Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 508 I Want You!


Hanzo immediately shouted but there was no reply. It was as if he had been swallowed by the surrounding darkness. Everything around him was still a boundless darkness, trapping him inside.

"What's the point of hiding!"

"Come out if you dare!"

"Come out and face me!"

"You created this barrier just to kill me, right?"

"Then why don't you come out!"

"What's the point of hiding like this?!"

Hanzo said one sentence after another. His eyes were filled with anger. When those black patterns appeared just now, he was not very clear about what was going on, but he now understands.

These were all caused by the person hiding in the dark!

He understood that it was not those patterns that had life when he waved his sickle, but the person controlling the patterns behind them was using this method to toy with him.

Thinking about it now.

It was simply humiliation!

In a moment.

The flames of anger in Hanzo's heart burned fiercely. He was no longer as cautious as before. Instead, he was burning in anger. He wished that he could chop the person behind the scenes into eight pieces right now.

It was just...

There was no response at all.

It was as if he was the only one in this pitch-black space, and no one else could hear him at all.

"What's going on?"

Hanzo took a deep breath and calmed down. He realized that shouting was useless and had no effect at all.

"This barrier must be for me..."

"But if it wasn't for killing me..."

"That is to trap me!"

"Is Amegakure in danger?"

Hanzo immediately began to analyze. After he calmed down, his analytical ability began to improve instantly. He was a suspicious person and suspicious people often like to think too much.

The more they thought about it, the more their thoughts diverged.

At this time.

In Hanzo's eyes.

This barrier was to temporarily hold him back so Amegakure would temporarily lose his protection, and then achieve their goal of attacking Amegakure.

"Damn it!"

"Who is it?"

"Don't let me know!"

Hanzo's voice began to rise. He wanted to send his voice out so that the surrounding guards could hear it. The purpose of hearing it was not to save him. Instead, he hoped that these guards would be aware of the danger present and take the initiative to avoid any problems.


The barrier that Aoba had set up was a barrier that could absorb sound and light.

And there were no other uses.

If Hanzo roared in anger and swung his sickle everywhere, he would break this barrier in minutes.

However, Hanzo calmed down and began to think about the situation. He did not act rashly and stayed inside the barrier that trapped him.

After all.

According to his train of thought.

Since the other party could use such a barrier on him, the other party must be prepared to prevent him from breaking it open.

He directly thinks on a deeper level.

He didn't think about the shallow level at all...

Hanzo stood still and didn't do anything else. His face, which was covered with a gas mask, seemed to be in deep thought. He began to analyze who would have done this.


There was no sound from Hanzo's room.

The patrolling guards were walking with lights in their hands.

Except for a guard who was lying in the corner.

There wasn't anything unusual about it at all.

Because Hanzo was being cautious in the beginning, the sound he made was too soft, so the guards outside didn't notice it at all. Later, when Hanzo roared, the soundproof barrier had been completely formed, and no one could hear it.

As for Hanzo's room, it suddenly turned dark...

Although this kind of thing was not common, but after Hanzo turned off the lights, it could also achieve a similar effect. Which guard dared to run in and ask if Hanzo was going to sleep after turning off the lights? That was simply too tired of living.

Because of this.

Hanzo was perfectly imprisoned by Aoba in a soundproof barrier. No matter what kind of sound he made from the inside, no one outside could hear him.


Time passed by.

Hanzo was waiting bored in the barrier. He had already adapted to the darkness here, but because it was almost endless darkness, he had no way to see where the boundary was. Because of this, he had been deceived by an illusion that there was no way to break through this barrier.

Rather than saying that he was trapped in the barrier.

It was better to say that he was trapped by his own heart!

"Damn it!"

Hanzo coldly stared ahead. According to his own speculation, the person or group who trapped him in the barrier was now attacking Amegakure.


He was not that concerned.

Compared to the people in Amegakure, he cared more about himself. As long as he was still alive, everything was not a problem.


Being locked up in such a place.

Not only did it not make his heart more chaotic, but it made him calm down and think about all his potential enemies.

Right now.

Hanzo was deep in thought.

Although he had not completely relaxed his guard, he was no longer as tense as before.


At this moment.

Inside the dark barrier, a small change suddenly occurred. This change was very subtle, so subtle that it was invisible to the naked eye.

In the area where Hanzo stood.

On the dark ground.

A black dot darker than the ground appeared.

This black dot seemed to have swallowed up all the light, making it difficult to distinguish. Even if one looked carefully, they might not be able to see the changes here.



The black dot trembled.

A figure came out of thin air and appeared beside Hanzo, followed by a very fast slap on Hanzo's shoulder.


Hanzo had just relaxed and was still thinking about who would attack their Amegakure. But then, he encountered such a situation. The moment Aoba appeared, he had already sensed Aoba's arrival. However, his body could not react at all.

There was no time to dodge or counterattack. In such limited time, Hanzo could only move his shoulder as much as possible to defend against this attack and offset the excess power so that he could counterattack afterward.


Along with a clear and crisp sound, Aoba's palm landed on Hanzo's shoulder. This attack did not cause the impact that Hanzo had imagined. It was like a gentle greeting between old friends.

Playing with me?!

This was the first thought that appeared in Hanzo's mind.

After all, there was a precedent.

Hanzo felt that the owner of this barrier was simply here to humiliate him. It could already be seen from the black pattern at that time. Now, when he relaxed a little, the other party suddenly launched a sneak attack. After the sneak attack succeeded, the sneak attack was only a slap.

It was unbearable!

Hanzo's anger was completely ignited by Aoba. He planned to turn around and wave his sickle at the person who humiliated him, directly cutting him off.


At this time.

Hanzo was stunned.

He discovered something very shocking.

He couldn't move anymore.

It was as if his body had been poisoned.

He himself is a master of using poison and knows how to fight poison. e wouldn't even take off the gas mask on his face when he slept, but even so, he found that his body was paralyzed and poisoned. He couldn't move at all, and even his chakra couldn't move anymore.

"You... You... How did you do it?"

Hanzo asked in a puzzled tone. He had not been so afraid for a long time. Now, he felt like he had lost control of his body and felt a chill on his back.

It was only then that he realized something terrifying.

From beginning to end.

He had never seen the other party.

Right now, he had no idea who the person behind this was!

He had not seen that person during the entire process.

But now, his actions had been controlled.

This was a premeditated plot!

Hanzo was shocked. He tried his best to break free from the immobilization, but he could not move at all and could only stand there silently.


He found that his body was itchy.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked over and immediately saw that his body was covered in black patterns. This pattern was completely different from the one that had appeared on the ground just now, but it was enough to make his hair stand on end.

"What is going on?"

"What is this thing?"

"Who are you?"

"What exactly did you do to me?"

When Hanzo saw the black patterns crawling on his body, he could no longer calm down. His heart became extremely restless at this moment. He had never felt that there would be a day when he was closer to death than now. Even when he was facing the Konoha Sannin, he was far calmer than now.

"Don't be noisy. Otherwise, I'll deprive your ability to speak. I give you the ability to speak, not to make you cry."

Aoba's indifferent voice sounded light. What he was using now was his own voice, and he did not hide anything.

Generally speaking.

Aoba would not easily reveal his true face or voice to others.

If he did, it meant that he did not need to hide.

Facing Hanzo now, Aoba felt he didn't need to hide anything. However, he still did not take off the mask on his face.

When Hanzo heard what Aoba had said.

It made him feel slightly relieved.

It had to be said.

No matter how much he asked just now, there was no response, and the darkness in front of him made it even worse. Now he couldn't even move, and there were still black patterns crawling on his body which looked very scary.

But now that he heard Aoba's voice.

He immediately understood that the one who did these things was a person, not a ghost or something. If it was a person, then it would be much easier.

"Whatever you want, as long as you say it, I can satisfy you!"

Hanzo tried his best to calm himself down. He had been the leader of Amegakure for a long time, and he understood that as long as it is a human problem, it cannot be separated from the word "profit".

The world is bustling for profit, the world bustling for profit!

There was nothing that was not related to profits!

Hanzo couldn't be said to have a thorough understanding of human nature. At the very least, he understood it very well. He understood that people had a motive for doing things, and that motive was often because of profits.

Now, this ninja had gone through a lot of trouble to launch a sneak attack on him.

He clearly had the chance to severely injure him just now, but the latter did not do so. Now, he could no longer move and even had the chance to directly pierce through his vital points. However, he still did not do so.

Then it makes one thing clear...

This person has something he wants!

As long as there was a need, then there was room for discussion. What Hanzo wanted was very simple. First, he had to save his life, then stabilize the situation. Finally, he had to see if there was any room for him to turn the tables.

"I want you."

Aoba's indifferent voice rang out once again. After that, he walked in front of Hanzo and was directly reflected in Hanzo's vision.

Aoba was wearing a pure black mask.

It perfectly combined with the pitch-black environment around him.

You couldn't clearly see what he looked like.

"You want me?!"

Hanzo was stunned for a moment, and his eyebrows jumped wildly. He did not know whether what the person in front of him said was the same as what he understood, but he did not dare to neglect it. He was afraid that he would not be able to satisfy the needs of this ninja with a special hobby, so his eyes began to flicker.


"Cough cough..."

"If you really have a need and have to fulfill it on me..."

"It's not that I can't..."

"You... you can do it!"

Hanzo gritted his teeth. He could not control his body now. If he could control it, he would just stick it out.

A man can bend and stretch.

Moreover, he was the leader of Amegakure.

Wasn't it just to contribute his precious chrysanthemum?

It wasn't that he couldn't!

Hanzo immediately made up his mind. As long as he could survive, nothing else mattered.


When Aoba saw the fearless look on Hanzo's face, question marks popped up in his head.

What was going on?

Could it be that Hanzo had some special hobbies?

Would a normal person think of something like this after being immobilized?

What was he talking about?

The corner of Aoba's mouth behind the mask twitched violently. When he was working in Konohagakure Intelligence Division, he had tied up many ninjas, but none of them were like Hanzo. He just patted his shoulder lightly and he directly became like this?

"What the hell..."

Aoba really couldn't continue watching. Hanzo didn't look like a leader anymore. He looked like a weird uncle who had taken some medicine. This made Aoba cautious when touching Hanzo.

This person...

Was there any infectious disease?


Aoba's mind moved.

The black patterns on Hanzo's body instantly increased. These patterns directly locked down all of Hanzo's abilities, including his ability to speak.

Hanzo still wanted to say something but he found out that he couldn't even move his mouth.

Hanzo was anxious. He was relying on his mouth to communicate with the ninja in front of him. If he couldn't even use his mouth, how could he please this person if he was not satisfied?

Aoba did not know what Hanzo was thinking. He also did not explain anything. He originally thought that he could leave Hanzo some ability to talk and relieve his boredom in the following process. He also wanted to see what this so-called "Demigod" who stood at the peak of the ninja world would say.


He found that he had misjudged Hanzo.

This person was not only cautious, but he was also very timid. In order to survive, he could sacrifice almost everything. It could even be said that he had no bottom line.

That's right!

There was no bottom line at all!

Under Hanzo's gaze, Aoba slowly raised his right hand and extended his right index finger.

Even so.

When Hanzo saw Aoba's index finger, he still had some strange thoughts in his head. He felt that this was a hinted behavior by the other party, and it seemed to be a metaphor for some special meaning.

Aoba's right index finger seemed to have blossomed, rolling up layer after layer, and a piece of paper flew out from the outermost layer.

This piece of paper was square and white in color.

After this piece of paper appeared, it gently floated toward Hanzo's head. Because it was a piece of white paper, it was exceptionally clear in this pitch-black environment.

In an instant.

All of Hanzo's attention had been attracted by this piece of paper. He watched helplessly as this piece of paper flew toward him. It grew bigger and bigger from far to near. It gradually floated over his forehead and moved outside his line of sight.


This piece of paper fell on top of Hanzo's head.


At this moment.

Aoba's head suddenly trembled and memories were directly uploaded into his consciousness. It was Hanzo's memories.

Other than that.

A clear electronic prompt rang out in Aoba's mind.

[Ding Dong! Memory Reading Successful! Obtained: Sword Mastery!]

Following this electronic prompt, a special intent flowed into Aoba's mind.

All of a sudden.

Aoba found that he had mastered many things.

This feeling was very special. In the past, he had felt it more than once. It was as if it had directly imprinted a type of ability into his soul.

This time, the sword master was just like the ninja master he had obtained before. It instantly allowed him to grasp many ninja and martial master techniques on the sword.



One Sword Style.

Two Sword Style.

Three Sword Style.



These abilities seemed to penetrate directly into Aoba's consciousness, making him instantly become a master of swords.

"It's okay..."

Aoba did not think that this was a powerful ability, but it was still a supplement to his ability. Maybe he could use it in the future.

After that.

Aoba looks at Hanzo.

Hanzo was also currently looking at Aoba.

In an instant, the atmosphere changed drastically.

"You must listen carefully to the next words. This is related to how long you can live. I will arrange a set of packages for you similar to Shimura Danzo. Of course, I have to tell you in advance that Shimura Danzo is already dead, so you have to know what to do." Aoba said coldly. He had already seen that Hanzo was a person who was afraid of death, so threatening him with death would make everything become simpler.

'Danzo was dead?!'

Hanzo widened his eyes in shock. He found it unbelievable that an old fox like Danzo would die so early.

All of a sudden.

His mood became serious.

This made him understand a very important thing. As long as he did not perform well and could not satisfy the other party's needs, he would really die!

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