"Ding Dong! Successfully Read Tsuchikage's Memory For The First Time! Obtained: Dust Release Bloodline Limit!"

The crisp electronic prompt rang in Aoba's mind, causing him to be stunned for a moment, unable to believe his ears.

Good fellow!

This was the Dust Release Bloodline Limit!

In fact, Aoba didn't have any expectations for high-end ninjutsu. After all, everything he had now was enough.

Many of them were not very useful in ordinary times.


What he didn't expect was...

He actually directly obtained the Dust Release Technique.

This was good stuff!

Aoba had seen Naruto anime. The reason why Onoki was so powerful was because of this dust release.

Now he had the dust release.

This was simply too powerful in a strategic sense.

Not only could it directly improve his strength, but he could also play more tricks in playing the game.

At least now it looks like...

He could disguise himself as Onoki.

"What are you doing..."

Onoki felt Aoba's hand on his head, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

It had been a long time since he had felt this way.

The key point was...

You just need to touch it!

Why do you keep your hands there and not take them off...

This was too much!

Onoki's face turned dark. He couldn't wait to kill this Third Kazekage, but he found that the gap between their strength was too big. He couldn't do such a thing.


Aoba immediately let go of Onoki and moved his right hand away from Onoki's head. After this, he was in a good mood and didn't want to continue to fight Onoki.

He had said everything that needed to be said.

He had done everything that needed to be done.

It was time to go back now.

"Onoki, I'm leaving. Remember the agreement between us. I will ask for it from you!"

After Aoba said this, his figure flashed and he disappeared.

Onoki was the only one left in the Tsuchikage Office.

"Damn it!" Onoki said fiercely.

He hadn't felt so powerless for a long time.

He was in a bad mood.

"Someone come!"

Onoki immediately shouted toward the door. Along with his voice, several ninjas came in from outside the office. Everyone lowered their heads so the expression on their face couldn't be seen.

"Pass on my order, gather the ninjas, and prepare to attack Konohagakure!"

Onoki was greatly wronged. He had no other way to vent, so he had to blame everything on Konohagakure and just wanted to attack them.

He had agreed to 9:1 but that was just verbal agreement.

Even if they had signed an official document.

In this chaotic era, it was also very fragile. If one did not want to carry it out, then one would not carry it out. It almost did not have any binding power.

The only thing that could create restrictions...

It was powerful strength!

Just like the First Hokage Senju Hashirama. As long as this person was still alive, no matter if there was any treaty, it could make the experts of various countries fear him.


He couldn't even deal with a Kazekage.

Not to mention the First Hokage.

Onoki only felt that he was in a difficult spot, but he was not completely desperate. He vaguely felt that this attack on Konohagakure was an opportunity for him.

Perhaps he could gain more benefits from the battle with Konohagakure and reverse the situation between him and the Third Kazekage.


Konohagakure, Anbu's dormitory.

Aoba lay on the bed with his eyes closed. He was in a relaxed state. Now he was very satisfied with his low-profile life. Hiruzen did not even ask about his coming back alive. Instead, he ignored him directly.


All of a sudden.

Aoba's body suddenly shook. At the same time, memory fragments poured into Aoba's brain and into his consciousness.

These fragments had the scenes that the shadow clone had experienced.

It also had Onoki's memories that the shadow clone read.

What shocked him the most was the dust release he had obtained.

"This is too cool!"

Aoba couldn't help but exclaim. He could clearly feel that the dust release had already been engraved into his body. As long as he wanted to, he could use it at any time. There was no difficulty at all.

"Let me try."

With a thought, Aoba raised his hands, and the chakra in his body transformed into dust-release chakra, surging toward his palm.

"Jinton(Dust Release)!"

At the place where Aoba's palm met, a transparent cube immediately appeared. Overall, it was white. In the place where the cube was covered, there were many changes. A small sphere appeared, enough to turn everything that came into contact into dust particles.

Following the change in Aoba's mind.

The shape of the cube in his palm also changed.

From a cube to a sphere, then from a sphere to a triangular cone, changing into various types of geometric bodies. In the middle of each geometric body, there was a small sphere.

"So that's how it is!"

Aoba controlled the dust-release geometric body in his hand, keeping it in his hand and constantly changing.

"The geometric body was the scope of dust release and the small sphere in the inner part is the true core of the dust release."

"I didn't expect dust release to have so many rules."

"Now that I have mastered dust release, the identity that I can use can be further improved."

"At least..."

"I can play Onoki's identity!"

When Aoba spoke up to here, his eyes flickered with a sharp light. At this time, it could be said that what he lacked the most was identity.

For him to be able to become a variety of people through the advanced paper clone technique meant that he had many identities. This was something that no one else could do.


He did not have an overly high-end identity among them.

Small fights were fine.

However, it was difficult to reach the height of the ninja world. Kazekage was one of them, but he was almost the only one.

It was different now.

Now that he had mastered the dust release, he could use Onoki's identity.

With a thought, Aoba made a series of hand seals and controlling the chakra within his body, two shadow clones that looked exactly the same as Aoba appeared.

Immediately after.

Pieces of paper flew up and down on the bodies of these two shadow clones. They quickly changed into Onoki's appearance!

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