"What are you doing?!"

When Koharu saw Aoba's actions, she immediately roared. After that, she quickly rushed toward Aoba and glared at him.

It was obvious that Aoba was doing bad things to Danzo.


Aoba acted as if he did not hear Koharu's words. He did not even look at her and continued to do what he was doing.

Aoba took Danzo off the bed and placed him on the ground. His movements seemed very violent, but in fact, they were very gentle. It did not make Danzo feel the slightest pain.

Just after Danzo was put down on the ground.

Aoba took a step forward with his right foot, and suddenly a majestic chakra surged out, pouring into the ground.

Almost in an instant.

This chakra formed one special pattern after another on the ground.

These patterns seemed to have life.

As it moved in the ground moved, it gradually form an extremely special symbol and then created a barrier.

This barrier was emitting violet flames.

From the effect it produced, it was no different from Shishienjin(Four Violet Flames Formation), but the form it presented was completely different.

Shishienjin(Four Violet Flames Formation) was a barrier formed based on a four-corner geometrical shape.

The foundation of this barrier was a square.

The barrier that Aoba was using now was not the square foundation of Shishienjin(Four Violet Flames Formation). Instead, it directly drew a circle. What sustain the barrier was not the four corners, but Aoba who was at the center of the circle.


After Koharu rushed to Aoba, she immediately saw the barrier that suddenly appeared in front of her. This made her feel an indescribable sense of vigilance.

It seems that if she rushes forward again.

It would do her great harm.

At once.

Koharu stopped. She did not act rashly. Instead, she stood outside the barrier and silently looked at Aoba who was inside.

"What do you mean by this?" Koharu asked.

"Means nothing."

Aoba said indifferently. He didn't even look at Koharu when he spoke. His gaze was fixed on Danzo.

"I said it before."

"I'm here to treat Danzo."

"Actually, I don't quite understand what you mean either..."

"You guys seem to be doing this for Danzo's own good, but in reality, you are all trying to stop me from treating Danzo."

"Do you want Danzo to die?"

Aoba's last sentence could be said to be straight to the soul. After he said it, Koharu suddenly became silent.

In fact.

Koharu still did not trust Aoba in her heart.


The truth was right in front of their eyes.

The one who treated Danzo last time was this young man in front of them. After that, they invited many medical ninjas. Everyone unanimously believed that Danzo had indeed been healed. This could be said to be a medical miracle.

Based on the previous incident.

Koharu recognized this stranger's medical ninjutsu. However, she had a lot of doubts about the latter's motives.

"How will you treat Danzo?"

Koharu couldn't help but ask again. After Danzo's injury was treated, she found many medical ninjas.

Through these medical ninjas.

The suggestion she got was not only that Danzo had no problems after the treatment.

More importantly...

The medical advice given by these medical ninjas was to maintain this current state.

There was no need for any more additional treatment.

Because Danzo's injuries had already been healed.

There was no point in using any follow-up treatment methods.

All he had to do was slowly recover through time.


Now, the medical ninja from the Uzumaki Clan in front of him was actually treating Danzo again. In Koharu's eyes, such a thing was a violation of common sense.

It was really not worth believing.

Koharu had always believed that this person had other reasons, but he was just hiding them.

It was just that...

After Koharu asked this question.

Aoba ignored her.

Instead, he focused all his attention on Danzo.

After setting up a simple Shishienjin(Four Violet Flames Formation), he no longer had to worry about Hiruzen and Koharu's sudden sneak attack.

It was not that these two people could bring him great harm.

If he divided his attention because he did not want to be disturbed while treating Danzo, it would greatly affect his efficiency.

Just as he finished preparing all of this.

Aoba stare at Danzo who had already opened his eyes and spoken in a low voice.

"Your life is saved by me."

"If I can save you, I can kill you."

"You better understand this relationship."

Aoba directly threatened Danzo with his life and death. He had read Danzo's memories and knew very well that no matter how Danzo tried to disguise himself, he could not hide the most instinctive fear of death in the depths of his heart.

In fact.

Aoba could still understand this.

Whether it was Danzo, Hiruzen, or Onoki, the older they were, the more they experienced the world, the more they cherished the beauty of life, and they were even more unwilling to sacrifice themselves, which made them cherish their lives even more.

People often think that older people have no regrets, but it was precisely this kind of people who were used to the scenery that miss the scenery the most.

This was why it was rare to see older people committing suicide, but was more likely to be fooled by various life-saving folk remedies.

Usually, those who could easily make sacrifices and give up their lives at will are all young people...

After Aoba read Danzo's memories, he understood this more clearly.

Everything that Danzo had done at Root, whether it was nurturing his trusted followers, branding Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, or constantly eradicating dissidents, were all constantly consolidating his status, allowing him to live a safer life.

After hearing Aoba's words.

Danzo's pupils fiercely contracted.

He was very clear that the person in front of him was not lying. Just the seal on his heart could easily crush his heart and take his life at any time.

This kind of thing was like a ticking time bomb in his heart.

It was very dangerous!

Once it was implanted, you would be completely controlled by the perpetrator!

Danzo was very clear that if he wanted to ask for this seal to be removed, he could only rely on the outsider's strength. Not to mention that he could not tell others about Aoba, even if he could, he would not easily hand over an important organ like the heart to others to deal with.

He did not trust anyone, even if that person was Hiruzen.

Right now, he only had this kind of thought. If he did not disobey this person in front of him, then he would not have had any problems.

In this way, he was still safe.

The other party would implant such a complicated thing in his body, which proved that he had such value.

If there was value, there would be no danger to his life.


If the heart was given to other medical ninjas, it would be fine if the seal was removed. If there was even a tiny bit of something, whether it was discovered by the person in front of him or accidentally damaged his heart, there was only death waiting for him.

Such a bet.

The price was too high.

He could not gamble.

Aoba keenly sensed Danzo's inner thoughts through the change in his eyes. After that, he did not say anything. He directly squatted in a half-squat position and slammed his right hand heavily on the ground.


Along with a clear and crisp sound.

A violent chakra poured into the ground along with the right hand of Aoba. After that, it quickly spread around, forming black lines.

These lines spread out radially to the surroundings.


When these diverging lines reached the far end, they began to rotate clockwise and slowly joined together along a fixed trajectory.


After these black lines formed, they immediately trembled and formed a seal, locking Danzo inside the seal.


Outside the barrier.

Hiruzen and Koharu stared at what was happening inside with their eyes wide open. Every tiny change in this place affected their hearts to a great extent.

"Hiruzen, what kind of sealing technique is this?" Koharu could not help but ask. She could be considered to be experienced and knowledgeable. She had always followed the Second Hokage, but she had never seen such a seal.

"I'm not too sure either." Hiruzen shook his head. Even though he was called Ninjutsu Professor, there was still something difficult for him to grasp, and that was the sealing technique.

"Even you don't know?" Koharu took a deep breath, and her expression became even more serious. She was even more worried about Danzo's situation.

"The Uzumaki Clan is too mysterious. They have many sealing techniques, and the clansmen who can master these sealing techniques are different. I'm afraid that even some people in the Uzumaki Clan can't recognize these sealing techniques." Hiruzen said in a deep voice.

"It seems that we can only wait and see." Koharu nodded. She already understood what Hiruzen meant. Now that a barrier separated them, forcibly breaking the barrier would only cause greater damage. The best way now was to wait here.

"That's right." Hiruzen nodded as well. His gaze became even more serious. Facing a ninja from the Uzumaki Clan who was wearing a mask and did not know what he looked like, there were many things in his mind that he felt very bad about.


Aoba placed Danzo in the seal not because he needed this seal, but because he needed a cover.

Right now, he had already created an image that combined medical ninjutsu and sealing techniques together.

Then, he had to stabilize this image.

Otherwise, it was very likely that he would give himself away and cause some difficult problems to solve.

"I'm going to start."

Aoba reached out with his right hand and slapped Danzo's chest. A hazy green light appeared on his hand. It was Shosen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique).

This Shosen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique).

It was also a cover-up.

It was the same as the seal on the outside.

He did all of this just to hide the Sozo Saisei(Creation Rebirth) that Aoba was going to use.

Aoba was very clear that once he directly used this technique to heal Danzo, then the information that he had mastered this medical ninjutsu would definitely be leaked out.

At that time, it would attract Tsunade's attention.

In that case, there was a possibility of his identity being exposed.


If he doesn't use Sozo Saisei(Creation Rebirth).

It was impossible to restore Danzo to his normal state in a short period of time.


Regardless of whether it was the seal or the current Shosen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique), both of them were blocking Sozo Saisei(Creation Rebirth) allowing them to cover the true core technique.

Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum...

Along with the terrifying chakra that contained extremely strong life force surging into Danzo's body, Danzo's body continuously trembled uncontrollably, as if all the cells in his body were following Aoba's chakra to produce different degrees of rhythm.

Aoba's chakra was continuously guiding Danzo's chakra within his body, making Danzo's chakra circulate according to Sozo Saisei(Creation Rebirth)'s method.


The damaged cells in Danzo's body that had not yet recovered began to slowly fall off. New cells quickly grew out like bamboo shoots after a rain.

This was not healing injuries.

This was controlling Danzo's cells to regenerate.

Of course.

This method greatly consumes Danzo's body.

Danzo will age even more than before, and the chakra in his body will be completely exhausted. It will take a long time for him to recover, and various functions of his body will decline to different degrees.

The reason was simple...

Danzo's chakra was not enough to support him to use this kind of healing technique, but it was formed through Aoba's chakra, and in the end, it would consume a large amount of vitality.

It was a method of making up for the deficit.

Aoba did not care about Danzo, because Danzo would not have a long time. He did not intend to let Danzo live for too long. As long as Minato became the Fourth Hokage, Danzo would be eliminated by him.



He still needed Danzo.


As time passed.

Half an hour passed.


Aoba slowly let out a sigh of relief and withdrew his hand. He put on a very exhausted and tired look. In fact, it basically had no effect on him.

After that.

Aoba stared at Danzo who was lying on the ground and said indifferently, "Danzo-sama, the ground is cold. Don't lie down all the time. Get up."

Aoba's words immediately made Hiruzen and Koharu's hearts tighten.

Immediately after.

Hiruzen and Koharu witnessed a medical miracle that subverted their knowledge.

They saw...

Danzo, who was lying on the ground, raised his hand to support himself on the ground. He shook his head left and right as if he was adapting to this body that he had not used for a long time.

"Thank... thank you..."

Danzo's throat was very hoarse. It could be heard that he had not spoken for a long time. His mood was extremely complicated, and he did not know how to face Aoba.

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