Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 501 Sekai's Sharingan!

Orochimaru directly laughed. The speed of his face changing was faster than flipping through a book. The main reason he wanted to take off Aoba's mask was to find out Aoba's identity.

This was something he valued very much.

It was not that Aoba's identity was very important. He had never seen him in Root, it was just an excuse and reason to speak.

The main reason was that he discovered the abnormality in Aoba's eyes.

According to his scientific research.

There were currently many high-level bloodline limits, all of which were displayed on the eyes. Various eye techniques make the ninja world full of special colors. He had an unusual curiosity about this mysterious area that he had yet to explore.

He originally thought that he would witness a special bloodline limit.

But in the end...

He found that it was only the Sharingan!

This immediately made him feel bored.

After all, even if he wanted the Sharingan, it was not through transplantation. He did not want to have curse eyes that could not be closed. What he wanted the most was a body of an Uchiha.

As for the Uchiha in front of him who has already joined Root...

He was not interested at all.

Not only did he not know what kind of talent he had, but he was also sure that this person had a Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal on his tongue.

For such a body.

Even if it was given to Orochimaru for free, Orochimaru wouldn't want it. After all, the targets he wanted to reincarnate were almost all high-quality bodies. Not just everyone could enter his line of sight.

It was precisely because of this instant change in his mentality.

It made Orochimaru no longer have any thoughts about Aoba's body, and he completely understood why Aoba had just said that his identity was Root's secret.

Uchiha in Root...

If this wasn't a secret...

Then Root doesn't need any big secrets!

After thinking it through, Orochimaru suddenly became dutiful. He took a few steps back and put on a waiting posture. He didn't look at Aoba at all. He was not interested in an ordinary Uchiha. If you want an Uchiha to attract his interest, then at least an existence of the same level as Fugaku.

"It's okay!"

"I was joking!"

"As the acting boss of Root..."

"I want to test your loyalty to Root!"

"It's an honor!"

"You passed!"

Orochimaru found a reason for himself to retreat. After all, he had shown that he was determined to win just now, and it would be very shameless to retreat now.

It was not that he was afraid of Aoba or Danzo. It was that he already knew what he wanted to know. His goal had been achieved, so there was no need to do anything else.

Orochimaru was very smart.

At this moment.

It was not suitable to cause any unnecessary trouble.


Orochimaru no longer wanted to continue on this matter.


Aoba's advanced paper clone coldly snorted and did not continue to say anything. Right now, he also did not want to have any conflict with Orochimaru. He just did not want to lose control of Danzo's body.

Since he had also achieved his goal, there was no need for him to continue persisting.

Toward Orochimaru.

He already had a plan in his mind.

However, all of this required Danzo's body to be slowly realized.

Therefore, protecting Danzo's body was the foundation of everything. Then, through Danzo's body, he could complete the subsequent series of plans.

Of course.

Aoba's advanced paper clone did not spoil Orochimaru's intention. That cold snort was to remind Orochimaru that he did not continue to pursue the matter. It was not that he was afraid, but that the other party was timid.

The conflict between Aoba's advanced paper clone and Orochimaru did not take much time. It was like a small interlude in a battle. Only the two of them understood what kind of undercurrent had just flowed.

When Aoba's advanced paper clone saw that Orochimaru had calmed down, he knew that nothing special would happen outside the office. After that, he became quiet. His eyes changed from the blood-colored three-tomoe Sharingan and directly turned into Rinnegan.

At this moment.

Aoba's advanced paper clone's vision was connected again, and his body emitted a special chakra frequency. He accurately connected to the black rod on Danzo's body and took over the control, and once again took control of Danzo's behavior.

After everything stabilized.

The eyes of Aoba's main body returned to normal, but he did not continue to return to the Anbu dormitory. Instead, he went back to Konohagakure's street from the forest. It seemed like he was strolling on the street, but in fact, he focused his attention on the Hokage's office while walking toward the Hokage's office little by little.

He was in a situation where he was waiting for an unexpected situation at any time.

After all, he had just begun to use Rinnegan at this time, so he had to be cautious and avoid any possible problems.

At the moment, Danzo's body was his Deva Path.

Just like Yahiko was to Nagato, Nagato would not let the body of Yahiko that was made into the Deva Path be taken away.

It was the same for Aoba.

It was not that Danzo was very important to him, but it was very important for his next plan. He had to use Danzo's body to complete the plan before he could discard Danzo's body.

It was obviously not the time yet...

This was just the beginning of the plan!


In the Hokage's office.

After answering Hiruzen's question, Danzo fell into a brief silence.

It seemed like he was thinking about Hiruzen's question.

In fact, it was just a brief transfer of control.

"Danzo, you must have had some emotions toward me because of what happened just now. Now is not the time to make such a joke. I really need your help. My mind is in a mess right now!"

Hiruzen's voice rang out heavily and entered Danzo's ears. Of course, it also transmitted to Aoba, who had taken over Danzo.


What question?

Although Aoba's real body was controlling Danzo, he did not know the cause and effect. His vision was shared, and he knew that Danzo had entered the Hokage's office. However, he did not know what the conversation between the two was, because the one controlling the conversation was Aoba's advanced paper clone and the information would not be passed to Aoba before it was canceled.

The so-called "being able to pass the information through Rinnegan" had one premise, which was to write down the information that needed to be passed on, or read the contents of the scroll through Rinnegan. However, if it was just a fragment of the activity, Aoba's main body could not know the specific events.

So, when Aoba heard Hiruzen's words.

His thoughts began to spin rapidly.

They can't continue this topic...

It was necessary to bring out a new topic and interrupt the previous topic. Moreover, before the advanced paper clone once again used Rinnegan's ability to take over control, he must end the new topic.


Danzo sighed and looked up at the ceiling. As for why he was looking at the ceiling, it was only because the position of Aoba's main body was difficult to determine the position between Danzo and Hiruzen. The black eyes that Danzo used could not share the vision at all.


When he looked up.

Danzo seemed to be thinking about something.

It was not obvious that it was difficult to communicate with Hiruzen face to face.

"Have you found the descendant of the Uzumaki Clan?" Danzo suddenly took a deep breath and said. This was something that Aoba was sure of. Danzo definitely had not told Hiruzen. After all, it was impossible to talk about him with Hiruzen when Danzo was still alive because Aoba had placed a Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal on him.

"Is this time to discuss the descendants of the Uzumaki Clan?" The corner of Hiruzen's mouth twitched violently. He suddenly felt that Danzo was a little confused. He was afraid that it would not be long before Minato, Sakumo, and the others would come back. And now, he did not even know how to deal with these people after they came back. This was simply a disaster!

"In fact, during this period of time, including when I was recovering, I had been thinking about the problem of the Uzumaki Clan ninja. Why did he suddenly appear? He did not hesitate to expose his identity just to save me. After I recovered, he disappeared into thin air as if he disappeared from the world. What is the purpose of this person? If we do not figure out this person's purpose, I feel that it is a hidden danger to us." Danzo said in a low voice. These words were controlled by Aoba. He could not continue to talk about the previous topic because he did not know what they were talking about. It would be dangerous if he rashly answered.


A large number of question marks appeared in Hiruzen's mind. Although Danzo didn't continue the topic just now and made him feel a little baffled, he obviously did not want to talk about it, but Danzo still kept talking to himself.

The key was...

What Danzo said was right!

This was indeed the case!

If the problem of the descendants of the Uzumaki Clan was not solved properly, then it would always be a hidden danger. He had not thought about this matter at this time. Now that it was brought up, it would only add to his troubles.

Suddenly, two problems appear at once.

Every matter was a very troublesome problem that needed to be urgently solved.

This made Hiruzen more and more irritated.

"Danzo, I understand what you mean. The Uzumaki Clan ninja is indeed hidden dangers, but hidden dangers are still hidden dangers after all. They have not appeared openly yet. The problems we are facing now are more important problems that need to be solved quickly. That is the more important problem!" Hiruzen rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "Let's talk about the current topic. You should stop thinking about those messy things first. Help me solve the problem in front of us first."

Just as Hiruzen finished his sentence.

Aoba's main body suddenly felt his vision become active.

It was precisely Aoba's advanced paper clone's vision.

Only to see.

Aoba's advanced paper clone stared at Orochimaru in front of him. Orochimaru had already stood obediently to the side, without any intention of continuing to argue.

At this time, Aoba understood.

The advanced paper clone had already settled the matter.

As expected of me!

The corners of Aoba's mouth slightly curled up. He immediately controlled Danzo and said, "I understand. Give me some time and let me think about how to deal with this matter."

Done speaking.

Aoba immediately stopped.

He reached into his bosom.

He took out a scroll from his ninja pouch.

He directly opened it up in his eyes and passed the scene in front of him to the advanced paper clone, who had also opened Rinnegan and was connected to him.

After the scroll appeared.

Aoba quickly wrote down the words on it.

[The topic about the descendants of the Uzumaki clan was used to divert the previous topic. Now, you can regain control of Deva Path!]

After Aoba finished writing, he suddenly felt that the advanced paper clone began to emit a special chakra frequency, which took over Danzo's control.


After losing control of Danzo, Aoba immediately relaxed. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. What happened just now made him feel both thrilling and exciting. Now that he thought about it, it was quite interesting.


"Orochimaru's problem..."

"It's time to find time to solve it."

"That guy Fugaku isn't taking the initiative either."

"I have to find time to remind him."

When Aoba thought of this, his figure flashed and he instantly disappeared. It was Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique). Everything around him quickly changed.

At this moment.

Aoba appears in an incomparably dark space.

This was the place where he had found the Madara coffin, but this coffin had already been misappropriated by him.


Aoba lifted the coffin cover and took out a small transparent jar inside the coffin.

Inside the jar was the tissue fluid to maintain cell activity.

Inside was a pair of blood-red eyes.

Three tomoe Sharingan!

Sekai's Sharingan!

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