Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 556 Otsutsuki Clan Story

Even Konan herself did not notice that when she asked the question just now, her tone and voice could no longer be suppressed.

Even if she had deliberately lowered it.

But it sounded...

Still looking very horrified!

"That's right!"

Aoba nodded with a smile.

As soon as he said this.

Konan's head suddenly froze.

It was as if the entire person had been placed inside a huge bell. Then, someone outside knocked down the bell, and finally, it ended up like this.

"Otsutsuki Kaguya is not dead. Instead, she has been sealed on the moon."

Aoba added. As he spoke, he was constantly paying attention to the change in Konan's expression.

As for Konan's reaction, he was very satisfied in his heart.

It seemed.

Everyone felt that what happened to Kaguya was very outrageous.

After all, except for the younger brother killing the elder brother.

All of this was real.

Even Black Zetsu was working tirelessly to rescue his mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya.


Konan immediately let out a sigh of relief. Her nervous expression eased a lot. She said, "That's good! It seems that the Sage of the Six Paths is not completely devoid of human nature!"

Konan was still gratified in her heart.

Although uncontrollable worry emerged in her heart after she learned that Kaguya was still alive.

But overall...

She still didn't want to see a son killing her mother!

Now that she heard Aoba say that the Sage of the Six Paths brothers didn't kill their mother in the end and chose to seal her, everything seemed reasonable.

"No, you are wrong!"


Right at this moment.

Aoba shook his head.

He denied what Konan had just thought.

For a moment.

Konan looked at Aoba in a daze. She was completely confused. She did not know where the problem had occurred.


Aoba stared at Konan with a smile that was not a smile. He slowly said something that shocked Konan even more.

"It is not that the Sage of the Six Paths does not want to kill his mother, Kaguya!"

"In the whole ninja world, no one wants to do this more than him. He is the one who wants to kill his mother the most!"


"He can't do it!"

"He can't do it at all!"

"With his half-blood ability, he cannot kill the pure-blood Otsutsuki Kaguya!"


"He could only use an unexpected sneak attack. He teamed up with his younger brother Hamura to seal their mother Kaguya!"

Aoba explained one sentence after another. These words were clearly transmitted into Konan's ears, directly causing Konan to be dumbstruck and her mind to slow down.


When Konan heard the truth, the corners of her mouth twitched. She suddenly realized that all her knowledge had been subverted at this moment.

"You know the moon?" Aoba pointed to the sky. However, they were underground now. It was dark and the moon could not be seen at all.

"Of course I know." Konan nodded. How could she not know about the moon? She had just been immersed in the previous topic. Before she could think about it, she had already been brought to the next topic by Aoba.

"This moon was created by the Sage of the Six Paths Hagoromo and his brother Hamura. Kaguya is sealed in the moon. Strictly speaking, the moon is a huge sealing barrier." Aoba once again said something that overturned Konan's understanding.


Konan sucked in a breath of cold air. Even though she had received enough stimulation today, her heart still trembled violently after hearing these words. The moon was made by a half-blood Otsutsuki and even these two powerful sons couldn't kill her, so how powerful must the real Otsutsuki be?

"Let's talk about Kaguya again!"

Aoba acted as if he had no strategy at all. He spoke with a hammer and a stick, but in fact, this was his strategy. Through this method, he instilled a large amount of information into Konan in a short period of time.

All of this information would fill Konan's mind, leaving her with no time to digest and think. So she could only accept it passively.

Many little question marks popped up.

Before she could find the answer, it had already been covered by new questions.

Aoba understood this feeling very well. When he was in school, he was indoctrinated by the teacher in this way. Before the previous knowledge point was fully understood, the complex knowledge points based on the previous knowledge point had already been suppressed without mercy.

"Kaguya is the first Otsutsuki to arrive in the ninja world! "


"She is the only one who came here!"

"That is to say..."

"The person who made Kaguya give birth to his three sons was not from the Otsutsuki clan, but from the ninja world!"

Aoba directly stated the result. In fact, this part was a relatively blind spot in the original plot. Therefore, based on the information he learned, he had no idea how Kaguya became pregnant.


This was not the main point!

Now, regardless of whether the story was real or fake, he has a way to make it real. This was his ability to tell stories.

Even if there is no story, he can make it up, let alone an adaptation based on such an original framework!

"I see!"

When Konan heard this sentence, she suddenly understood.

So it was like this!

This was not difficult to understand!

Kaguya came to the ninja world alone!

With Konan's current age, she already understood that if she wanted to have a child, it was not a matter of one person. Instead, she needed someone else to help her. That was the result of the two of them working together.

She suddenly understood this matter a little.

Kaguya was a member of the Otsutsuki Clan, and the other person was definitely not a member of the Otsutsuki Clan. Therefore, Kaguya's sons could not be considered a pure-blood Otsutsuki but a mixed-blood Otsutsuki!

It was precisely for this reason.

Among Kaguya's three sons, only one had Rinnegan which was the Sage of the Six Paths.

Then the other two sons would feel jealous and resentful because the Sage of the Six Paths had Rinnegan. It was not so incomprehensible, and their hatred for their mother could also be said to be the product of this abnormal mentality.

At the same time.

Konan began to worry.

After all.

This kind of emotion was very likely to be transferred to Nagato!

"How many of Kaguya's sons are still alive?"

Konan immediately asked. She now knew that Nagato was a pure-blood Otsutsuki. According to this logic, Kaguya's mixed-blood sons were very likely to harbor malice and resentment toward Nagato.


Aoba directly raised a finger and waved it in front of Konan. After that, he said, "He is the black son I told you about before. His name is Black Zetsu. In fact, he should be called Otsutsuki Black Zetsu. But he doesn't like to add Otsutsuki's surname to his name because it will make him feel a strong sense of inferiority."

"Yes." Konan nodded in understanding. She could imagine Black Zetsu's thoughts and also understand his thoughts.

"This is also the second reason why I came to find you." Aoba stared at Konan and said, "I need you to help Nagato!"


When Konan heard this, her eyes immediately lit up. This was exactly what she had been waiting for. Her relationship with Nagato was very close. If she could help Nagato, she would be very willing.


"How can I help Nagato?"

"I don't know what I can do at all!"

Konan asked in confusion. In her knowledge, Nagato was a member of the Otsutsuki Clan, which could be considered a superman for ordinary ninjas like them.

She was very willing to help Nagato.

However, she did not know how to help someone from the Otsutsuki Clan with her strength.

"If there are no surprises at this time, Black Zetsu has already begun to contact Nagato."

Aoba said slowly.

"Black Zetsu will definitely not tell Nagato that he is a member of the Otsutsuki Clan!"

"Not only that..."

"He will also tell Nagato the wrong information!"

"This will plunge Nagato into a whirlpool of trouble!"

"When that time comes, Nagato will instinctively believe in Black Zetsu's words more than based on his preconceived notions, which will interfere with his judgment."

"In the end..."

"Nagatowill has no idea what kind of person he is!"

When Aoba said this, his tone suddenly stopped. His eyes when looking at Konan reflected a special look!

"This is your role!"

"Because of the bond between the three of you!"

"Nagato is more inclined to believe you!"

"Can you understand what I mean?"

"If Black Zetsu and I tell Nagato a completely different story, then Nagato will most likely get lost in this story!"

"But if it's between you and Black Zetsu..."

"Nagato will believe you more!"

"So after I learned about you, I decided to tell you the truth. This way, I can tell Nagato through you!"

"This is also the second reason why I brought you here!"

"Because you can not only stimulate Nagato and make him awaken the Rinnegan that he has never awakened, and make him a real Otsutsuki, but you can also become a guiding light in his life when he is confused! "

Aoba said one sentence after another, and he slowly introduced the second reason he had laid out before, which logically made Konan accept such a thing more easily.

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