Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 395: Satsuma Rentaro in Konohagakure

Five days later.

Aoba followed the team to the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Earth.

There were many ninjas gathered here.

Except for the ninjas stationed at the border of Konohagakure, the rest were Iwagakure's ninjas.


Eaton called out to Aoba. After that, he looked around, and finally walked to Aoba's side and whispered, "In a while, you can choose the tents that are closer to me."

"It's okay." Aoba waved and said, "Brother Eaton, there are so many people here. I will have no problem. There won't be any accidents."

"You'd better listen to me. Try to get closer to me." Eaton said worriedly. Aoba was very important to him, and it completely touched his heartstrings. If Aoba had not come to the border, he would have nothing to worry about. There was nothing to be afraid of.

"I understand!"

Aoba nodded. As he spoke, he felt another gaze looking at him. It was obvious that someone was watching him.

"Brother Eaton, I'm going back. You have to be careful during this time!"

Aoba did not want to stay here for long. The current situation was different from when Eaton looked for him. Even Eaton himself had not discovered that he was being monitored.

After saying that.

Aoba directly turned around and left.

He walked toward the crowd's direction and looked at the tents that were set up one by one. He did not show any signs of impatience.

According to the requirements of the white-robed Anbu, five people should live in each tent and the spot can be freely distributed, and the remaining people could gather together.


Aoba and the others were ordinary tents, and they could not mix with the Elite Jonin. Otherwise, Eaton would definitely drag him into his tent.

Aoba stood there.

His gaze fell on the tent.

In his heart, he was recalling the gazes that had landed on him along the way. He already had a very clear understanding of these people's identities.

What was left was the problem of how to act.

Another period of time passed.

Aoba slowly walked toward the tent that was left for him. Just as he had expected, the people in this tent were almost all Hokage's Anbu. They were the people who had monitored him all the way.

Was it a coincidence?

Aoba did not think so!

In his opinion.

For such a situation to occur, these Hokage's Anbu did it on purpose. The purpose was very simple, and that was to monitor him.


Aoba did not care at all.

His gaze only swept over these people once, then immediately took a step forward and walked toward the tent where these people were.

"I will live here."

Aoba said indifferently. As he spoke, he walked toward one of the tents.

Actually, he had no choice!

There were only two tents left here...

There were four people in each tent, so both has only one person missing. However, the eight people were all Hokage's Anbu. Every one of them had once monitored Aoba on the way here.

It could be said.

This was a trap that these few Hokage's Anbu had especially left for Aoba.

After Aoba walked into one of the tents, he immediately saw all the positions near the tent entrance were occupied, leaving only the innermost place.

It was very obvious.

This was also planned beforehand.

Aoba believed that the other tent was also like this. The position left behind was also the innermost place, so if he made even the slightest movement, he would not be able to escape the eyes of these people.


Aoba thought to himself. It seemed that these people had already decided that he was someone who had something to do with Eaton.


Aoba was certain.

These people were only following orders to monitor such matters.

They didn't know the specific situation here, nor did they know the reason why Hiruzen had arranged this. It was even more impossible for them to know that it might be an Uzumaki clan matter.

Aoba walked to the remaining place in the tent. He sat down and slowly closed his eyes, putting on a posture of not wanting to talk to strangers.

Just after Aoba entered.

The other people walked into the tent one after another. Their eyes all fell on Aoba. After seeing Aoba's appearance, everyone had a question mark on their heads.

Was this person so cold?

While monitoring Aoba, these Hokage Anbu found that the young man under their surveillance had almost no friends. Other than saying a few words to Eaton after arriving at the border, he had not spoken to anyone.

That indifferent appearance.

Even these Hokage's Anbu were very surprised. They had never seen such a person before.

All of a sudden.

The four of them looked and nodded at each other.

"Hello, my name is Harano. What is your name?" One of the Hokage's Anbu took the initiative to greet Aoba. The atmosphere was too heavy right now, and it was not what they wanted.

After all.

The reason they had attracted Aoba here was not just to sleep.

If they sleep and don't do something else, wouldn't it be a waste of such a good opportunity?

After the ninja spoke, there was no more sound.

Aoba still had his eyes closed and did not say a word. He looked as if he had not heard anything. He was extremely indifferent during the entire process.


The four Hokage's Anbu looked at each other and could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

To be honest.

They had never seen such a person.

After that.

The ninja who spoke just now pursed his lips and looked at Aoba again. He said, "Hello, my name is Harano. What's your name?"

The voice of this ninja was a little louder than before, and it was obvious that he was talking to Aoba.

A moment later.

Aoba's eyelashes moved slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes. The light in his eyes was still indifferent.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm here to participate in the battle."

"I'm not here to make friends."

After Aoba finished speaking, he closed his eyes again and did not say anything else.


The four Hokage's Anbu were stunned again. This situation was completely different from what they had imagined.

The other person directly said that he was here to participate in the battle.

What else could they say?

It completely blocked the words that everyone wanted to say.

For a moment.

The inside of the tent fell into silence, and everyone did not speak again.


After sitting quietly in the tent for a period of time, Aoba directly lay down to sleep. He was really sleeping, not the kind of camouflage.

Logically speaking, there was no need to sleep too soundly in the tents on the front line. In addition, most people were nervous because of the upcoming war, so sleeping was not so easy. Most importantly, these ninjas had just arrived at the front line. On the first night, when the tents were distributed, 90% of the ninjas were chatting.

Aoba did not care about this.

Since these four Hokage's Anbu were monitoring him, he did not need to do anything. These people would handle things here.

After all, surveillance was not an assassination.

There was no need to worry about safety at all.

It was even equivalent to him having four night watchers by his side, helping him do the night watch work, and there was no need to panic when he encountered anything.


On the other side.


Under the moonlight, a figure stood on the rock and looked mysterious.

This person was wearing Kirigakure's ninja clothes. It was Satsuma Rentaro who appeared in the Forest of Death during the Chunin Exams.

Of course.

This was not the real Satsuma Rentaro.

Instead, it was Aoba's shadow clone.

Before leaving Konohagakure for the frontline battlefield, Aoba had left three shadow clones behind to complete his plan.

Although Aoba could use Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) and teleport back to Konohagakure instantly, he decided to leave his shadow clone in advance, considering the many variables on the battlefield.

Looking at it now.

It was the right choice.

There were many eyes staring at him. Not to mention using Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Shadow Clone Technique), even the slightest movement would fall into the eyes of those people. There was no way to escape.

Now, the role of the reserved shadow clones was revealed.

With the support of Shikigami no Mai(Dance of the Shikigami) and Kami no Shisha no Jutsu(Paper Person of God Technique), one of Aoba's shadow clones changed into the appearance of a Kirigakure ninja, Satsuma Rentaro, and now appeared above Konohagakure.

"The plan begins!"

The corners of Aoba clone's mouth slightly curled up. The plan was very simple. It was to attract the attention of the Konohagakure people through various things so that Konohagakure's people knew that Satsuma Rentaro, who had killed the three Iwagakure ninjas, was still in the village.

As a result.

Aoba, who followed Konohagakure Intelligence Division to the front line, was no longer a suspect.

In this way, he personally handed Hiruzen an alibi.


Aoba's clone suddenly jumped out, his whole person quickly shuttling through the night-shrouded Konohagakure.

He ran while looking for someone.

If other people sneaked into Konohagakure, the first thing they had to do was to hide and avoid being discovered by others.

Now, Aoba's clone was the opposite. He did not hide from people at all. Instead, he was still looking for people. He needed to be seen by more people, and it was best to cause some public commotion.

Aoba didn't know how much the name Satsuma Rentaro was worth to Kirigakure and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

However, he decided to try it and squeeze out this identity.

Swish Swish Swish...

As Aoba's clone was shuttling back and forth, his eyes immediately lit up. He locked onto a target, and after his figure continuously rose and fell, he swept past the head of this figure.


All of a sudden.

A cry of alarm sounded.

That person was none other than Uchiha Fugaku, whom Aoba was very familiar with.

At this time.

Fugaku was on a routine night patrol.

Not long after he walked out, he saw a figure pass on top of his head. And after hearing him, the figure speed became even faster.

There was something wrong with this person!

Fugaku immediately determined that there was something wrong with this person. Without any hesitation, he directly jumped out and chased after Aoba's clone.


When Fugaku was quickly running, his eyes trembled slightly and immediately changed. From the black eyeball, it turned into three tomoe Sharingan.

Along with the appearance of Sharingan.

Fugaku saw everything in front of him more clearly and instantly saw the figure running not far away from him.

"It's you!"

The moment Fugaku saw Aoba's clone, he immediately recognized the identity of the latter.

It was the person he had seen in the warehouse of the Country of Water merchant.

At that time, he had chased him all the way to the forest, but in the end, he had not been able to catch up. However, at that time, he had found his weakness. That was when he chased someone; he did not need to use Mangekyo Sharingan's ability immediately. That would consume too much energy, and it would be easy for his body not to be able to keep up.

"This time, don't even think about running away!"

Fugaku immediately roared. His roar directly tore through the sky, tearing apart the quiet atmosphere of the night. It was so much so that many people in the village were awakened, and there were even children crying in panic.

"Last time, I let you run away, which led to tragedy!"

"Don't think of getting away this time!"

"The tragedy in the Chunin Exams was your handiwork, right?"

"Satsuma Rentaro!"

Fugaku shouted out one sentence after another. He was using this method to inform the other Konoha Military Police Force ninjas who were still on patrol in the village to let everyone go and surround this person in front of him.

Satsuma Rentaro.

Konoha Military Police Force had been searching for this person for several days.

The sensor ninjas who Hiruzen ordered to search for clues had obtained very crucial information in their memories about the person who killed them.

The person who did this was a Kirigakure ninja named Satsuma Rentaro.

It was precisely because of this.

When Fugaku saw the back of Aoba's clone, he immediately knew that this person was Satsuma Rentaro. In an instant, he connected everything together.


Aoba's clone let out a sneer. He turned slightly and stared sideways as if he had just seen Fugaku.

"It's you!"

"You were no match for me last time!"


"You still won't be able to catch me this time!"

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