly away.

Yahiko felt that he was experiencing this kind of thing.

Especially when Konan said that Nagato should learn from him before she left. In his opinion, it was an indirect mockery for him.

"Did I really do something wrong?"

Yahiko looked at Nagato, whom he had never expected and did not want to see at all, and began to doubt what he had done.

After all, the current situation was caused by him. So there was an indescribable frustration in Yahiko's heart because of this.

He did not want things to develop into this!

This has greatly violated his original intention!

Yahiko placed Konan and Nagato in a very high position in his heart. He was very concerned about these two people and did not have the slightest indifference. However, what he showed could cause misunderstandings and mistakenly think that this was what he meant.

"Am I really... in the wrong?!"

Yahiko kept reflecting in his heart. In this matter, he focused all his attention on the overall situation of the Akatsuki Organization.

He felt that he had made a decision that was most suitable for the organization.

But now it seemed.

This decision might not be suitable for Konan and Nagato.


Despite this.

Even though Yahiko now knows that he did something wrong, he doesn't know how to do it rightly. He doesn't know how to do it yet.


After Konan returned to the cave, she walked straight to the room that belonged to her. Along the way, her heart was very complicated.

She did not want to hurt Nagato or Yahiko.

She knew these two people were sincerely doing it for her own good, but their approaches were different. She could still accept both of their approaches.


The reason why she spoke like this.

There was another fundamental reason.

That was because she did not want Yahiko and Nagato to spend too much effort on her.

In the past.

She was facing a situation where she had to choose one out of two.

She prefers Yahiko in her heart, so she tends to be indifferent towards Nagato. Through her actions, Nagato will not misunderstand and place her position reasonably.

This was still very important!

After all, they were a group of three people.

Moreover, the two boys in this group of three had a good impression of her, the only girl.

If Konan did not do well, it would cause a dispute between Yahiko and Nagato. If a dispute occurs, at least the trio will break up, or at worst, the original good friends will become the most familiar enemies.

Because of this.

Konan had never given Nagato the space to dream about.

This was one of the conditions for them to get along harmoniously.

However, Konan was still very disappointed with Yahiko's reaction after this incident. She felt that her and Nagato's position in Yahiko's heart was not as important as the organization and the so-called big picture.

On this point.

Konan was still very sensitive.

Konan originally thought that after she lost some of her good feelings for Yahiko, she could try to accept Nagato, a member of the Otsutsuki clan.


When she saw Nagato's Rinnegan.

Her mind was filled with the shadows of Toneri.

People who have seen an eagle soaring can never see two sparrows competing to dance.

Konan knew that her heart had changed, and under such changes, she could no longer accept anyone between Yahiko and Nagato. It was precisely because of this that she began to maintain a certain distance from both Yahiko and Nagato. She wanted to let these two know that there was no possibility between them. It was better to treat each other as friends more rationally!


With the sound of the door closing, Konan returned to her bedroom. Her back was leaning against the door. Outside the door was where the Akatsuki organization gathered, and inside the door was a small room opened in the cave.


Konan let out a long sigh. Her gaze was extremely complicated, and her heart was inexplicably uneasy. Even though she herself didn't know why she became like this, she knew that she was trapped in this feeling.

Otsutsuki Toneri!

This person who had no intersection with her at all appeared briefly in her life.

Just like that, he silently occupied her heart!

She could no longer accept anyone in the ninja world!

After all.

The people in the ninja world were like quiet little sparrows, totally unqualified to compare to Otsutsuki Toneri, a soaring eagle.

"Ramen Ichiraku..."


"It's Ramen Ichiraku!"

"If I move near Ramen Ichiraku..."

"Wouldn't there be more possibilities of reuniting?"

Konan suddenly widened her eyes. Her eyes shone with a brilliant light. She was like a little girl who had just begun to fall in love and showed a moth-like attitude of flying into a flame. She could give everything for her lovestruck heart.

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