Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 501 Aoba's Demand!

"Master, what's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Hanzo looked at Aoba's stunned expression and asked again. Now that he had entered this role, the thing he was most worried about was how he had displeased Aoba.

This was a feeling that was very easy to understand.

Either resist or lie flat.

After Hanzo had made a very adequate mental struggle in his mind, he still did not easily take the step of resistance.

Resistance might turn the tables, but if he lost, he would die!

Since he was afraid of death, he didn't resist...

In the following days, he had to really curry favor with Aoba. He absolutely couldn't allow Aoba to walk to the point of killing him because of some things that he hadn't done well.

Because of this.

Hanzo, who did not know Aoba's real name, directly called Aoba by the title of "Master". He had officially stepped on the road to curry favor with Aoba.


When Aoba heard Hanzo's words, he still felt a little uncomfortable. However, he felt that this kind of address was more or less consistent with his temperament, so he did not say anything and silently nodded.

"I won't ask too much about Amegakure's internal affairs. That is your business. But if I put forward my wishes in some decision-making, you have to do as I say. Do you understand?" Aoba said slowly.

"I understand!" Hanzo immediately nodded. At this moment, he suddenly realized that this mysterious person wanted to control him because he was staring at the Country of Rain.


Now that he thought about it.

As long as he controlled himself, it would be the same as controlling the Country of Rain.

No wonder it's so worth the risk!

Hanzo did not have much to say about this. This kind of thing was originally the winner was the king and the loser was the thief. He was put under the Cursed Seal Tag and should do the corresponding things. There was no need to be too serious about life matters.

Hanzo had never thought of sacrificing himself for the Country of Rain.

Of course.

He also had reasons to convince himself.

Even if he died.

The person who replaced him might be controlled by this person and achieve the same effect in the end.

In that case...

He might as well be controlled so that he could keep his life and not be killed so inexplicably!

When he thought through such a matter.

Hanzo calmed himself down.

He understood that he only needed to satisfy his master's needs for the time being.

"For now, I only need two requirements. You have to fulfill them."

Aoba continued to say what he wanted to say. When he came here, he was still thinking about how to deal with Hanzo.

Now, using the Cursed Seal Tag to control him was only one of the methods.

The other way was for him to act as Hanzo. Through the shadow clone and the black rod method, he made the body of the mountain pepper fish Hanzo into another feather.


The trouble with this was that it was such a waste of time.

If he had to do everything himself, then why did he have to go through so much trouble? The reason why he wanted to take Danzo's life was also because, in his plan, Danzo's life was about to come to an end and it was not because he wanted to act.


Aoba raised his first finger in front of Hanzo and waved it in front of him.

"In your Country of Rain, there is a newly developing organization called Akatsuki. In the next period of time, I will contact them. So you have to tell the whole Country of Rain and the ninjas in Amegakure. Do not attack the people from the Akatsuki Organization under any circumstances because we are about to become one entity, everyone has the same goal." Aoba said indifferently. The reason he came to the Country of Rain this time was to deal with the Akatsuki Organization. However, there was some conflict between Akatsuki and Hanzo. This conflict had not reached an irreconcilable level yet, so Aoba decided to take down Hanzo first.

"No problem!"

When Hanzo heard Aoba's words, he nodded without hesitation.

He had heard of the Akatsuki Organization.

It was an organization from their Country of Rain.

It had a little bit of fame.


It still did not enter his eyes at all.

He did not know what that organization would develop in the future. He only knew that there was such a thing.

At the same time.

A question mark popped up in Hanzo's head.

This person spoke for the Akatsuki Organization.

Could he be someone from that organization?

It seems...

This Akatsuki Organization wants to overturn the Country of Rain regime!

Be cautious in everything.

Hanzo knew that he could still stand here and talk to Aoba. A large part of the reason was that he still had the value to be used, and the value of this use was his identity as the Country of Rain leader.

Once this mysterious person in front of him changed his identity as the Country of Rain leader through some means and handed it to someone else, then he would not even have the slightest value to be used.

At that time.

He would be an abandoned piece on the chessboard that could be discarded at any time.

Hanzo knew very well that if he wanted to keep his life, he had to have an ability that no one else could replace. This required him to be careful and pay attention to whether his master had any special hobbies that could allow him to break through.

He was not afraid of how special his master's hobbies were. He was afraid that his master would not have any hobbies.

As long as there was a need, he could find a way to satisfy it. That way, he would have value and his life would be stable.


Aoba did not know that at this time, Hanzo was letting his imagination run wild. After he finished explaining the most important issue about the Akatsuki Organization, he began to make a supplementary demand.

"As long as you are still the Country of Rain leader, do not attack Konohagakure in any form. Of course, you can initiate a friendly alliance contract with Konohagakure, forming an alliance between the Country of Rain and the Country of Fire, allowing Amegakure and Konohagakure to advance and retreat together." Aoba said seriously.

He did not intend to make such a demand.

After all, this would expose the fact that he was Konohagakure's ninja.


Just as he was about to put the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, he changed his mind.

The reason was very simple.

Even if Hanzo knew something, he couldn't say anything. In principle, just try not to let Sansho Hanzo know too much, and the rest was not a problem.

"I understand!"

Hanzo immediately nodded. Because of the gas mask, you could not see any changes in his expression, but you could see the subtle fluctuations in his eyes.

"Recently, Konohagakure has been in turmoil."

"Do you need me to send out ninjas to help?"

"From the information I have obtained..."

"The ninjas from Iwagakure and Kumogakure are heading towards Konohagakure."

Hanzo said this while staring into Aoba's eyes. He was a little confused now.

Just now, he thought that this person was a member of the Akatsuki Organization with the purpose of subverting the Country of Rain regime. But when he talked about the second point, he became even more confused. Was this person a member of the Akatsuki Organization or Konohagakure?

Two simple demands.

It was not the same organization.

Could it be...

The Akatsuki Organization was colluding with Konohagakure?


This did not make sense!

Wouldn't it be better if a small organization went directly to Konohagakure to develop? Why did they have to go through so much trouble? It was very strange!

Hanzo agreed to Aoba's demands and kept thinking. Now, he couldn't even know himself and his enemy. There was only one thing on his mind, and that was to figure out this person's true intentions before his value was fully used. This way, he could try to improve his value in turn.


At least at the current stage.

He didn't even know which force the other party had come from.

Of course.

He felt that there was still a possibility in his mind.

The two demands that this person had said were to induce him on purpose. One was fake, or both were fake. However, the moment this thought appeared, it was dismissed by him. He couldn't say anything now, so what good would it do to trick him?

Not at all!

Thinking of this, Hanzo prepared to take the initiative to attack, further probing Aoba to see what this person was thinking.

"The ninjas of our Country of Rain are quite strong. As long as Konohagakure has the support of our ninja army, Konohagakure's crisis will be solved in minutes!"

Hanzo used a little bit of rhetoric.

He was specifically referring to "our Country of Rain". He wanted to use this to determine whether this person was from the Country of Rain or not.

If he was from the Country of Rain, then he could be from the Akatsuki Organization, but if he wasn't, then it was very likely that he was from Konohagakure.

"No need."

Aoba directly shook his head. There was no change in his eyes, nor did he respond to what Hanzo said about "our Country of Rain".

"You don't need to deal with Konohagakure's situation. I have my own arrangements over there. As long as you don't have any disputes with Konohagakure in a short period of time, it will be fine."

"As long as you do these two things well, your life will not be in any danger."


"If you don't do it well, or if something happens because of your subordinates, I will crush your heart without hesitation!"

"Do you know the seriousness of the problem?"

Aoba said coldly. He did not care about Hanzo's so-called probing. He did not ask Hanzo to do many things. However, after these things were done, he felt that the strategic location of the Country of Rain could only belong to Konohagakure.

Of course.

That was in the future.

"Master, is there anything else?"

Hanzo was stunned and felt dizzy. These two demands were not for him to do anything.

He must not attack the Akatsuki Organization.

He must not attack Konohagakure.


He had never planned to attack the Akatsuki Organization or Konohagakure!

This request was no different from not mentioning it.

If it was a simple threat, then he might just let it go. But a Cursed Seal Tag was actually placed on his heart, so he could not accept that things were so unclear and vague.

No matter what, he had to find an opportunity to express his feelings and prove his worth!

"No more."

"These two are enough."

"If I have any other demands, I will come back to find you."

Aoba walked behind Hanzo, raised his right hand, and pressed down on Hanzo's back.

This action.

It made Hanzo's hair stand on end.

He was afraid.

But he did not dare to dodge.

Aoba slapped his palm on Hanzo's back, and a stream of chakra immediately poured into Hanzo's body.


Aoba controlled the chakra in his body and directly imprinted a Flying Thunder God Formula on Hanzo's back.

In an instant.

A black dot appeared on Hanzo's back.

After this black dot appeared, it quickly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

After Aoba imprinted this Flying Thunder God Formula onto Hanzo, it was as if he had placed a moving coordinate. However, no matter how this coordinate moved, it was fixed on Hanzo, making it impossible for him to escape. As long as Aoba wanted to, he could find him at any time.


"It's fine now."

"I'm leaving."

Aoba had already done what he needed to do. There was no need to waste more time with Hanzo. After all, for him, this place is just to pave the way for the Akatsuki organization.

After all, the real highlight...

...was still on the side of the Akatsuki organization.

After that.

Aoba took a step forward and the dark room suddenly changed. The black pattern in the surroundings began to move and drilled toward Aoba's shoulder.

A moment later.

The black patterns in the room all disappeared, and everything returned to its original appearance.


When Hanzo saw this scene, he was stunned. He didn't expect that such a barrier that had been released could be retracted after being released. It was simply an extremely outrageous operation.

What level of chakra control was this?

"That... there are guards outside the door..."

Hanzo almost blurted out a reminder, but just as he finished speaking, he immediately realized that he had said too much.

There was no need to say that.

When this person came, there were guards outside as well. Perhaps those guards had already been killed.


Aoba acted as if he had not heard Hanzo's words.

His figure disappeared in a flash.

It was as if he had disappeared into thin air.

He disappeared just like that.

Hanzo looked at the scene in front of him. He wanted to rub his eyes, but his eyes were covered by a gas mask.

The room was still the same room.

There were no signs of destruction in the room, and there was no abnormality in the lock.

Other than holding the sickle in his hand, it was almost the same as usual.


When Hanzo felt that person had really left. He could not help but let out a long sigh of relief. He felt that everything that had just happened was like a dream, and it was a nightmare that made him break out in cold sweat.

"That's right..."

"What happened outside?"

"Are they all dead?"

Hanzo cursed these guards in his heart. Before they died, they did not make any noise. If he was given a little warning, he would not fall into a state where he was completely controlled.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

He did not even put down the sickle and directly walked out of the room. When he opened the door, he immediately saw the guard who was guarding outside with lights.

There were eight guards here.

They patrolled back and forth.

They did not give up on any blind spots.

When the guards heard a sound, they immediately looked toward the door and all of their gazes fell on Hanzo.


The eight guards instantly stood up straight. They uniformly bowed and greeted Hanzo. At this moment, everyone's voices overlapped and greeted Hanzo.

"Are you all right?"

Hanzo looked at the scene in front of him in a daze. He originally thought that what was waiting for him was a bloody corpse and the ground of the mansion had already turned into a river of blood. He even thought of the possible scenes of broken limbs everywhere.


When he saw these guards holding lights and greeting him, he was stunned.

He was even more confused.

At this moment.

He was in a trance.

It seemed that everything he had experienced was just a dream.

"Did you see..."

Hanzo wanted to ask the guards if they had seen a person, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. There was a seal on his tongue and now he wanted to ask exactly about Aoba.

This way.

This sentence directly activated the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal.

It instantly made Hanzo's tongue numb making him unable to talk.

It was exactly this feeling.

Hanzo deeply realized that everything that had happened just now was real and not a dream. Even if that person had left as if he had never been there and was just an illusion in the end. The dream that he thought was an illusion after being confused was actually real.

"What did we see?"

When the guards heard Hanzo's words, their faces were filled with confusion. They stared at Hanzo in confusion, waiting for their leader to finish his sentence.

"It's fine..."

"It's fine now..."


"Can continue!"

Hanzo felt that it was a little difficult to breathe. His right hand supported the wall and he returned to his room.

He had carefully selected these guards.

Even if there were a few people who would betray him, there would never be a situation where they would betray him together.


The guards have no problem!

It was that person who had a problem!

From the moment that person entered his room to the moment he put something in his body and left, he didn't make a single sound at all. He didn't alarm any one of them, just like a ghost.


When Hanzo thought of this, he couldn't help but gasp. He had never seen such a thing before because such a thing had already exceeded his knowledge.


He suddenly realized.

He seemed to have underestimated the person who had silently sneaked into his room like a ghost.


The guards looked at their leader, Hanzo, and after he said half a sentence, he acted out of the ordinary and leaned against the wall in a weak posture. Finally, he returned to his room with a hissing sound. They all felt that they had seen something incredible.

"Was that person the leader?" One of the guards asked with a trembling voice.

"Should... should be..." Another person added.

"What's wrong with the leader?" Another guard asked.


At this moment, a guard who seemed to have some authority made a silent gesture to the other guards.

"Don't speculate about the leader at all times. We will pretend that we didn't see anything. We don't know anything. Understand?"

This guard lowered his voice very, very low. He was an experienced guard here. He knew very well that being a guard by Hanzo's side was a taboo to be too curious. This was because the leader himself was very suspicious.

When suspicion meets curiosity...

Then something bad could happen!

When the guards at the scene heard this, they all nodded and closed their mouths, pretending that nothing had happened.


These guards could pretend that nothing had happened, but Hanzo could not!

At this time.

Hanzo stood in the bedroom. He untied his white robe and looked at his chest.

He could not see any problems.

He did not see any scars.

"Is there any?"

Hanzo was quite puzzled. He took a deep breath, held his breath, and immediately gathered his chakra toward his heart.


Hanzo suddenly felt his whole body shake, and a terrible pain surged from his heart. This pain went deep into his bone marrow and almost made him faint.


Hanzo knelt heavily on the ground. After his knees collided with the ground, there was a crisp sound. His hands were tightly covering his chest. This was an unprecedented intense pain that he had never experienced before.

After an unknown period of time.

Hanzo panted heavily.

He felt like he was suffocating.

His forehead was already covered in sweat.

The most painful time had already passed, and now it was only the residual pain that remained but it was still unbearable.

"Sure enough, there is a Cursed Seal Tag..."

Hanzo clearly felt that after his chakra touched the Cursed Seal Tag in his heart, he was in pain. Everything that had just happened was true. He didn't dare to easily touch the Cursed Seal Tag again. That punishment was too intense.

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