Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 542: Let the Entire Ninja World Be Buried With Her!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 542 Let the Entire Ninja World Be Buried With Her!

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

"Where are they?"

"Where is Konan?"

"How did Juko become so powerful?"


The people at the scenes looked at each other in confusion. After all, they were just people who had a revolutionary flame in their hearts. Their own strength had not reached such a strong level. Even in the Country of Rain, they were not so powerful.

Otherwise, they would not need to come here for a revolution.

They could just go and help Hanzo.

Now, they watched as Aoba took Konan away. They didn't even see how she was taken away. Now, they didn't even know what the situation was.

Such situation

They were completely confused.


In the crowd.

There were still two people who did not follow these people to discuss. They were Yahiko and Nagato, who regarded Konan as their true companions.

At this moment.

Yahiko and Nagato's faces were extremely gloomy.

"We have to save Konan!"

Nagato immediately said coldly. When he said this, his eyes became incomparably firm. He had yet to grasp Rinnegan's power, but he understood that the other party had Rinnegan. Then he had to work hard to achieve the final success.

Of course, this was only an objective reason. Subjectively, he also wanted to rescue Konan, so he couldn't just let it all go and ignore it.

For Nagato.

Konan was the goddess in his heart!

No matter what happens, he will never let the goddess suffer. What he wanted to protect was his two true companions...

To be precise...

He just wanted to protect Konan, and Yahiko was just a freebie!

"Nagato, I understand your feelings, but it's best if we don't panic now. Juko just said that he would make his request. As long as there is a request, there is room for negotiation, and Konan will be fine!" Yahiko analyzed as calmly as possible. He knew that in the current situation, Nagato's heart was already in chaos, so he had to rely more on his performance.

"You don't understand my feelings at all!"

Nagato suddenly roared. His eyes were wide open as he glared at Yahiko. He seemed to be rather agitated and kept shaking his head. In this matter, he had a huge disagreement with Yahiko.

"Juko took Konan away!"

"In front of us!"

"We didn't do anything!"

"We watched helplessly as Konan was taken away!"

"Can you imagine how desperate Konan would be?"

"And now, you..."

"You actually did nothing?!"

Nagato's tone became extremely angry. He originally thought that Yahiko was the same type of person as him. He would risk his life for Konan. However, when he found that Yahiko did not have the slightest bit of emotion, and even seemed so calm.

This kind of emotion...

He could not accept it!

That was Konan!

At this time.

If Aoba was here, he would find that Nagato's current state was a little similar to Obito in the original historical trajectory.

At that time, Obito also argued with Kakashi after Rin was kidnapped, leaving a psychological shadow on him. (TL note: Kannabi Bridge Arc.)

Following Nagato's series of words.

Yahiko was stunned for a moment. However, the expression on his face did not change. It was not that he did not care about Konan, but he knew very well that Nagato had lost his mind. If he did not remain calm, things would become very troublesome.


Even if he had too much pain and anger in his heart.

He had to stay rational.

Two people cannot collapse at the same time.

"Do you think I don't care about Konan?"

Yahiko stared at Nagato. He controlled his tone and tried his best not to fight with Nagato. Instead, he patiently explained these things.

"Now we absolutely can not panic!"

"Juko has disappeared!"

"Or maybe the person standing here just now was not Juko!"

"Right now, we don't even know where he is!"

"If we go looking for him, it will only make our hearts even more chaotic!"

"Since he said he has a request..."

"Then we can just wait quietly!"

Yahiko said very rationally. He was trying his best to prevent his emotions from affecting Nagato too much. It would be best if he could calm down Nagato. Now, they had no clue at all. If this continued, it would only be a waste of effort.


After hearing Yahiko's words, the anger and displeasure in Nagato's eyes became even stronger. His heart, which was already extremely chaotic, became even more chaotic in an instant. It was like a barrel of gunpowder had been ignited, and it could explode at any time.

"You want me to wait?"

Nagato suddenly smiled. His smile was very cold. He stared at Yahiko closely. His gaze was like he saw Yahiko for the first time. The two of them had just met, and it was filled with a strange feeling. It was as if the Yahiko he had known before was fake!

"Konan has been taken away!"

"Life and death are unknown!"

"Every second now is torture for me!"

"The more time passes, the more dangerous Konan will be. Are you so sure you can wait for the result?"

"What if Juko is lying to us?"

"He just wants to take Konan away and not negotiate with us?"

"The result of your wait may be that it will be a meaningless waste of time, and it will make Konan gradually become desperate in panic!"

Nagato kept attacking like crazy. At this time, he had no time to care about anything else. In his eyes, there was only Konan. To save Konan, he could do anything, including sacrificing himself.


Yahiko took a deep breath. He suddenly felt that what Nagato said was not unreasonable. He could not bet all the possibilities on Juko. If Juko was lying to them, then they would become an idiot who could be fooled so easily.


"What you said makes sense."

"Because of this, we should sit down and have a good chat."

"Let's discuss the countermeasures."

Yahiko nodded. He agreed with Nagato. He felt that Nagato made sense, so he said something soft.

Of course.

However, in his opinion, it was soft words.

He still tried his best to remain calm as he spoke.

Such an attitude.

It was precisely what Nagato was unhappy about!

"Forget it!"

Nagato shook his head and ignored Yahiko. He directly turned around and walked toward the cave entrance. His pair of Rinnegan's eyes flickered with despair and anger.

"I will save Konan myself. I don't need you anymore!"

Nagato directly walked out. At this time, he truly realized that the relationship between him and Yahiko was not as solid as he had imagined.

At least...

Compared to Konan, it was not that important!

He originally thought that Yahiko would be more anxious than him about Konan's disappearance. After all, Yahiko and Konan had known each other for the earliest time. Moreover, their relationship was quite ambiguous. However, Yahiko's current performance made him very unhappy.

He could not accept how calm Yahiko was!

He needed to release his emotions!

On this point.

He felt that Yahiko did not place Konan in such an important position!

He would rather want Yahiko to lose his mind and go berserk to vent the same negative emotions that arose when Juko took Konan away!


Yahiko did not!


Seeing Nagato walk out, Yahiko immediately chased after him and grabbed Nagato's arm, wanting to bring him back.


All of a sudden.

An uncontrollable terrifying fluctuation suddenly appeared. It was like water vapor surging above boiling water, showing an extremely uneven posture. It was like Nagato's chaotic thoughts were wantonly venting out.

Right at this moment.

Yahiko's outstretched hand stopped moving forward.

It was not that he didn't want to catch Nagato, nor was it that his state of mind had changed, nor was it that he had changed his mind...

It was just...

There seemed to be an invisible wall in front of him, making it impossible for him to continue forward. He had already reached his limit here.

Just as Yahiko's thoughts had yet to completely process the situation.

An extremely terrifying repulsive force bombarded his body. After a moment of pause, he was sent flying.

Yahiko widened his eyes.

He did not know what kind of power this was.

He had never seen this before.


He was directly sent flying without any ability to resist. His whole body drew a gorgeous parabola in the air and then fell heavily to the ground.


Yahiko did not care about the pain in his body. He quickly shouted to Nagato. Now that Konan had been taken away, he could not lose Nagato again.

He had never expected such an accident!

At this critical juncture.

What he didn't want to see the most was internal strife.


It still happened...

"There's no need."

Nagato suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned his head slightly and looked in Yahiko's direction. That strand of red bangs streaked past his eyes, revealing a purple ripple-shaped Rinnegan that emitted an extremely cold light.

"I will definitely save Konan!"

"No matter..."

"...what kind of price do I have to pay!"

Nagato's tone suddenly changed from anxious anger to extreme oppression. Just this opening of his mouth made the atmosphere in the entire cave lower.

At this moment.

Almost all the members of the Akatsuki Organization who had witnessed it felt the change in Nagato's temperament.

Yahiko's face was incomparably cold.

Bit by bit clips of his time with Konan were constantly playing in his mind, and the warmth in his heart was dissipating as the clips passed, slowly turning cold.


Yahiko stared into Nagato's eyes. He suddenly felt that this companion of his had become unfamiliar as if he didn't recognize him anymore.

He was not the only one who had this feeling.

The other members of the Akatsuki Organization had the same feeling.

But they only looked at Nagato and did not dare to speak.

They were all frightened by Nagato's sudden change.

"You... What are your plans? You can't just run around like a headless chicken, can you?" Yahiko couldn't help but ask. Now he understood that he couldn't pull back Nagato. He had already jumped to the next option to see if he could help Nagato.

"I don't know."

Nagato calmed down instead. He was extremely calm, but every word he said made people feel that it contained intense anger.

"If Konan is harmed by Juko..."


"I will bury the entire Country of Rain with her!"

"But if Juko or the person behind him is not from the Country of Rain..."

"Then I will..."

"Let the entire ninja world be buried with her!"

Nagato's Rinnegan flashed with a decisive light. This was his true thoughts. To the current him, Konan was his entire world. If Konan was no longer around, then there would be no meaning to the existence of this world.


Nagato suddenly felt a clear and crisp sound in his head. It was like the feeling of an eggshell shattering. Following that, a piece of extremely blurry information slowly appeared.

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