Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 305: A Place Where Orochimaru Has Never Entered

Aoba muttered to himself in a low voice.

For this method of directly sealing a ninja, he still has a lot of knowledge. He had learned all of these from the books Minato had given him.

Because of this, he felt more and more that the Hyuga clan needed to undergo another evolution.

Other than Byakugan, they were born with nothing.

Those Juken(Gentle Fist) techniques were also created by their ancestors. It was just that their ancestors could only create such things at that time.

However, the lighting release body technique was at least created by the Second Raikage.

Based on the level, the Second Raikage was a Kage.

Aoba now increasingly felt that the chakra pathway blocking method of Juken(Gentle Fist) could be said to have extremely strong control over the enemy, but the same effect was too replaceable.

And also...

When a Hyuga ninja was fighting using Juken(Gentle Fist), it was a one-on-one fight. In that extremely fair environment, it can be said to be effective.

But if it was a free-for-all fight. It requires multiple ninjas from the Hyuga clan to fight together.

When they were using Juken(Gentle Fist), the attack style was as fine as rain. Although they could control the opponent before they finished the whole set of techniques, making it difficult for the opponent to counter. They also control themselves. After all, before they finished the whole set, the people of the Hyuga clan could not do anything else.

In Aoba's mind, the plan for the Hyuga clan was born for a moment. Of course. these plans should only be realized after Minato became the Hokage.

"Ding Dong! Memory Reading Succesful! Obtained: Katon: Karyu Endan(Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)!"

The crisp electronic prompt rang out in Aoba's mind again. Just as he pasted the talisman paper on the Root ninja's head, he just happened to read his memory.

In a split second, Fragments of memories flooded into Aoba's mind.

Aoba's figure flashed, sticking to the wall, and then quickly searched through the memory of Root ninja about Danzo's office.

A moment later, Aoba's eyes lit up.

Sure enough!

Although the first floor of this building was where Hokage's Anbu lived. However, right below Danzo's office was a locked forbidden room.

No one was allowed to enter there!

In Aoba's opinion...

It should be the entrance to the underground corridor.

Aoba quickly walked towards the forbidden room on the first floor. After a while, he arrived at the door of the forbidden room, which was firmly locked. The lock was already rusty and covered with a thick layer of dust.

This place should not have been opened for a long time. At least five years. Aoba even felt that he might have said too little.


If he wanted to enter the secret corridor, he would need other methods.

Suddenly, Aoba looked up at Danzo's office on the second floor. Thinking of this, he quickly climbed up to the second floor.

He had been to Danzo's office once, so even without the Root ninja's memories, he could accurately find the location of Danzo's office.

A few breaths later, Aoba stood at the door of Danzo's office.

The door was tightly closed. However, it was not locked. As long as he twisted the door, he could open the door here.

Aoba did not know if Danzo had never had the habit of locking the door to the office, or he believed in the Root ninjas guarding the door outside, or he had forgotten to lock the door in a hurry.


No matter what the reason was. Aoba directly unlocked the door and walked in. After Aoba entered the office. He found that the office was particularly empty.

There was only a desk and a chair. The desk was extremely clean, and the bare surface of the desk could almost reflect light. There were no documents.

This kind of scene was expected by Aoba. He was not here to look for those documents. If he was looking for those things, the most likely place to appear was in Root.

In Aoba's opinion, Danzo was not stupid enough to casually place such important documents in an office without locks.

Aoba walked to the desk.

He looked at the chair.

He looked at the desk again.

He opened the drawer in turn.

There were only a few pens and a few blank scrolls inside.


When Aoba saw this scene, he sneered. If someone didn't know the situation and saw Danzo's office, they would probably label him as "clean and honest".


Think about it carefully. This wasn't too excessive. At the very least, Danzo really didn't use his position to get money.

He was just killing people!


Aoba swept his gaze across the empty office and finally fixed his gaze on the bookshelf at the back.

This bookshelf wasn't big, and it was absolutely symmetrical and not small. The bookshelf was filled with all sorts of books, and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with it. However, Aoba had already realized the problem with the bookshelf.

Instantly, Aoba walked to the front of the bookshelf. He carefully looked at the bookshelves.

The books on the shelves were very neat. Looking at the paper from the side, it was slightly yellow. It could be seen that it had been bought for some years, but there were no signs of flipping it through.

This was very problematic, Danzo did not even leave a scroll here, but he arranged so many books and did not read much.

Suddenly, Aoba squatted on the ground and looked at the surface of the ground. Immediately, he saw some subtle traces of dragging on the wooden floor.

These traces were not obvious. Unless one looked carefully, it was difficult to find them.

However, in the entire Konohagakure. There were a few people who dared to squat on the ground under the bookshelf in front of Danzo and carefully observe if there were scratches on the floor.

If so, I'm afraid that they would disappear into thin air in a few minutes.

Aoba had seized the perfect opportunity using the Kumogakure ninja invasion.

From a certain point of view...

The Third Raikage helped him achieve his goal. He played the role of attracting attention for his actions. It could be said that he made a wedding dress for him.

This was the reckless Third Raikage. After losing a brain like Hari, he didn't think much about doing things, which gave him a lot of opportunities.

Aoba seized this opportunity. Otherwise, he didn't know how long he would have to wait before he could come to Danzo's office in such a carefree manner.

"Judging from the scratches on the base, it should be pushed directly from left to right..."

Aoba felt the sliding lines on the ground. It seemed that there was no mechanism on the bookshelf, but it needed to be pushed in a simple and crude way.

Instantly, Aoba came to the side where there was no trace on the ground of the bookshelf. Then he suddenly exerted force and pushed the bookshelf to the side.


The lower end of the bookshelf rubbed against the floor, creating a loud noise. This bookshelf was directly pushed away by Aoba using brute force.

In a split second, a secret door appeared in Aoba's line of sight.

The design of this secret door was exactly the same as the secret door on the 1st floor of the Hokage Building.

"I found it!"

A hint of joy flashed in Aoba's eyes. He was more and more looking forward to what was in the secret room. Since it was hidden very carefully, then it could be said that it contained important things.

Aoba immediately made his move. There weren't many opportunities like this. If he missed out on this opportunity, he wouldn't be able to do it again. It was very difficult for the Third Raikage to do it a second time.

Aoba slapped his palm on the secret door and instantly opened it, revealing a dark expanse.

It was already night. The surroundings were completely dark. The inside of the secret passage was extremely dark. He could not see his fingers when he stretched out his hand. He could not see anything at all.

Without any hesitation, Aoba walked into the secret passage. When he stood at the entrance of the secret passage. His hands dragged the bookshelf back to its former position, sealing his exit.

He could leave through Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique).

There was no need for him to return through the same route. This allowed him to enter without any pressure after encountering some secret places.

It was impossible to trap him!

After Aoba entered the secret passage, he immediately canceled the lightning chakra in his body and controlled the chakra in his body to gather it in his eyes.

In a split second, the vision in front of Aoba became much clearer. He was more accustomed to the dark environment than others, which could not cause him any trouble.

In front of him was a staircase. It was no different from the stairs when he just came up to the second floor.

Aoba walked down the stairs. After he turned a corner, a sealed door appeared in front of him.

This secret door was like an escape tunnel. It was between the stairs. This staircase could still continue down, and it was far from the end.

"If I'm not wrong, this secret door should be that forbidden room's door on the first floor. The reason for closing the forbidden room might not be just because the forbidden room would lead underground, but also because it would lead to Danzo's office."

Aoba silently analyzed. He found that the architectural style here was unified. The building materials belonged to the same batch. Moreover, from the architecture, it was difficult to dig and upgrade. It should have been designed like this since the construction of this building.

Now that he thinks about it...

The secret passage below the Hokage Building should have been there since its establishment.

In other words...

These two secret passages should have been created by the First Hokage Senju Hasirama.



It could also have been created by Tobirama!

Aoba's head was quickly thinking. No matter who built it, it should have been built when Konohagakure was built. Perhaps the specific situation could only be carefully checked after going in.

"So it really has nothing to do with Root."

A helpless smile appeared on Aoba's face. He was reflecting on his way of thinking. He was indeed a little too sensitive. As long as he thought of the underground, he would directly think of Root. But in fact, the past Hokage had the possibility of creating this secret passage.

Aoba continued to go down the stairs until he reached the bottom. He immediately saw a dark corridor.


This corridor was different from what Aoba had imagined.

It directly extended toward the direction of the Hokage Building. If there was no change in the direction behind… It could be said that this corridor was connected to the corridor in the Hokage Building.

The two corridors intersected vertically, but they did not collide at all. They were both single-way corridors.


The corners of Aoba's mouth curled up slightly. He was even more eager to see what was about to happen. His curiosity was completely stirred up by this long corridor.

However, Aoba did not immediately move forward. Instead, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the stairs. He then walked to the side of the stairs.

He raised his right hand and directly released his chakra from his right hand.


As Aoba's palm trembled slightly. A Flying Thunder God Formula was engraved on the stairs, hidden in the darkness.

Aoba left a coordinate here.

He knew very well that it would not be so easy to come here again. It was impossible for him to come in through Danzo's office again, so he left a Flying Thunder God Formula here. It might be useful in the future.

"It's done."

Aoba nodded in satisfaction. Then, he looked in the dark long corridor. At a glance, there was endless darkness. There was no end to it at all.

This time, there was no more hesitation. Aoba took a step forward and walked along the dark corridor.

This long dark corridor was not really that long. It was only a few hundred meters long.

As such, when Aoba reached the end of the long corridor, he did not see any stone doors along the way.

However, at the end of the corridor, Aoba was pleasantly surprised.

There was another staircase. This time, it was not going up but down. It could be determined by the stairs' direction that this would sink into the ground again.

The place to go was even lower than the ground here.

Of course, it was still the same old rule. Aoba did not go down immediately. Instead, he raised his right hand and pressed down on the wall by the stairs.


A stream of chakra surged out from his right hand and directly imprinted a Flying Thunder God Formula on the wall.

After Aoba imprinted the Flying Thunder God Formula on the wall, he placed a Flying Thunder God Formula on both ends of the corridor. Now he could come to both sides at any time.

Although this corridor was a straight line, as long as there was a Flying Thunder God Formula, he could go to both sides of the corridor.

After leaving a Flying Thunder God Formula, Aoba began to walk down the stairs in front of him.

Soon, he reached the bottom.

There was still a corridor below, and he was in the middle. One could see the other side at a glance.

"I understand!"

Aoba's eyes widened. He already knew where he was. Right now, he was trying to determine the location based on the Flying Thunder God Formula he sensed.

At this time, it was as if he was in a long corridor with a "U' shape.

His position was at the bottom of the "U'.

In other words...

The "U" shaped corridor that Aoba was in was just beside the corridor behind the secret door on the first floor of the Hokage Building. The middle of the "U" was where he found those corpses.

At this moment, Aoba looked toward the corridor on the left.

"The corridor on the left should be the corridor for those rooms in between those rooms with corpses."

Then, Aoba looked to the right again.

"The corridor on the right should be behind the straight corridor wall with candle sticks opposite the rooms with corpses. I just don't know if it's a long corridor or a big room."

Aoba quickly thought about it. Combined with the Flying Thunder God Formula he had set up, he roughly determined his current location, as well as the location of the corridor behind the secret door of the first floor in the Hokage Building.


Aoba turned his head to the corridor on the left, and his eyes became determined. He directly strode in that direction.

"Let's start with the corridor on the left!"

Aoba quickly walked over. He still had greater expectations for the secret rooms, so he was ready to uncover the secrets in the secret room first.

Aoba turned to the corridor on the left. The feeling of this corridor was the same as when he was at the secret door of the Hokage Building.

The same style.

The same material.

It was just like a mirror image.

The corridor behind the door of the Hokage Building had a stone door on the left and candlesticks on the right.

This corridor had candlesticks on the left, and some stone doors could be seen on the right.

"So this is the place!"

Aoba's eyes flashed with excitement. He took a step forward and directly walked into the corridor. As he walked, he knocked on the wall on the left.

After the wall on the left was knocked. The sound of the feedback was very dull. He could completely feel that it was a solid structure. He can confirm that there was no more space on the left side.

This corridor with the shape of a "U". There were no more outer layer settings. After Aoba confirmed these details, he had already walked to the first stone door.

This stone door was no different from the stone door he had seen in the Hokage Building.

Aoba stretched out his hand to push the stone door.


The stone door made a sound and was directly opened. Suddenly, a smell of decay came out from the stone room.

It was very pungent.

Compared to the preservative treatment in the stone room behind the secret door in the Hokage Building. It could be said to be heaven and earth.

The smell here was like entering a garbage dump, and it made Aoba unable to open his eyes.

"This smell is too fierce!"

Aoba felt a surge of nausea in his stomach, and he did not feel very well. He instantly controlled the chakra in his body and condensed it on his nose and mouth in an extremely gentle manner, sealing his sense of smell and taste.

After completing this operation, only then did Aoba feel a little better.

This kind of room. He didn't even want to imprint a Flying Thunder God Formula inside.

Then. Aoba looked inside the room.

There were more than a dozen corpses piled up on the ground. There were no iron shelves like in the secret door on the Hokage Building.

"I think I understand what is going on..."

Aoba instantly made a judgment in his heart. When he entered the corridor behind the secret door in the Hokage Building, he thought that he had entered the Root, so he did not think too much about it.

When he entered the place where Kumogakure's ninja body was stored, he found that the corpses had been processed, and their internal organs had been hollowed out. Obviously, it was the work of Orochimaru.

Then the iron shelves in the room should also be made by Orochimaru.

However, right now, these stone rooms…

Perhaps they were places that Orochimaru had never entered before!

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