Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 466: Kushina Will Be Very Satisfied

When Onoki asked this question, he had a faint answer in his heart. He knew that such a ninja would only appear in one place, and that was Konohagakure!

Most of the chakra attributes in a ninja come from previous inheritance, and the remaining part depends on acquired efforts.

For example, his Jinton(Dust Release)'s bloodline limit.

It wasn't passed down to him by his father, but by the Second Tsuchikage, who taught him by combining three types of chakra change and producing a Kekkei Tota.

It was precisely because the requirements for this bloodline limit were too harsh that his lineage could not inherit this ability.

In the ninja world, the attributes that ninjas possess are also closely related to the environment in which they live.

Kirigakure was in an island country and Amegakure was in a country that had been raining for many years. There was a lot of water vapor in those places so the ninjas there generally mainly used water released in battle.

Kumogakure was located in the mountains so the people there has tough bodies. Even if it was said good that they were good at lightning-release ninjutsu, they would mostly use lightning-release to coordinate with their taijutsu, so as to show a stronger fighting ability.

As for Sunagakure and Iwagakure...

They were in the worst area in the ninja world.

The most suitable way for them to fight was to use ninjutsu related to sandstorms and earth, so they used wind-release and earth-release more.


There was an exception in these villages.

That was Konohagakure.

Konohagakure stood in the richest land, the country of fire. The area there had mountains, rivers, and forests. The environment was pleasant, the resources were rich, and the economic strength was very strong.

Taking advantage of this unique advantage.

Konohagakure ninjas could develop a lot of elements so that they could use all kinds of ninjutsu. As long as they are suitable for their innately inherited attributes, they can practice, and they will not be limited by the environment at all.

This was much stronger than their Iwagakure.

If Iwagakure ninjas inherited the water attribute, then it would be difficult to practice water-release ninjutsu. Not only did they not have such a powerful water-release teacher, but they also did not have a very suitable environment to release it. Thus, the strength of the water-release ninja was greatly reduced.

It was precisely because of this reason.

In order to improve their combat ability, Iwagakure ninjas practice earth-release ninjutsu more often, so that they could combine themselves with the environment of the village.

This was the restriction that the village had on ninjas.

However, Konohagakure did not have this kind of restriction.

No matter what type of ninja they were.

They could find a suitable opportunity to develop in such a pleasant environment.

For example, the current Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was called a ninjutsu professor. He can use almost all kinds of ninjutsu. He can perfectly use the restraining relationship between ninjutsu, so he has the upper hand in strategy.

Onoki looked at the intruder in front of him.

After seeing the three types of ninjutsu, he immediately confirmed that this person was a Konohagakure ninja.

This was not difficult guess.

If it was just the tyrannical water dragon formed by the water release, it was not so convincing. After all, it was also possible that Kirigakure ninja came to cause trouble.

However, there was another fire dragon behind the water dragon.

This nature changed.

It was impossible for Sunagakure and Iwagakure's ninjas to use such a water dragon!

It was impossible for Kirigakure's ninjas to use such a fire dragon!


Only Konohagakure was left!

As for Kumogakure...

He had already ignored that barbarian village. It was already good enough if there were a few people in that village who knew ninjutsu, let alone someone who had studied ninjutsu so thoroughly.

"The person who killed you."

After hearing Onoki's words, Aoba indifferently spat out these few words.

After he said these words.

The three dragons around him rushed toward Onoki at the same time, as if they wanted to directly crush Onoki to death.

Onoki knew that Aoba would not easily reveal his identity. He didn't expect to get the result by asking such a casual question. Facing the three tyrannical dragons, he immediately raised his hands and a semi-transparent, blurry cube suddenly appeared.

"Jinton(Dust Release)!"

Onoki immediately began to accumulate power. His Jinton(Dust Release)'s attack power was very strong and its range can be controlled freely. It can be made larger or smaller according to its own wishes, without any external stimulation. This can be said to be completely scalable. But such benefits will definitely bring some disadvantages, that was, the time to charge was relatively long, which often gives the opponent some time to prepare.

"Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu(Detachment of the Primitive World Technique)!"

Onoki quickly finished storing up power as fast as he could, and immediately lifted the cube in his hand. In an instant, the edge of the cube began to increase, and it turned into a sharp razor, slashing toward the three dragons.

Hum, Hum...

Along with the trembling feeling.

The Earth Dragon, Water Dragon, and Fire Dragon, these three dragons were directly cut in half by Jinton(Dust Release). There was no time for them to breathe at all. This ordinary three-element small ninjutsu directly collapsed in front of the powerful Jinton(Dust Release).


Onoki, who had solved such a situation, was not relaxed at all.

Just now.

He found a problem.

The mysterious man in front of him suddenly disappeared.


Onoki frowned. This was the first time he encountered a ninja with such stealth ability. The moment they collided, he disappeared as if he had disappeared from the world.

This made Onoki feel very uneasy.

After all, the other party came here from a long distance to sneak attack Iwagakure. After two consecutive exchanges, he realized the strength of this mysterious person.

Since the other party had this kind of strength.

It was enough to prove that this person should not have left here.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense!

All of a sudden.

Onoki's mood became tense. He immediately went to sense his surroundings, wanting to find the mysterious man who was hiding.

"Are you looking for me?"


A cold voice sounded behind Onoki.

The voice came very suddenly.

Onoki was shocked.

"! ! !"

Onoki was shocked when he heard this voice. He turned his head to look for the voice. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a chill from his back. An extremely dangerous feeling suddenly haunted his heart.

At this moment.

He could faintly smell the scent of death.

This was his body instinct.

If he couldn't dodge immediately, then he was likely to be killed!

It was precisely because of this thought.

Onoki quickly turned around and immediately cast a hardening technique on his body. His body was quickly encased with rock armor.


It was still too late.

There was a smile on the corner of Aoba's mouth behind the mask. He held the kunai in his hand and directly stabbed it into Onoki's back. However, because Onoki turned around very quickly, the kunai did not stab into Onoki's heart but slightly shifted inward.

"Who are you?"

After Onoki was stabbed, his eyes turned red and he suddenly reached out to grab Aoba's mask.

When he reached out, he directly applied a Chokeijugan no Jutsu(Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique) on his arm, making his arm move faster to directly grabbed toward Aoba's mask.

Aoba retreated a little.

However, Onoki's hand was too fast.

He couldn't dodge at all.


Along with a cracking sound, the mask in front of Aoba suddenly exploded, revealing the bewitching face with long straight black hair.


Onoki saw Orochimaru's face behind the mask, and his pupils suddenly shrank. He never thought that the person who carried out this assassination operation was actually one of the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's students and one of Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru.

No wonder!

This person can use three types of ninjutsu!

Orochimaru's words were not strange at all!

Just when Onoki wanted to say something else, Orochimaru, who Aoba had transformed into, immediately turned around and ran. His speed was extremely fast and very sudden. He didn't give anyone time to react. When Onoki wanted to chase after him, Aoba had already gone far away and couldn't even see him.


Onoki was not completely defeated by Aoba. At this time, he still did not fully understand what was going on.


What he was sure of was that.

It was Konohagakure ninja who attacked him.


Onoki's back suddenly felt cold, and then a painful feeling spread all over his body. What happened at that moment just now allowed him to endure the pain for a short time, but now he can no longer bear the pain, and he couldn't help but take a cold breath.

"Medical Ninja!"

"Tsuchikage-sama is injured!"

"Someone come!"

"That person's face seemed to have been revealed just now!"

"I didn't see it clearly!"


At this time, Iwagakure ninjas began to discuss. The scene of Aoba's mask breaking just now happened in a flash. They could not see clearly at all.

Of course.

That was all in Aoba's plan.

Aoba first reminded Onoki, making him feel that he avoided the fatal blow through his instinct. But in fact, he did not intend to kill Onoki at all. He just wanted to use this method to make Onoki feel the fear of death, completely angering Onoki.


Aoba deliberately waited for Onoki's palm to break his mask and expose Orochimaru's face to Onoki.

Aoba didn't care whether Onoki believed it or not.

At least he gave a clear reason to make a move.

This was enough for Onoki to attack Konohagakure even crazily.


After Aoba quickly left the battlefield, he immediately used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique), returning to the Anbu dormitory.


It was as if he had sensed something.

When Aoba's true body had just returned.

The shadow clone responsible for writing novels immediately let out an explosive sound and disappeared, returning to Aoba's body.

"It should be about time now..."

Aoba did not turn into an Iwagakure ninja and attacked Konohagakure's camp.

He did not want to cause Konohagakure's hatred through such a matter.

He also did not want to use such a method to kill the Konohagakure's heroes who could sacrifice their life at any time on the battlefield and leave pain for the living.

Because of this reason.

When Aoba was making trouble, he always focused on dealing with outside affairs and did not easily do anything to Konohagakure's ninjas.

Although he did not have a strong sense of belonging to Konohagakure like other ninjas, to him, this was indeed his home in the ninja world.

He could use the method of tearing down a home to attract hatred.

But it must be to tear down someone else's home, not his own.

He would rather pretend to be Konohagakure ninjas to tear down the homes of the other village's ninjas than pretend to be ninjas from other villages to tear down the home of Konohagakure ninjas.

Although the approach was not much different.

However, the meaning and nature that they represented were completely different.


Mount Myoboku.

A yellow-haired youth was sitting cross-legged under the waterfall. His body seemed to have a layer of chakra, easily blocking the falling water, so that not even a drop of water was splashed on his body.


All of a sudden.

A figure jumped out and landed in front of the youth.

This figure was not a human.

Instead, it was a frog.

The frog stared at the person in the waterfall, its eyes flashing with admiration. After that, it said, "Minato, after this period of training, not only have your explosive power improved greatly, but your endurance has also reached a very high level. I believe that the current you, Kushina will be very satisfied!"

Hearing this.

The youth in the waterfall slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes.

It was golden frog eyes and orange eyeshadow appeared around the corners of his eyes.

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