Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 535 Minato's Shadow

After Ai saw Minato's finger, he didn't feel very good. In his head, he was already vaguely aware that this was another oppressive request.

It was this kind of request that does not need to be explained. Repeated requests would simply make people angry, but there was no way to break it. It was a typical form of mental oppression and violence.

In fact.

Many people.

They were all inadvertently oppressed like this.

The most typical example was that when you were in school, you returned home and prepared to do your homework. But at this time, the parents very timely said that it was time to do your homework. Then you would feel very depressed.

This kind of behavior was similar to commanding.

It would make people very depressed subconsciously.

Another example was the author of an online novel. They would not feel pressure if they saw comments like the novel was not well written, had logic problems, was not good-looking, etc...

Because that was the truth!

It doesn't hurt too much to tell the truth, after all, this is something everyone knows, and the author knows it well.


Once the words "Write more", "Hurry up and update", etc. appear, it would be a huge mental pressure...

The current Ai had been subtly affected by the mental pressure that Minato had given him. However, he did not know that this was mental pressure. He just felt very aggrieved, but he could not say anything.

In this situation, he could accept anything.

He could accept any price that he could accept.


This kind of thing didn't need him to do anything at all, and it was also completely acceptable. This kind of price made his heart feel particularly uncomfortable.

Even he himself couldn't tell what was going on.

Of course.

He was not the only one who had this feeling.

The rest of the Kumogakure ninjas felt that there was no problem with this request.

It was indeed them who had offended Konohagakure.


Asking them to leave and not come was not a big problem, it was all within their acceptable range.


These Kumogakure ninjas at the scene were not like Ai, who could feel the taste of humiliation. Most of them wanted to leave this place quickly.

In a split second.

The Kumogakure ninjas, including Ai, all looked at Minato. They had different feelings and waited for Minato to continue.

"Before the Third Ninja World War ends..."

Minato deliberately dragged out his voice. His request was not to restrain these Kumogakure ninjas but to disgust them.

"You can't attack Iwagakure!"

"Including taking advantage of Iwagakure's weakened strength during this period of time to initiate an attack."


"After we defeat Iwagakure."

"Don't show up like you did this time to share the cake."


"I won't let you off so easily!"

Minato's cold voice slowly rang out, clearly transmitted into everyone's ears and causing a strange feeling to appear on the faces of every Kumogakure ninja.

This was very strange.

This made them very puzzled.

Why did he even care if they went to hit Iwagakure or not?

Although it was true that no substantial price had been paid, even if they were just Kumogakure ninjas with no high status, they still felt that Minato was a bit too lenient.

Of course.

At this critical juncture.

They didn't dare to say anything.

After all, any sentence would have a huge impact, which would lead to all previous efforts being wasted.

"If Iwagakure attacks us then Iwagakure is our prey. If you fight with us for the prey, then you will be our enemy."

Minato said coldly. There was killing intent in his tone. He said "enemy", but it gave the people present the feeling that they were also "prey".

Because of this.

After Minato added the last sentence.

These Kumogakure ninjas showed a trace of understanding on their faces. Although they still felt that it was very strange, they still felt that this explanation made sense, so they accepted it silently.


These Kumogakure ninjas could indeed accept it.

Ai's head was about to explode.

He didn't know what others thought, but he felt a deep humiliation. He felt that he was being asked. This was what made him feel most uncomfortable.

The current situation did not allow him to refuse, so he felt very unhappy in his heart. Previously, he interfered in their Kumogakure affairs, but now he also interfered in whether they could attack Iwagakure or not.

So annoying!

Ai's heart was full of irritability. He was eager to compensate Konohagakure and end this matter.

Although there was not much loss, what they had now were restrictions everywhere. A very strong sense of restraint lingered in his heart, making him very uncomfortable.

Ai did not speak.

His face was very heavy.

He vaguely understood.

These two requests of Minato.

It looked like he didn't want anything.

However, he wanted more than they could give.

This was simply not something that a person of his character could determine through a sentence or two.


After a little hesitation, Ai nodded. In fact, he was hesitating because of the little bit of dignity in his heart, which was of no use in this matter. After all, if he didn't agree to Minato's request, then they couldn't pass the current hurdle in front of them.

Since it had already come to this point, he could only lower his head and behave.

After Ai agreed to this request, he looked much more depressed. He had already received a big mental impact from these things.

After all.

He personally agreed.

All of this would affect his state of mind.

If he fulfilled it, he would feel that he was a head lower than Minato; if he didn't fulfill it, then when he saw Minato in the future, he would have a feeling that he didn't really want to keep his promise he only agreed to escape.

Ai still didn't think about this matter very clearly. He just instinctively feels that he is in a dilemma at the moment. He was completely at a point that made him very embarrassed and felt very awkward.

"Very good!"

Minato slowly nodded his head. He understood that his words just now had already faintly touched Ai's bottom line.

If it was someone else.

Perhaps it was enough.

After all, Minato was also bluffing at this moment.


Minato was not an ordinary person.

He was very sharp and brave. He understood that this was an opportunity. He could buy a house in Ai's head and let him live there. Every time Ai saw him in the future, he would have a shadow. If he missed this opportunity, there would be no more in the future.


Minato immediately raised his third finger and waved it in front of everyone. His thoughts were different from ordinary people. He was not going to explore Ai's bottom line and not touch it. Instead, he was going to cross it after finding this bottom line.

He gradually held onto Ai.

He understood.

In this state.

No matter how outrageous the request he made was.

Ai would agree to it.

After all, he didn't ask for a written agreement. It was all up to the other party. Even if he didn't abide by it, there was no problem.


It was exactly because it was like this that it would leave a huge psychological shadow.


Ai took a deep breath. Before Minato could say anything else, he already began to feel uncomfortable.

Not yet finished?

When will it end?

This was too much of a bully!

Ai's heart began to roar. Unlike the previous two times, he could no longer feel angry. Instead, there was a feeling of helplessness and fury in his heart. Just after he agreed to the second request, he understood.

It doesn't matter what was the third now...

He agreed with the first two.

He couldn't refuse now.

"This is the last."

Minato immediately reminded him. He understood that he wanted to break through Ai's bottom line, but he also wanted to create a psychological bottom line for Ai. That was, as long as he endured this point, everything would be over. There was no need to worry about anything else.

This way.

It did not make Ai much more relaxed.

However, the Kumogakure ninjas within the barrier at the scene slowly breathed a sigh of relief. They realized that they could finally leave.

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