Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 550: Konan Seemed to Be Back

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 550 Konan Seemed to Be Back

Konan listened to Aoba's words. Although she could not move, she suddenly understood a little. She understood the plan of this person in front of her and also understood Nagato's background.

She did not know why...

After she found out about these things, her mood became rather complicated.

While she was excited and proud of Nagato's background, she also felt inferior and sad about the gap between them.

This kind of emotion...

Even she herself could not explain it clearly.

This made her feel that the relationship between them had suddenly become distant as if they were separated by an entire world.

Konan did not know if Nagato would continue to be friends with them in the future. For a moment, her eyes flashed with confusion.

"Don't worry."

Aoba slowly walked forward. She raised her hand and gently patted Konan's shoulder. Immediately, a magical force retracted toward his body.

In an instant.

Konan found that she could move again.

Of course.

She did not choose to escape because she knew that she couldn't escape in front of such an existence.

"Nagato regard you and Yahiko as friends!"

"And between you two..."

"You are the most important!"

Aoba slowly said. How could he not see the meaning in Konan's eyes? He almost said Konan's concerns in an instant.

Hearing this, Konan's face turned red.

She felt embarrassed.

After all.

In her heart, she had always known that Nagato was interested in her!


The balance in her heart had always been tilted towards Yahiko.

It was not only because Yahiko was more handsome, but also because of Yahiko's positive and unyielding energy and his grand ideal of changing the world.


Before this.

Konan felt that changing the Country of Rain and even changing the Ninja World was a very difficult thing to do.

But after she learned about Nagato's background, she understood many things that were different from what she had imagined. Many levels had changed.

To put it simply.

After she knew what was the universe, the powerful King Frieza, and the Super Otsutsuki Mode...

She suddenly felt that Nagato was no longer the Nagato of the past.

There were many invisible halos on Nagato.

Those halos made the image of Nagato, who usually did not reveal himself, suddenly become tall!

That's right!

He was no longer the Nagato of the past!

He was Otsutsuki Nagato!

Konan thought silently in her mind. After a short moment of absent-mindedness, she immediately focused her attention back on Aoba.

"What is this place?"

Konan asked curiously. She had never seen such a glowing area. She understood that this was a kind of barrier, but this was also beyond her understanding. It was something she had never seen before.

"This is the underground cave that contains the God Tree of our Otsutsuki clan."

Aoba waved his hand and the barrier disappeared.

In this place.

What replaced it was darkness.

The sudden darkness made Konan's pupils expand. Even so, she could not see the appearance of this cave in a short time. It was as if she had lost her sight and could not see anything clearly.

During this process.

Aoba did not speak.

Konan also did not speak.


Time ticked by.

After an unknown period of time, Konan's eyes gradually became accustomed to the darkness. She could now see what was in front of her.


Konan instantly gasped. She was shocked by the thing in front of her. It was not a simple thing, but a huge "person".

This "person"'s eyes were covered with a blindfold, and there were many eyes on the blindfold. These eyes were tightly closed, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

There were protruding thorns on the back of this "person". They didn't look sharp, just like dead wood, giving her an indescribable sense of oppression.

This "person's" hands and feet were cuffed by chains, its legs were sitting cross-legged together, and its hands were held in lotus shapes, looking like all its strength had been restrained.

" this?"

Konan's breathing became rapid. When she had just listened to Aoba's story, she had already subverted her cognition. And now, she had seen these special things with her own eyes, which made her heart full of anxiety.

It seemed...

What this person said existed!

The Ninja World was just a small part of the planet.

And a planet was just a grain of sand in the vast universe.

The universe is extremely vast, and weird things may appear. She could see the monster in front of her, but it was not anything special. She should deal with it more calmly.

Konan was constantly brainwashing herself.

She was telling herself that she should be more calm and collected when facing these things.

"This is the God Tree's husk."

Aoba smiled and explained, "Every God Tree has a unique energy. It is located at specific coordinates, forming planetary coordinates in the universe which could be used to teleport. Do you understand what I said?"

"I don't quite understand..." Konan shook her head. She had already been trapped. She just felt confused and could not figure it out.

"Then let me put it simply. Do you know Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique)?" Aoba said again.

"I'm not too sure." Konan shook her head again. Right now, her age was not too different from Aoba's. Moreover, Minato had just risen to prominence. In the world impression, Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) was the Second Hokage's technique. It was not strange that Konan did not know about such a thing.

"Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) was developed by the Second Hokage. He was indeed a genius. He has already grasped part of our Otsutsuki clan teleportation method. To put it simply, he will leave a Flying Thunder God Formula in a place, and then through space-time teleportation, he would send himself to the position of the Flying Thunder God Formula to achieve the goal of the instant movement."

As Aoba spoke, he directly reached out his right hand and instantly grabbed Konan's arm.

Konan instinctively wanted to dodge, but when she thought of this person's identity, she forced herself not to dodge. She understood that this person would not hurt her. Otherwise, with his strength, he could have killed her long ago. There was no need to explain so much to her here.

Because of this.

Konan allowed Aoba to hold her arm without any struggle.

"We came here with the used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique). I also left a Flying Thunder God Formula in the cave of your Akatsuki Organization. Now we can immediately return to the cave in the mountain."

Aoba spoke directly and immediately communicated with the Flying Thunder God Formula in the Akatsuki Organization's cave. In a flash, he disappeared with Konan.


The next second.

The two of them appear in the cave.

It was still the same place where Konan had disappeared.

At this moment.

Four or five people were wearing the uniform of the Akatsuki Organization standing here.

These people immediately looked toward Aoba and Konan. Each person's gaze was focused on the two people. Doubt appeared in their eyes.

Among these people, there was also the leader of the Akatsuki Organization, Yahiko.


When Yahiko saw Konan, he couldn't believe his eyes at all. He was just thinking about what method to find Konan, but now Konan had suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Don't talk."

Aoba's faint voice entered Konan's ears. Just as he said this, Konan was about to tell Yahiko that she was safe.


Before she could say it.

She heard Aoba's words.

She immediately shut her mouth and did not say anything else. She did not want Yahiko to be in a dangerous state because of her mistake.

One had to know...

This was someone from the Otsutsuki Clan that they could not afford to offend!


Just as Yahiko was about to ask something else, Aoba and Konan that was in front of them, disappeared into thin air, as if they had never appeared before.

Yahiko was stunned on the spot.

He rubbed his eyes hard and looked at his companions. He asked doubtfully, "Did I see Konan just now?"

"It seems to be..."

"Konan seems to be back..."

"Is that so?!"



The people of the Akatsuki Organization were not very clear about this situation. Everything happened in a flash. If they had not seen it all, they would have thought that they were hallucinating.

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