Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 207: I Haven’t Played Enough, How Can I Let You Go!

"You... you... you..."

This Kumogakure Ninja clenched his teeth tightly, and his entire body was in a state of extreme pain.

This made him somewhat unable to bear it anymore!

He wanted to explain to this interrogator ninja in front of him that it was not his second time here, but his first time!

But it was already too late!

His treasure was already gone!

In a short period of time.

His pants were already dyed red with blood...

In this situation.

Whether it was the first time or not was no longer important!


The three prisoners who were watching from the side could not help but gasp once again. Their hearts beat wildly, and they felt as if their hearts were about to jump out.

Too ruthless!

It was really too ruthless!

This was a bit too terrifying!

They had just witnessed the whole process with their own eyes. The seemingly young interrogator ninja was so bloody when he attacked.

For a moment.

An unprecedented thought of turning over a new leaf appeared in their minds.

It was not that stealing was not exciting.

It was that the punishment was too severe!

They thought that if they were caught again and sent to Konohagakure Intelligence Division, they would encounter this interrogator ninja in front of them...

Maybe they would turn into women after more than ten days...

Just as they were in a state of extreme shock, a violent turmoil broke out in their hearts.

Aoba moved again.

Only to see...

Under the gaze of the three, Aoba stretched out his hand. A hazy blue light appeared on his fingertips and directly cut open this Kirigakure ninja's throat.


Another red line of blood spurted out like a fountain and almost hit Aoba's mask.

Such a scene.

Together with the bright red color.

Once again, the three prisoners here were shocked. Even the rhythm of their breathing had changed, and they no longer dared to continue watching.


At the same time, this thought appeared in their minds!

They all knew that they would be tortured when entering Konohagakure Intelligence Division. Still, when it comes to the people in the village, they were usually more merciful and did not use too extreme torture.

Unless they encountered something particularly serious.

When this Kirigakure ninja was sent in, the prison guard leader did warn him, but that level of torture should not be like this.

You have to know...

This interrogator ninja did not even ask from the beginning. He stabbed and cut the balls. Now he directly cut the throat. This was too terrifying!


Their shock was not over yet.

Aoba's next move came.

Under their gaze.

Aoba raised his left hand and directly grabbed at the throat of this Kirigakure ninja who was cut open. In an instant, he went deep into the throat and crushed the bones in the latter's throat.


This sound was not clear.

It was not as clear as the sound of eating chicken bones.


It was this weak sound.

The three prisoners turned pale with fright, not daring to imagine what kind of pain this was.

"Now I'll help you remove your Adam's apple!"

After Aoba finished speaking, his left hand reached out from this Kirigakure Ninja's throat. His right hand directly cut across the latter's neck and used Shōsen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique) to instantly heal the wound.


After this Kirigakure ninja's throat was cut and healed, he immediately made a sharp sound just like a woman, but slightly hoarse, which shocked him greatly. But because he was in so much pain, he couldn't speak a complete word, "I... I..."

"Don't worry."

"There is still one more step."

"Take your time."

Aoba's indifferent voice slowly sounded and echoed in this compartment. He raised his hands and directly pointed at the chest of this Kirigakure ninja.

Hum! Hum!

Green chakra lingers in Aoba's hand.

This gentle chakra penetrated deep into the body of this Kirigakure Ninja. It instantly stimulated the latter's hormone secretion, causing the middle area of this Kirigakure Ninja to become a rare career line.


Aoba controlled the chakra in his hand and spread it towards the wound of this Kirigakure Ninja.


Aoba's chakra was attached to the wounds of Kirigakure's ninja body and stopping the latter from bleeding.

Because this Kirigakure ninja was still bleeding a lot.

His entire body was in a state of extreme weakness.

Aoba stopped the bleeding for him.

It was just to prevent this person from dying like this.


Aoba clapped his hands together and applauded this Kirigakure's Ninja. The loud applause echoed in this compartment.


"You have become a woman!"

"I hope that you will be able to change your mind and be a new person after you get out of Konoha Prison!"

Aoba said seriously. However, he was not saying these words to this Kirigakure Ninja but to the three prisoners who had not been dealt with.

At this moment.

The clothes of the three prisoners had been soaked with sweat.

But they seemed to feel nothing.

They didn't even bother to breathe.


The interrogator ninja not far away had already turned his head to look at them.

The expressionless cat face mask.

It looked like the face of a demon.

Through the actions just now, Aoba had left a deep mark on these three prisoners and became a shadow they would never be able to let go of in the future.

"It's your turn now!"

Aoba's voice was still as indifferent as before when he first saw these three prisoners as if he had no feelings.

These three prisoners thought that he could only say harsh words at that time.

But now, it had completely changed!

When they heard Aoba's voice, they began to tremble, especially when they felt a chill down below. Even their throats felt itchy.

"I will give you a chance."

"I was a little tired after dealing with that person just now."

"I don't want to do it anymore!"

Aoba said slowly. When his voice entered the ears of the three people, it immediately caused the three people to open their eyes wide, and a sense of relief flashed through their eyes.

"I will give you a confession letter now, and you will clearly write down what you have done!"


"My request is for you to write down all the mistakes you have done!"

"As long as there is one less!"

"Even if I am a little tired, I will help you complete the transformation of your lives!"

"Don't doubt my words!"

"And don't think that you can hide it from me!"

"Do you understand?"

Aoba's gaze swept across the faces of the three people. His indifferent tone coupled with his cold voice, these words that originally seemed like harsh words to them had already become the curse of a demon.




The three nodded at almost the same time. No one dared to disobey Aoba at this time.

For them.

It was not a problem to write down what they had done.

They had also done it in the past.

And they would just stay in prison for a few days.

When they first came in, they wanted to keep their mouths shut. It wasn't that they didn't want to say anything at all, but they felt that as long as they didn't tell him too much, they could be imprisoned for a few days less.

But now...

None of the three of them dared to take the risk!

That was a life-threatening risk!


Not only did they not dare to write less!

They were even more afraid that if they did not write enough, the interrogator ninja in front of them would think that they were deliberately missing something, so they wanted to write as much as possible.

"Very good!"

Aoba nodded in satisfaction. From a certain point of view, he was killing the chicken to warn the monkey example.


Aoba turned around and walked towards the small cabinet beside him.

He took out three confession letters and pens.

He handed them over to the three prisoners.

In order to allow them to write more about what they had done, Aoba untied the ropes for them.

Even though they had regained their freedom.

However, these three people had been scared out of their wits by the scene just now, and they did not dare to have any thoughts of resisting.

They all picked up their pens and quickly wrote down what they had been through. They were even afraid that if they wrote too slowly, there would be some punishment.

For a moment.

This compartment was filled with the sound of the tip of a pen rubbing against the paper.

Sha sha sha sha sha...

Just as the three people were writing their confession letters.

And because of the help of Aoba and Shōsen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique), that Kirigakure ninja no longer continued to bleed and the pain gradually decreased. It was not unbearable as before, and he could now speak.

"Where... where is mine..."

This Kirigakure ninja's lips turned deathly pale. Now, he also wanted to quickly write a confession letter and then be transferred to the prison by the guards.

The prison was even safer than here!

This was simply hell!

This Kirigakure ninja no longer wanted to dwell on the issue of male and female. He only wanted to keep his life and didn't want to continue to stay here. He was afraid that he would never see the sun again.

The words of this Kirigakure ninja.

They immediately attracted the attention of the three people, but they did not dare to turn their heads and look in that direction.

Still, they pricked up their ears and listened to what might happen over there.

After all...

It was their first time!

And the sister over there was already in his second time!

They definitely didn't want to come here to experience this second time, so they were quite curious about what would happen the second time.

"You don't need to write a confession letter," Aoba said lightly.

"Why... why?" A dumbfounded expression appeared on this Kirigakure ninja's pale face.

The three people who were paying attention to this side also became confused.

'Wasn't this Konohagakure Intelligence Division the place where the prisoners confessed through interrogation?'

'Why didn't he need to write confession?'

For a moment.

Small question marks popped up in their heads.

They had no idea what Aoba meant.

Just as they were extremely puzzled.

Aoba's voice rang out faintly, clearly entering their ears.

"I haven't played enough yet. How can I let you go!"

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