Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 332: Paving the Way for Minato’s Future Power Replacement

Eaton coldly looked at the village higher-ups in front of him. Everyone's image in his heart had changed drastically.

They were no longer the nearly perfect people he looked up to.

Just when he was in the Hokage's office. He found that everyone was the same as him!

In the past, his impression of Konohagakure's higher-ups remained when he had just stepped into the political circle.

It was just that over the years, he had always been deep in Konohagakure Intelligence Division. He had no chance to have too much contact with Konohagakure's higher-ups.

Now, he found that many things in the past had changed. It made him feel that Konohagakure was like a magnified Konohagakure Intelligence Division. Even the village's Hokage was no different from the Konohagakure Intelligence Division Captain of the past.

Once this feeling appeared, it wasn't easy to disappear. It made it difficult for Eaton to feel strong awe from the bottom of his heart toward Hiruzen and the others.

Originally, he felt that the glory of these higher-ups had brought more and more prestige to Konohagakure, and it seemed that the halo of these positions had been applied to them, making them even more brilliant.

At this point, Eaton's respect for these Konohagakure higher-ups had changed. This was not his respect for these people. It was his respect for this position.

In other words.

Anyone who sat in the Hokage position would receive his respect, even if it were a dog. This was his view of this position.

As for the person...

That was all!

There was an indescribable sense of disappointment in Eaton's heart!

He found that, to a certain extent, these higher-ups were not doing better than some of the middle-level people he knew; they just happened to occupy this position.

After Eaton said this, everyone, including Hiruzen, was silent for a moment, and the atmosphere suddenly became strange. Especially Hiruzen, his face turned a little ugly. He was just trying to smooth things over for Eaton.

Now, he suddenly realized. This Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain, he was especially inflexible when it came to doing things.

It was one thing to ask about the identity of the medical ninja just now, but now he had to let Koharu explain what had happened before he was willing to say what the No. 18 herb was.

This made his impression of Eaton become very bad!

"Eaton, you don't have to be so stubborn. You can take a step back in this matter. Tell Koharu the No. 18 herb so she can be at ease and patiently tell you what happened." Seeing that the situation was not good, Homura pushed his eyeglasses and began to use words to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Koharu-sama, as long as you tell me what happened here, I will tell you what the No. 18 herb is!"

Homura's words aroused Eaton's stubbornness. If it were in the past, they would only use their position to suppress him.

Right now, he had secrets that these people did not know about.

Could it be...

Do you have to be so tough when you are asking about secrets?

Are you interrogating me?

Eaton suddenly understood why Konohagakure had been in such a mess during this period, and forces that betrayed the village often appeared.

Konohagakure's higher-ups were definitely not without problems!

Eaton had already made some judgments in his heart. Based on Danzo's treatment this time, whether it was him or Aoba, neither of them received the praise, but instead, they got deeper suspicions.

"Eaton, what exactly is going on with you? It is a moment of life and death. Do you have to show your personality at this time? Now that Danzo urgently needs the No. 18 herb to save his life, do you have to let me explain what the situation is first before you are willing to say what the herb is? " Koharu narrowed her eyes and said. The expression on her face and the tone of her voice did not hide the dissatisfaction and anger in her heart. If not for the sake of the No. 18 herb, she would probably have to teach Eaton a lesson.

"Hehehe, Koharu-sama, if you had explained it to me from the beginning, I'm afraid it would have been finished by now." Eaton sneered. He was still more enthusiastic. Anyway, he could see that this matter would not bring him any hope of promotion. As long as these people were the higher-ups, he had no hope of advancement. He might as well let himself be happy.

"What are you saying!"

After hearing Eaton's words, Koharu frowned even more. Her face was full of anger, and she was about to go crazy.

"Eaton, you are disregarding Danzo's life and death. Now tell me the No. 18 herb. Don't talk so much nonsense!" Koharu shouted angrily.


When Eaton heard Koharu's words, he laughed. Instead, he suddenly let go and did not care about those things anymore.


"You said that I don't care about Danzo-sama's life and death!"

"Then who found a medical ninja to treat Danzo-sama's injury!"

Eaton's tone became more and more serious. As he explained the truth, he also completely vented the unfair treatment he had suffered in his heart.

This was what he was thinking right now!

Eaton knew that the one who contributed the most was Aoba. Still, he was also very clear that if he hadn't mentioned the problem of treating Danzo's injuries to Aoba, then Aoba might not have taken the risk of exposing his identity by revealing his hidden medical ninjutsu.

Compared to the three people in front of him!

On the contrary, Eaton felt more trust in Aoba.

After all, he was the only one in Konohagakure who knew that Aoba was Tsunade's student and the only one who knew that Aoba was here to treat Danzo.

In fact, he knew what the No. 18 herb that Aoba had told him was. Aoba had already told him. It just doesn't exist at all!


It was precisely because of Aoba's words that he had doubts in his heart. He did not know why he said that Danzo was not poisoned.

He wanted to ask what was going on. This was not his curiosity. It was a question of his principles!

Because he vaguely realized something from Aoba's words.

That was...

They were the people who came to treat Danzo-sama's injuries!

They were the heroes of Konohagakure!


It seemed that they did not receive the treatment they deserved!


When Koharu heard Eaton's words, she suddenly laughed. However, her smile was filled with displeasure.

"Eaton, that medical ninja is the person you found. I did not want to say this, but I felt that I should give you a face. But you forced me!" Koharu's tone began to become fierce.

"That medical ninja is indeed the only medical ninja I have ever seen in my life. Even the Slug Princess Tsunade herself might not be able to do this. I admit this!"

Koharu's eyes focused on Eaton. Her serious and dignified eyes seemed to want to frighten Eaton.


Koharu's tone suddenly changed. Her voice instantly became even more serious, immediately bringing the emotions of the surrounding people into it. Homura and Hiruzen were also puzzled. They did not know why she suddenly looked so angry.

"You probably don't know what he did!"

"What did he do?" Eaton asked in a low voice. He increasingly felt something was happening, and his heart was mainly on Aoba's side.

"After treating Danzo, he gave me a list with a total of 17 herbs!" Koharu flipped her wrist, and a list appeared in everyone's sight.

"What does this list mean?" Homura immediately asked. His face turned serious, and the glasses on his nose were constantly emitting rays of light under the light. He looked very dignified.

"Koharu, make it clear!" Hiruzen also nodded and asked Koharu. He seemed to be asking, but in fact, he did not seem to care.

Such a scene.

All of it fell into his eyes. If it was to trick others. Perhaps they would be conquered by their acting skills and would not be able to see any problems.


Eaton became the Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain for an unknown number of years.

It could be said that no one in the entire Konohagakure had more experience than him when it came to checking whether other people were lying or not.

He saw the slight fluctuation in the depths of Homura's eyes and the subtle changes in the space between Hiruzen's eyebrows. He knew that they all knew about this matter. They just pretended not to know, and the purpose was to cooperate with Koharu to perform.

For a moment, Eaton's face darkened even more.


These people were still playing tricks with him!

He suddenly realized that Konohagakure was not as sacred as he had imagined. There were still many problems that he had not discovered before. For example, now...

He had already realized. There were several people in the room now. Including Danzo, who was unconscious on the bed. They were just a few people standing at the top of Konohagakure!

It was not that they could stand at the top but gradually developed their ability after standing at the top.

Eaton quietly looked at Koharu. The more they acted like this, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the content of these words.

Perhaps this was the case. But it would display a completely different effect when the same thing was said from different angles.

He had experienced too much in Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

When prisoners explained things, they chose to avoid the important and deliberately let the focus be on the past so that their crimes were not so obvious.

Koharu stared at Eaton. She did not see the effect she wanted from Eaton. However, Homura and Hiruzen had already cooperated with her. She could only continue to explain.

"This is a list for an antidote!"

Koharu said coldly. She seemed to recall what had happened when Aoba left, and her expression worsened.

"It's the medical ninja you found. After he gave this list to me, he told me to follow the dose on the list. Two times a day, a total of three days. Give the antidote to Danzo to take, and then the poison on Danzo will be removed!"

"You should understand now!"

"The medical ninja you found secretly poisoned Danzo during the treatment!"

"Do you still think that you did a good thing?"

"I didn't tell you about this; I just thought you were kind to the village and took care of your face!"

"Who knew that you had to ask like this!"

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Hurry up and tell me the No. 18 herb!"

"I have to hurry up and prepare the antidote for Danzo!"

Koharu said one sentence after another. She was already furious in her heart. She was extremely dissatisfied with what Aoba had done. In addition, when Eaton spoke to her, he was adamant. This made the dissatisfaction in her heart rise again. After continuously growing, it reached an unpleasant standard.

It was because of these reasons stacked together.

It had already made her forget or ignore the fact that she wanted to take off Aoba's mask, completely wrapping Aoba up as a bad person.

"Koharu-sama, there is one thing I don't understand. The medical ninja I hired saved Danzo-sama, so why did he poison Danzo-sama?" Eaton asked in a deep voice.

After listening to Koharu's narration, he had a general understanding of this matter.

He believed that what Koharu said was true. Of course, there might be some added content, but some details were definitely omitted.

As for those details...

With his years of experience in interrogation, he had already guessed the gist of it.

"That's simple. After he saves Danzo, he will use his poison to threaten the village and achieve his goal!" Koharu said coldly.

In fact, she was half right. Aoba really wanted to achieve his goal when saving Danzo.

However, he did not poison him. Instead, he used Kinkoju no Fuda(Forbidden Individual Curse Tag). He did not want to threaten the village. Instead, he tried to control Danzo to achieve the effect of controlling Konohagakure's hidden forces.

Of course, compared to Koharu's clumsy cover-up. Aoba covered everything up very well. He first said that he had poisoned Danzo, then told Eaton that he had not poisoned him. From then on, these people would not think that there was another curse seal tag besides poison.

The reason for this poisoning. It became an excuse to block a bullet on the surface!

"Koharu-sama, I don't understand. Then what did he threaten the village?" Eaton narrowed his eyes and stared at Koharu not far away. He said, "He told me what the No. 18 herb is. You have to tell me what he threatened the village and what he achieved?"


After hearing Eaton's words, Koharu trembled slightly. She was very clear about the reason. He was threatening her to let him go. But what was she going to say?!

Koharu was speechless for a moment. She had not thought of an excuse for this side. After the crazy attack just now, she did not expect to reveal an unexplainable problem.

When Eaton saw Koharu's appearance, he thought of how Aoba had hurriedly pulled him out of the building and asked him not to ask anything, so he immediately understood.

Perhaps this advisor-sama was making things difficult for Aoba!

Aoba pretended to say that he had poisoned Danzo, but he was using this excuse to protect himself!

Thinking of this, Eaton's face darkened even more. He had not expected this problem when he decided to treat Danzo's injuries.

They had cured Danzo. However, they had been treated like this by the village higher-ups. This made him feel a chill in his heart!


On the other side.

The tall tower's third-floor; watchtower

When Aoba felt the information rush into his brain, he immediately realized that the three shadow clones numbered 1, 2, and 3 had completed their respective tasks.


'Let's see what progress Eaton can reach!'

He has already played the part that he can perform to the extreme, slowly making the middle level lose confidence in the higher-ups of the village, paving the road for Minato's future power replacement...

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