Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 524 I Want to Kidnap You!

Although the current Akatsuki Organization was a big family, they were not that close to each other.

Juko was an existence that was relatively close to the outside.

After all, he joined the group with money, and the bonfire he lived in was the outermost circle, that was, those people who were familiar with him.

As for the core position inside.

It was made up of ninjas who had Jonin's strength.

This was a place that Juko would not easily come to.

After all, every time he walked inside, he would encounter inquiries from people at various bonfires.

Because of this.

Aoba thought of a reason. That was to get some gifts. After all, they had all taken the books that Aoba had given them, so when they saw Aoba continue to walk in, they did not stop him immediately.

As for when they reacted...

They were already immersed in Teacher Bai's story.

Especially at this time.

All the ninjas in the cave were reading Teacher Bai's story. Their attention was extremely focused and their bodies were hot. They could not even control themselves.

In such a state.

Let alone stopping Aoba.

They would feel awkward if they stood up a little.

Of course.

There was another reason.

In the eyes of these people, Aoba continued to walk deeper into the cave because he also wanted to give books to the people inside.

After all...

Such resources.

Enjoying it alone was not as good as enjoying it together!

It was really comfortable for everyone to read it together!

It was with this idea that these people just let Aoba go. They wanted the brothers in the cave to read this book.

Aoba continued to walk into the cave. He had just walked a few steps when he immediately stopped. His line of sight had already seen the person in front of him.

There were a total of seven people standing here.

They stood side by side.

It was obvious what they were talking about.

It was just that their way of chatting was very special. They were not talking face to face, but staring at a certain position in front of them at the same time, and then they seemed to be talking to themselves.

These people were different from the people Aoba passed by in the cave. Their clothes were uniform, and each wore a black robe embroidered with red clouds.

This clothing style was almost the same as the clothes of the future Akatsuki Organization.

Through this.

Aoba could tell that the Akatsuki Organization, which was in its infancy, had already begun to dress in unison. However, the clothes they were wearing did not seem as intimidating as the Akatsuki Organization in the future.

Of course.

The future Akatsuki Organization appearance was still questionable.

Even Aoba was not very clear about what it would look like in the future.


When Aoba walked over.

These people looked at Aoba together.

"Juko, what are you doing here?"

In an instant, a cold female voice sounded. The speaker was a girl with short purple hair, about the same age as Kushina. Even the girl's pupils were purple, and there was a cold feeling in her eyes. The serious expression on her face immediately made her feel oppressive.

Aoba recognized this young woman, it was Konan.

The current Konan could still be a young girl, but her demeanor already had the aura of a strong woman. Still, from the lines on her face, you could still see some youthful feelings.

"Leader, I have something I want to talk to you about." Aoba smiled and said slowly.

"What do you want to talk about?" Konan said expressionlessly. Her tone was still very cold, and there was a sense of rejection.

"Let's talk alone." Aoba took a deep look at Konan. He understood that the three giants form a dependence on each other. If he wanted to break their closed relationship, he could only do it one by one. If he talked to the three people together, they would give each other strength. It would be difficult to achieve any effect.

"Alone?" Konan's purple pupils flashed with a hint of confusion, but she still walked toward Aoba.


Konan walked to Aoba's side.

The other six people standing there also looked over.

"What do you want to say?"

There was a trace of impatience in Konan's doubtful tone. However, she concealed her emotions very well. However, such a change in emotions could not escape Aoba's sight.


Aoba did not care about this.

Konan's impatience was for Juko.

It was not for him!

"Actually, when I came here, I had been thinking about one thing. How to stimulate Nagato and let his Rinnegan completely awaken." Aoba said in a low voice. He deliberately controlled his voice so that only Konan in front of him could hear it. The others who looked over only knew that Aoba was talking, but they did not know what Aoba was talking about.

"What did you say?!"

After hearing Aoba's words, Konan was even more confused. She did not know what the so-called awakening Rinnegan meant, but she understood one thing. It was that the Juko in front of her seemed to know something.

"I just think that it would be a pity if such a pair of eyes were just for decoration. But if it needed to be activated, it needed a certain degree of pain. So, to perfectly solve this problem..." Aoba raised his left hand, pinched his chin, and put on a pondering posture. After that, he raised his head and looked at Konan. He grinned, and his smile was extremely brilliant as he said, "Then simulate the pain!"


After hearing what Aoba said, Konan's face, which had seldom changed, finally changed.

She stared at Aoba fiercely.

Her purple eyes were full of strong fluctuations.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"I don't know what you are going to do either."

"But I want to make it clear to you..."

"If you keep thinking about the leader like this!"

"In that case, you will be kicked out of the organization!"

Konan said righteously. There was a strong threat in her tone. In fact, she did not completely put Aoba in her eyes. After all, Aoba's current identity was Juko of the Akatsuki Organization. He was just Genin from the Country of Rain.

Even though he was only Genin.

What Aoba said just now.

It still made Konan feel uncomfortable.

There seemed to be some kind of unspeakable threat.

"Then I thought of a very interesting way..."

Aoba did not continue to discuss this topic like this. Instead, he continued to talk to himself. Of course, he still controlled his volume so that only Konan could hear his words.

"Juko, your words are getting more and more outrageous. Go back to your position now, or I will kick you out of here!" Konan's voice immediately rose several decibels, and her tone instantly became unfriendly especially her raised eyebrows. Anyone could see the anger in her heart.


The other six people also focused their eyes on Aoba, and their eyes also changed.

Among these six people, Yahiko and Nagato were included.

They were all the higher-ups of the current Akatsuki Organization.

It was precisely because of the halo imposed on them by this status that each of their faces had a trace of a strong person when they were tense and silent.


Now these six people.

They were just considered strong people within the Akatsuki organization!

But for the Ninja World, it was still not enough and they were nothing at all!


These few people.

They had completely noticed Aoba's existence.

Moreover, they seemed to have realized that something had happened here.

But, they could only hear what Konan was saying unilaterally, and knew what Aoba was talking about there, but they could not hear the specific content of what Aoba said.

What was the situation?

A big question mark appeared on the heads of these people, and they were very curious about what was happening now.


Right at this moment.

The smile on Aoba's face became even more brilliant.

His smile was projected through Juko's appearance. It was a very strange smile. But this kind of smile made Konan have an ominous premonition for no reason.


It was as if Aoba had not heard Konan's cold words. Moreover, the higher-ups of the organization stared at them with burning eyes.

"I have made a decision!"

"This decision is just an attempt for me."

"But for you..."

"The meaning might be very different!"

Aoba's voice was still very low. Only Konan could hear it. The others could feel that Aoba was talking, but they did not know what exactly he was talking about.

This feeling made them have a feeling of doubt in their hearts.

It was just...

None of them could think of what was going on.

Aoba began to slowly walk toward Konan step by step. The distance between him and Konan also became closer and closer.

"I want to kidnap you."

Aoba suddenly revealed an even more brilliant smile and used a calm and gentle tone to say something that stunned Konan on the spot.

Of course.

This sentence.

Aoba did not deliberately lower his voice like before.

This allowed the other six people to hear Aoba's words.

Such arrogant words.

It was said by a Genin.

It made them feel like it was unrealistic.

He looked like a child. He took out a toy pistol and pointed at the strong special forces soldier, saying that he was going to shoot them.


Just as they were all stunned.

Aoba suddenly raised his right hand, with his palm facing Konan's body, assuming a gesture that seemed meaningless but quite domineering.

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